Class SysRIOT


public class SysRIOT extends Object
  • Field Details

    • riotLoggerName

      public static final String riotLoggerName
      See Also:
    • sysRdfWriterProperties

      public static final Symbol sysRdfWriterProperties
      Context key for old style RDFWriter properties. The value of this in a Context must be a Map<String, Object>. The entries of the map are used to set writer properties before the RDFWriter is called. Only has any effect on RDF/XML and RDF/XML-ABBREV.
    • sysRdfReaderProperties

      public static final Symbol sysRdfReaderProperties
      Context key for old style RDFReader properties. The value of this in a Context must be a Map<String, Object>. The entries of the map are used to set reader properties before the RDFReaderI is called. Only has any effect on RDF/XML,
    • sysStreamManager

      public static Symbol sysStreamManager
      Context key for the StreamManager
  • Constructor Details

    • SysRIOT

      public SysRIOT()
  • Method Details

    • setStrictMode

      public static void setStrictMode(boolean state)
    • isStrictMode

      public static boolean isStrictMode()
    • fmtMessage

      public static String fmtMessage(String message, long line, long col)
    • getLogger

      public static org.slf4j.Logger getLogger()
    • chooseBaseIRI

      @Deprecated public static String chooseBaseIRI()
      Use IRIs.getBaseStr();
    • chooseBaseIRI

      @Deprecated public static String chooseBaseIRI(String baseURI)
      Return a URI suitable for a baseURI, based on some input (which may be null).
    • chooseBaseIRI

      public static String chooseBaseIRI(String baseIRI, String fileOrIri)
      Choose base IRI, from a given one and a filename. Prefer the given base; turn any filename into an IRI which is resolved as well.
    • filename2baseIRI

      public static String filename2baseIRI(String filename)
    • setDefaultJSONLD

      public static void setDefaultJSONLD(String version)

      Flip between JSON-LD 1.0 and JSON-LD 1.1 as the default parser for JSON-LD (Lang.JSONLD). Both are available as Lang.JSONLD10 and Lang.JSONLD11 respectively.

      This function controls the setting of content type "application/ld+json" and Lang.JSONLD for input (parsing).

      This function is not a permanent API.

      The default output is currently fixed as JSON-LD 1.1. A specific version can be obtained by choosing the versioned language name, Lang.JSONLD10 or Lang.JSONLD11.

      Apache Jena uses jsonld-java for JSON-LD 1.0 and Titanium for JSON-LD 1.1.

      We are grateful to each of communities for the work in implementing and maintaining these projects.

      version - A string that is either "1.1" or "1.0" or "" (reset to system installation default)