Algebra |
Utilities to produce SPARQL algebra
AlgebraGenerator |
Class used to compile SPARQL queries into SPARQL algebra.
AlgebraQuad |
Helper class for converting an algebra expression into a quad form
OpAsQuery |
Convert an Op expression in SPARQL syntax, that is, the reverse of algebra
OpAsQuery.Converter |
OpExtRegistry |
Manage extension algebra operations
OpLib |
OpPrefixesUsed |
OpVars |
Get vars for a pattern
OpVisitorBase |
OpVisitorByType |
A visitor helper that maps all visits to a few general ones
OpVisitorByTypeBase |
OpWalker |
Apply a visitor to the whole structure of Ops, recursively.
PropertyFunctionGenerator |
TableFactory |
TransformBase |
TransformCopy |
One step in the transformation process.
Transformer |
A bottom-top application of a transformation of SPARQL algebra
TransformGraphRename |
Rename quad form alegbra
TransformQuadBlockGraph |
Transform that rewrites an algebra into quadblock form
TransformQuadGraph |
Transform that rewrites an algebra into quad form
TransformUnionQuery |
Convert query in algebra form so that the default graph of the query is the union of named graphs
TransformWrapper |
Wrap another transform and pass on the transform operation