Interface OutputFormatter

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String asString​(ResultSet resultSet)
      Turn into a string
      void format​( out, boolean booleanResult)
      Format a boolean result - output on the given stream
      void format​( out, ResultSet resultSet)
      Format a result set - output on the given stream
    • Method Detail

      • format

        void format​( out,
                    ResultSet resultSet)
        Format a result set - output on the given stream
        out -
        resultSet -
      • format

        void format​( out,
                    boolean booleanResult)
        Format a boolean result - output on the given stream
        out -
        booleanResult -
      • asString

        java.lang.String asString​(ResultSet resultSet)
        Turn into a string