Class OpJoin

    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static Op create​(Op left,
                                Op right)
        Create join - an argument of null is simply dropped so Join.create(null, op) is op and Join.create(op,null) is op.
      • createReduce

        public static Op createReduce​(Op left,
                                      Op right)
        Create join, removing any joins with the identity table and any nulls.
        Join.create(null, op) is op.
        Join.create(op, null) is op.
        Join.create(TableUnit, op) is op.
        Join.create(op, TableUnit) is op.
      • isJoinIdentify

        public static boolean isJoinIdentify​(Op op)
      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
      • visit

        public void visit​(OpVisitor opVisitor)
      • copy

        public Op2 copy​(Op newLeft,
                        Op newRight)
        Specified by:
        copy in class Op2