Package | Description |
org.apache.jena.enhanced |
This package defines the enhanced node and graph classes; an enhanced
node is one embedded in a particular enhanced graph.
org.apache.jena.graph |
This package defines the Graph and Node family of classes, which
form the underlying datatypes of the Jena system.
org.apache.jena.graph.compose |
This package defines simple composite graphs - union, intersection,
difference, and update-tracking.
org.apache.jena.graph.impl |
This package provides basic implementations of Graph interfaces
such as EventManager and Capabilities.
org.apache.jena.mem |
Various memory-based implementations of interfaces,
specifically GraphMem for memory-based Graphs.
org.apache.jena.ontology |
Provides a set of abstractions and convenience classes for accessing and manipluating ontologies
represented in RDF.
org.apache.jena.ontology.impl |
Provides default implementations for the abstractions defined in the
org.apache.jena.ontology package. |
org.apache.jena.rdf.model |
A package for creating and manipulating RDF graphs.
org.apache.jena.rdf.model.impl |
This package contains implementations of the interfaces defined
in the .model package, eg ModelCom for Model, ResourceImpl
for Resource, and so on.
org.apache.jena.reasoner |
The Jena2 reasoner subsystem is designed to allow a range of inference
engines to be plugged into Jena.
org.apache.jena.reasoner.rulesys |
Provides a selection of simple rule engines for Jena inference models.
org.apache.jena.reasoner.rulesys.builtins |
Implementations of the Builtin class which provides primitive operations to the rule
org.apache.jena.reasoner.rulesys.impl |
Internal implementation objects used by the rule system interpreters
and compilers.
org.apache.jena.reasoner.transitiveReasoner |
This package contains a reasoner which supports transitive-reflexive closure
of subPropertyOf and subClassOf relations.
org.apache.jena.shared |
This package defines some classes common to the Jena API
and SPI levels, in particular the JenaException class from which
all Jena-specific exceptions hang, and the interface PrefixMapping
for translation to and from QNames.
org.apache.jena.sys | |
org.apache.jena.util |
Miscellaneous collection of utility classes.
org.apache.jena.vocabulary |
A package containing constant classes with predefined constant objects
for classes and properties defined in well known vocabularies.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Node |
Answer the graph node that this enhanced node wraps
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
abstract boolean |
Implementation.canWrap(Node node,
EnhGraph eg)
true iff wrapping (node, eg) would succeed.
<X extends RDFNode> |
EnhGraph.getNodeAs(Node n,
Class<X> interf)
Answer an enhanced node that wraps the given node and conforms to the given
interface type.
<X extends T> |
Personality.newInstance(Class<X> interf,
Node n,
EnhGraph that)
make a new instance of a type _interf_ based on the node _n_ and the
polymorphic _that_; use the implementation wrapper for _interf_ in
abstract EnhNode |
Implementation.wrap(Node node,
EnhGraph eg)
Create a new EnhNode wrapping a Node in the context of an EnhGraph
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
EnhGraph.setNodeCache(Cache<Node,RDFNode> cc)
Set the cache controller object for this graph
Constructor and Description |
EnhNode(Node n,
EnhGraph g) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
A Node_ANY (there should be only one) is a meta-node that is used to stand
for any other node in a query.
class |
RDF blank nodes, ie nodes with identity but without URIs.
class |
This is the class of "concrete" nodes, ie those which correspond
to actual RDF data - URIs, blank nodes, and literals.
class |
Extension to the RDF Data model.
class |
This is the subclass of "fluid" nodes, ie nodes that are "holes" in pattern
class |
RDF Graphs as RDF terms.
class |
An RDF node holding a literal value.
class |
class |
RDF triples as RDF terms.
class |
RDF nodes with a global identity given by a URI.
class |
"variable" nodes; these are outside the RDF2003 specification, but are
used internally for "placeholder" nodes where blank nodes would be
wrong, most specifically in Query.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Node |
The canonical instance of Node_ANY.
static Node |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Node |
Answer the Node associated with this object.
