Interface ConfigRDFS<X>

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    BaseSetupRDFS, SetupRDFS

    public interface ConfigRDFS<X>
    Inference setup for RDFS over some space of 3-tuples of type <T>. <T> maybe Node but it may be some storage idea of a RDF term, such as TDB2's NodeId.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.util.Set<X> getDomain​(X elt)
      Get the domain(s) of a property - only includes mentioned domain types, not supertypes.
      java.util.Set<X> getPropertiesByDomain​(X elt)
      Get the properties that directly mention 'type' as their domain.
      java.util.Set<X> getPropertiesByRange​(X elt)
      Get the properties that directly mention 'type' as their range.
      java.util.Map<X,​java.util.Set<X>> getPropertyDomains()
      Return the mapping property to domains(s).
      java.util.Map<X,​java.util.Set<X>> getPropertyRanges()
      Return the mapping property to range(s).
      java.util.Set<X> getRange​(X elt)
      Get the range(s) of a property - only includes mentioned range types, not supertypes.
      java.util.Set<X> getSubClasses​(X elt)
      All sub-types of an element.
      java.util.Set<X> getSubClassesInc​(X elt)
      All sub-types of an element, including the element itself
      java.util.Map<X,​java.util.Set<X>> getSubClassHierarchy()
      Return the sub-class hierarchy - map from class to its subclasses (transitive).
      java.util.Set<X> getSubProperties​(X elt)
      All sub-properties.
      java.util.Set<X> getSubPropertiesInc​(X elt)
      All sub-properties including the property itself.
      java.util.Map<X,​java.util.Set<X>> getSubPropertyHierarchy()
      Return the sub-property hierarchy - map from property to its sub-properties (transitive).
      java.util.Set<X> getSuperClasses​(X elt)
      All super-types of an element.
      java.util.Set<X> getSuperClassesInc​(X elt)
      All super-types of an element, including the element itself.
      java.util.Set<X> getSuperProperties​(X elt)
      All super-properties.
      java.util.Set<X> getSuperPropertiesInc​(X elt)
      All super-properties including the property itself.
      boolean hasClassDeclarations()
      Does this setup have any class/subclass declarations?
      boolean hasDomainDeclarations()
      Does this setup have any domain declarations?
      boolean hasOnlyPropertyDeclarations()
      Does this setup have any property/subproperty declarations and no range, domain or subClass (which means no rdf:type work needed).
      boolean hasPropertyDeclarations()
      Does this setup have any property/subproperty declarations?
      boolean hasRangeDeclarations()
      Does this setup have any range declarations?
      boolean hasRDFS()
      Does this setup have any RDFS?
    • Method Detail

      • getSubClassHierarchy

        java.util.Map<X,​java.util.Set<X>> getSubClassHierarchy()
        Return the sub-class hierarchy - map from class to its subclasses (transitive).
      • getSubPropertyHierarchy

        java.util.Map<X,​java.util.Set<X>> getSubPropertyHierarchy()
        Return the sub-property hierarchy - map from property to its sub-properties (transitive).
      • getPropertyRanges

        java.util.Map<X,​java.util.Set<X>> getPropertyRanges()
        Return the mapping property to range(s).
      • getPropertyDomains

        java.util.Map<X,​java.util.Set<X>> getPropertyDomains()
        Return the mapping property to domains(s).
      • getSuperClasses

        java.util.Set<X> getSuperClasses​(X elt)
        All super-types of an element. Does not include the element unless there is a cycle of length > 1. Returns an empty set of there are no declared superclasses.
      • getSuperClassesInc

        java.util.Set<X> getSuperClassesInc​(X elt)
        All super-types of an element, including the element itself.
      • getSubClasses

        java.util.Set<X> getSubClasses​(X elt)
        All sub-types of an element. Does not include the element unless there is a cycle of length > 1
      • getSubClassesInc

        java.util.Set<X> getSubClassesInc​(X elt)
        All sub-types of an element, including the element itself
      • getSuperProperties

        java.util.Set<X> getSuperProperties​(X elt)
        All super-properties. Does not include the property itself unless there is a cycle of length > 1.
      • getSuperPropertiesInc

        java.util.Set<X> getSuperPropertiesInc​(X elt)
        All super-properties including the property itself.
      • getSubProperties

        java.util.Set<X> getSubProperties​(X elt)
        All sub-properties. Does not include the property itself unless there is a cycle of length > 1.
      • getSubPropertiesInc

        java.util.Set<X> getSubPropertiesInc​(X elt)
        All sub-properties including the property itself.
      • getRange

        java.util.Set<X> getRange​(X elt)
        Get the range(s) of a property - only includes mentioned range types, not supertypes.
      • getDomain

        java.util.Set<X> getDomain​(X elt)
        Get the domain(s) of a property - only includes mentioned domain types, not supertypes.
      • getPropertiesByRange

        java.util.Set<X> getPropertiesByRange​(X elt)
        Get the properties that directly mention 'type' as their range.
      • getPropertiesByDomain

        java.util.Set<X> getPropertiesByDomain​(X elt)
        Get the properties that directly mention 'type' as their domain.
      • hasClassDeclarations

        boolean hasClassDeclarations()
        Does this setup have any class/subclass declarations?
      • hasPropertyDeclarations

        boolean hasPropertyDeclarations()
        Does this setup have any property/subproperty declarations?
      • hasOnlyPropertyDeclarations

        boolean hasOnlyPropertyDeclarations()
        Does this setup have any property/subproperty declarations and no range, domain or subClass (which means no rdf:type work needed).
      • hasRangeDeclarations

        boolean hasRangeDeclarations()
        Does this setup have any range declarations?
      • hasDomainDeclarations

        boolean hasDomainDeclarations()
        Does this setup have any domain declarations?
      • hasRDFS

        boolean hasRDFS()
        Does this setup have any RDFS?