E_Add |
E_BNode |
E_Bound |
E_Call |
ARQ extension to SPARQL which provides for dynamic function invocation
E_Cast |
E_Coalesce |
SPARQL coalesce special form.
E_Conditional |
IF(expr, expr, expr)
E_Datatype |
E_DateTimeDay |
E_DateTimeHours |
E_DateTimeMinutes |
E_DateTimeMonth |
E_DateTimeSeconds |
E_DateTimeTimezone |
E_DateTimeTZ |
E_DateTimeYear |
E_Divide |
E_Equals |
E_Exists |
E_Function |
SPARQL filter function
E_FunctionDynamic |
E_GreaterThan |
E_GreaterThanOrEqual |
E_IsBlank |
E_IsLiteral |
E_IsNumeric |
E_IsTriple |
E_Lang |
E_LangMatches |
E_LessThan |
E_LessThanOrEqual |
E_LogicalAnd |
E_LogicalNot |
E_LogicalOr |
E_MD5 |
E_Multiply |
E_NotEquals |
E_NotExists |
E_NotOneOf |
E_Now |
E_NumAbs |
E_NumCeiling |
E_NumFloor |
E_NumRound |
E_OneOf |
E_OneOfBase |
E_OpNumericIntegerDivide |
E_OpNumericMod |
E_Random |
E_Regex |
Indirect to the chosen regular expression implementation
E_SameTerm |
E_SHA1 |
E_SHA224 |
E_SHA256 |
E_SHA384 |
E_SHA512 |
E_Str |
E_StrAfter |
E_StrBefore |
E_StrConcat |
E_StrContains |
E_StrDatatype |
Create a literal from lexical form and datatype URI
E_StrEncodeForURI |
E_StrEndsWith |
E_StrLang |
Create a literal from lexical form and language tag
E_StrLength |
E_StrLowerCase |
E_StrReplace |
E_StrStartsWith |
E_StrSubstring |
E_StrUpperCase |
E_Subtract |
E_TripleObject |
E_TriplePredicate |
E_TripleSubject |
E_TripleTerm |
E_UnaryMinus |
E_UnaryPlus |
E_Version |
ExprAggregator |
Group aggregation functions calculated a value during grouping and
placed in the output binding.
ExprBuild |
Visitor class to run over expressions and initialise them
ExprDigest |
ExprFunction |
A function in the expression hierarchy.
ExprFunction0 |
An expression that is constant (does not depend on evaluating a sub expression).
ExprFunction1 |
A function that has a single argument
ExprFunction2 |
A function of two arguments
ExprFunction3 |
A function of three arguments
ExprFunctionN |
A function which takes N arguments (N may be variable e.g.
ExprFunctionOp |
A "function" that executes over a pattern
ExprLib |
ExprList |
ExprNode |
A node that is a constraint expression that can be evaluated
An Expr is already a Constraint - ExprNode is the base implementation
of all Expr classes that provides the Constraint machinery.
ExprNone |
Marker, used in place of a null.
ExprSystem |
ExprTransformBase |
ExprTransformCopy |
ExprTransformer |
ExprTransformSubstitute |
An expression transformer that substitutes another expression in place of variables
ExprTripleTerm |
RDF-star triple term in an expression (AKA embedded triple).
ExprVar |
An expression that is a variable in an expression.
ExprVars |
ExprVisitorBase |
ExprVisitorFunction |
Convert all visit calls on the expressions in a call to a generic visit operation for expression functions
FunctionLabel |
NodeValue |
RegexJava |
RegexXerces |