static Node |
Node.create(org.apache.jena.graph.Node.NodeMaker maker,
Object label)
Use specific
NodeFactory functions. |
static Node |
static Node |
NodeFactory.createAnon(BlankNodeId id)
static Node |
NodeFactory.createAnon(String string)
static Node |
Make a fresh blank node
static Node |
NodeFactory.createBlankNode(BlankNodeId id)
make a blank node with the specified label
static Node |
NodeFactory.createBlankNode(String string)
make a blank node with the specified label
static Node |
NodeFactory.createLiteral(LiteralLabel lit)
make a literal node with the specified literal value
static Node |
NodeFactory.createLiteral(String value) |
static Node |
NodeFactory.createLiteral(String lex,
RDFDatatype dtype)
Build a typed literal node from its lexical form.
static Node |
NodeFactory.createLiteral(String lex,
String lang)
Make a literal with specified language.
static Node |
NodeFactory.createLiteral(String lex,
String lang,
boolean isXml)
make a literal with specified language and XMLishness.
static Node |
NodeFactory.createLiteral(String lex,
String lang,
RDFDatatype dtype)
Build a literal node from its lexical form.
static Node |
NodeFactory.createLiteralByValue(Object value,
RDFDatatype dtype)
Create a Node based on the value
If the value is a string we
assume this is intended to be a lexical form after all.
static Node |
NodeFactory.createLiteralByValue(Object value,
String lang,
RDFDatatype dtype)
Create a Node based on the value
If the value is a string we
assume this is intended to be a lexical form after all.
static Node |
NodeFactory.createUncachedLiteral(Object value,
RDFDatatype dtype)
To be removed: Use
NodeFactory.createLiteralByValue(Object, RDFDatatype) |
static Node |
NodeFactory.createUncachedLiteral(Object value,
String lang,
RDFDatatype dtype)
To be removed: Use
NodeFactory.createLiteralByValue(Object, String, RDFDatatype) |
static Node |
NodeFactory.createURI(String uri)
make a URI node with the specified URIref string
static Node |
NodeFactory.createVariable(String name)
make a variable node with a given name
abstract Node |
Triple.Field.getField(Triple t) |
Node |
Return object or null, not Node.ANY
Node |
Return predicate or null, not Node.ANY
Node |
Return subject or null, not Node.ANY
Node |
Triple.getObject() |
Node |
Triple.getPredicate() |
Node |
Triple.getSubject() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ExtendedIterator<Node> |
GraphUtil.listObjects(Graph g,
Node s,
Node p)
Return an iterator over the unique objects with a given subject and object.
static ExtendedIterator<Node> |
GraphUtil.listPredicates(Graph g,
Node s,
Node o)
Return an iterator over the unique predicate between s and o.
static ExtendedIterator<Node> |
GraphUtil.listSubjects(Graph g,
Node p,
Node o)
Return an iterator over the unique subjects with predicate p and object o.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
Graph.contains(Node s,
Node p,
Node o)
Answer true iff the graph contains a triple matching (s, p, o).
static boolean |
GraphUtil.containsNode(Graph graph,
Node node)
Does the graph use the node anywhere as a subject, predicate or object?
static Triple |
Triple.create(Node s,
Node p,
Node o) |
static Triple |
Triple.createMatch(Node s,
Node p,
Node o) |
Graph |
GraphExtract.extract(Node node,
Graph graph)
Answer a new graph which is the reachable subgraph from
in graph with the terminating condition given by the
TripleBoundary passed to the constructor. |
Graph |
GraphExtract.extractInto(Graph toUpdate,
Node root,
Graph extractFrom)
Answer the graph
toUpdate augmented with the sub-graph of
extractFrom reachable from root bounded
by this instance's TripleBoundary. |
abstract Predicate<Triple> |
Triple.Field.filterOn(Node n) |
ExtendedIterator<Triple> |
Graph.find(Node s,
Node p,
Node o)
Returns an iterator over Triples matching a pattern.
