Class SolverLib

  • public class SolverLib
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static <T> java.util.Iterator<T> makeAbortable​(java.util.Iterator<T> iter, java.util.List<Abortable> killList)
      Create an abortable iterator, storing it in the killList.
      static Node nodeTopLevel​(Node node)
      Convert a pattern node into ANY, or leave as a constant term.
      static boolean quadHasEmbTripleWithVars​(Quad quad)
      Test whether a quad has a triple term (RDF-star) as one of its components and that embedded triple term has variables.
      static boolean quadHasNodeTriple​(Quad quad)
      Test whether a quad has an triple term as one of its components.
      static boolean sameTermAs​(Node node1, Node node2)
      Test equality of two concrete teams.
      static boolean tripleHasEmbTripleWithVars​(Triple triple)
      Test whether a triple has a triple term (RDF-star) as one of its components and that embedded triple term has variables.
      static boolean tripleHasNodeTriple​(Triple triple)
      Test whether a triple has an triple term as one of its components.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • SolverLib

        public SolverLib()
    • Method Detail

      • makeAbortable

        public static <T> java.util.Iterator<T> makeAbortable​(java.util.Iterator<T> iter,
                                                              java.util.List<Abortable> killList)
        Create an abortable iterator, storing it in the killList. Just return the input iterator if killList is null.
      • tripleHasNodeTriple

        public static boolean tripleHasNodeTriple​(Triple triple)
        Test whether a triple has an triple term as one of its components.
      • quadHasNodeTriple

        public static boolean quadHasNodeTriple​(Quad quad)
        Test whether a quad has an triple term as one of its components.
      • tripleHasEmbTripleWithVars

        public static boolean tripleHasEmbTripleWithVars​(Triple triple)
        Test whether a triple has a triple term (RDF-star) as one of its components and that embedded triple term has variables.
      • quadHasEmbTripleWithVars

        public static boolean quadHasEmbTripleWithVars​(Quad quad)
        Test whether a quad has a triple term (RDF-star) as one of its components and that embedded triple term has variables.
      • sameTermAs

        public static boolean sameTermAs​(Node node1,
                                         Node node2)
        Test equality of two concrete teams.
      • nodeTopLevel

        public static Node nodeTopLevel​(Node node)
        Convert a pattern node into ANY, or leave as a constant term. Any Embedded triple term with a variable, that is <<?var>> becomes an ANY.