Interface ReaderRIOT

All Known Implementing Classes:
LangJSONLD10, LangJSONLD11, ReaderRDFNULL, ReaderRIOTBase, ReaderRIOTRDFXML, ReaderTriX, TurtleJavaccReaderRIOT

public interface ReaderRIOT
Interface to parsing processes that takes an input stream and emit items. The "read" operation may be called repeatedly for a single ReaderRIOT, with different arguments. The StreamRDF destination would have to cope with concurrent operation if these read operations overlap.
  • Method Details

    • read

      void read(InputStream in, String baseURI, ContentType ct, StreamRDF output, Context context)
      Read from an InputStream and output RDF on the StreamRDF.
      in - InputStream
      baseURI - Base URI (or null)
      ct - Content-Type if available. Routing to the right parser will have already been done so this only useful to get addition Content-Type information or if this ReaderRIOT can handle multiple media types.
      output - Destination for the parser output.
      context - Environment settings.
    • read

      void read(Reader reader, String baseURI, ContentType ct, StreamRDF output, Context context)
      Read from an InputStream and output RDF on the StreamRDF.
      reader - Reader. InputStreams are preferred because Reader do not allow RIOT to set the character set.
      baseURI - Base URI (or null)
      ct - Content-Type if available. Routing to the right parser will have already been done so this only useful to get addition Content-Type information or if this ReaderRIOT can handle multiple media types.
      output - Destination for the parser output.
      context - Environment settings.