long |
GraphStatisticsHandler.getStatistic(Node S,
Node P,
Node O)
Answer a good estimate of the number of triples that would match the
(S, P, O) , or -1 if no good estimate is available. |
Triple |
GetTriple.getTriple(Node n)
Answer the triple associated with the node
n . |
static int |
Triple.hashCode(Node s,
Node p,
Node o)
Return the munged hashCodes of the specified nodes, an exclusive-or of
the slightly-shifted component hashcodes; this means (almost) all of the bits
count, and the order matters, so (S @P O) has a different hash from
(O @P S), etc.
static ExtendedIterator<Node> |
GraphUtil.listObjects(Graph g,
Node s,
Node p)
Return an iterator over the unique objects with a given subject and object.
static ExtendedIterator<Node> |
GraphUtil.listPredicates(Graph g,
Node s,
Node o)
Return an iterator over the unique predicate between s and o.
static ExtendedIterator<Node> |
GraphUtil.listSubjects(Graph g,
Node p,
Node o)
Return an iterator over the unique subjects with predicate p and object o.
boolean |
Node_Literal.matches(Node x) |
boolean |
Node.matches(Node other)
Answer true iff this node accepts the other one as a match.
boolean |
Node_ANY.matches(Node other) |
boolean |
Triple.matches(Node s,
Node p,
Node o) |
boolean |
Triple.objectMatches(Node o) |
boolean |
Triple.predicateMatches(Node p) |
static void |
GraphUtil.remove(Graph g,
Node s,
Node p,
Node o)
A safe and cautious remove() function that converts the remove to
a number of
Graph.delete(Triple) operations. |
void |
Graph.remove(Node s,
Node p,
Node o)
Remove all triples that match by find(s, p, o)
static GraphEvents |
GraphEvents.remove(Node s,
Node p,
Node o) |
boolean |
Triple.sameAs(Node s,
Node p,
Node o)
Answer true iff this triple has subject s, predicate p, and object o.
boolean |
Triple.subjectMatches(Node s) |
Constructor and Description |
NotLiteral(Node it) |
Triple(Node s,
Node p,
Node o) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
long |
MultiUnion.MultiUnionStatisticsHandler.getStatistic(Node S,
Node P,
Node O) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Node[][] |
GraphMatcher.match(Graph m1,
Graph m2)
Return an isomorphism between the two models.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ExtendedIterator<Node> |
Answer an setwise iterator over all the objects of triples in this store.
ExtendedIterator<Node> |
Answer an iterator over all the predicates of triples in this store.
ExtendedIterator<Node> |
Answer an setwise iterator over all the subjects of triples in this store.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
GraphPlain.contains(Node s,
Node p,
Node o) |
boolean |
GraphBase.contains(Node s,
Node p,
Node o)
true if this graph contains (s, p, o) ;
this canonical implementation cannot be over-ridden. |
boolean |
WrappedGraph.contains(Node s,
Node p,
Node o) |
ExtendedIterator<Triple> |
GraphPlain.find(Node subj,
Node pred,
Node obj) |
ExtendedIterator<Triple> |
GraphBase.find(Node s,
Node p,
Node o) |
ExtendedIterator<Triple> |
WrappedGraph.find(Node s,
Node p,
Node o) |
void |
GraphPlain.remove(Node s,
Node p,
Node o) |
void |
GraphBase.remove(Node s,
Node p,
Node o)
Remove all triples that match by find(s, p, o)
void |
WrappedGraph.remove(Node s,
Node p,
Node o) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Node | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ExtendedIterator<Node> |
GraphTripleStoreBase.listObjects() |
ExtendedIterator<Node> |
GraphTripleStoreBase.listPredicates() |
ExtendedIterator<Node> |
GraphTripleStoreBase.listSubjects() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
abstract ExtendedIterator<Triple> |
NodeToTriplesMapBase.iterator(Node index,
Node n2,
Node n3) |
ExtendedIterator<Triple> |
NodeToTriplesMap.iterator(Node index,
Node n2,
Node n3) |
ExtendedIterator<Triple> |
NodeToTriplesMapMem.iterator(Node index,
Node n2,
Node n3)
Answer an iterator over all the triples in this NTM which match
pattern . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> boolean |
Profile.isSupported(Node n,
EnhGraph g,
Class<T> type)
Answer true if the given graph supports a view of this node as the given
language element, according to the semantic constraints of the profile.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static boolean |
AbstractProfile.containsSome(EnhGraph g,
Node n,
Property p)
Utility method: answer true iff the enhanced graph contains some triple which
has n as subject, p.asNode() as predicate, and any object.
