Interface WriterGraphRIOT

All Known Implementing Classes:
AdapterRDFWriter, NTriplesWriter, RDFJSONWriter, RDFXMLAbbrevWriter, RDFXMLPlainWriter, TurtleWriter, TurtleWriterBase, TurtleWriterBlocks, TurtleWriterFlat, WriterGraphProtobuf, WriterGraphRIOTBase, WriterGraphThrift, WriterTriX

public interface WriterGraphRIOT
A RIOT serializer for a language. This covers both graphs and datasets. A WriterRIOT is a one-time use object (they may accumulate state, e.g. pretty writers).
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • write

      void write(OutputStream out, Graph graph, PrefixMap prefixMap, String baseURI, Context context)
      out - OutputStream
      graph - Graph to be written
      prefixMap - PrefixMap - maybe null (default should be to use the prefix mapping from the Graph)
      baseURI - base URI - may be null for "none"
      context - Context (see specific implementation for details)
    • write

      void write(Writer out, Graph graph, PrefixMap prefixMap, String baseURI, Context context)
      Use of Writer is discouraged - let the serializer manage character sets in accordance with the format
      out - Writer
      graph - Graph to be written
      prefixMap - PrefixMap - maybe null (default should be to use the prefix mapping from the Graph)
      baseURI - base URI - may be null for "none"
      context - Context (see specific implementation for details)
    • getLang

      Lang getLang()