static boolean |
OWLLiteProfile.containsSome(EnhGraph g,
Node n,
Property p) |
static boolean |
OWLProfile.containsSome(EnhGraph g,
Node n,
Property p) |
static boolean |
OWLDLProfile.containsSome(EnhGraph g,
Node n,
Property p) |
static boolean |
CardinalityQRestrictionImpl.isCardinalityQRestriction(Node node,
EnhGraph eg) |
static boolean |
MaxCardinalityQRestrictionImpl.isMaxCardinalityQRestriction(Node node,
EnhGraph eg) |
static boolean |
MinCardinalityQRestrictionImpl.isMinCardinalityQRestriction(Node node,
EnhGraph eg) |
<T> boolean |
OWLProfile.isSupported(Node n,
EnhGraph g,
Class<T> type)
Answer true if the given graph supports a view of this node as the given
language element, according to the semantic constraints of the profile.
<T> boolean |
RDFSProfile.isSupported(Node n,
EnhGraph g,
Class<T> type)
Answer true if the given graph supports a view of this node as the given
language element, according to the semantic constraints of the profile.
Constructor and Description |
AllDifferentImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct an all different axiom represented by the given node in the given graph.
AllValuesFromRestrictionImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct a hasValue restriction node represented by the given node in the given graph.
AnnotationPropertyImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct an ontology resource represented by the given node in the given graph.
BooleanClassDescriptionImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct an boolean class description represented by the given node in the given graph.
CardinalityQRestrictionImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct a qualified restriction node represented by the given node in the given graph.
CardinalityRestrictionImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct a cardinality restriction node represented by the given node in the given graph.
ComplementClassImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct a complement class node represented by the given node in the given graph.
DataRangeImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct a data range node represented by the given node in the given graph.
DatatypePropertyImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct a datatype property node represented by the given node in the given graph.
EnumeratedClassImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct an enumerated class node represented by the given node in the given graph.
FunctionalPropertyImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct a functional property node represented by the given node in the given graph.
HasValueRestrictionImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct a hasValue restriction node represented by the given node in the given graph.
IndividualImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct an individual represented by the given node in the given graph.
IntersectionClassImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct an intersection class node represented by the given node in the given graph.
InverseFunctionalPropertyImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct an inverse functional property node represented by the given node in the given graph.
MaxCardinalityQRestrictionImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct a qualified restriction node represented by the given node in the given graph.
MaxCardinalityRestrictionImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct a max cardinality restriction node represented by the given node in the given graph.
MinCardinalityQRestrictionImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct a qualified restriction node represented by the given node in the given graph.
MinCardinalityRestrictionImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct a min cardinality restriction node represented by the given node in the given graph.
ObjectPropertyImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct a functional property node represented by the given node in the given graph.
OntClassImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct an ontology class node represented by the given node in the given graph.
OntologyImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct an ontology metadata node represented by the given node in the given graph.
OntPropertyImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct an ontology property represented by the given node in the given graph.
OntResourceImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct an ontology resource represented by the given node in the given graph.
QualifiedRestrictionImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct a qualified restriction node represented by the given node in the given graph.
RestrictionImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct a restriction node represented by the given node in the given graph.
SomeValuesFromRestrictionImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct a hasValue restriction node represented by the given node in the given graph.
SymmetricPropertyImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct a symmetric property node represented by the given node in the given graph.
TransitivePropertyImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct a transitive property node represented by the given node in the given graph.
UnionClassImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct a union class node represented by the given node in the given graph.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RDFNode |
ModelGraphInterface.asRDFNode(Node n)
Answer an RDF node wrapping
n suitably; URI nodes
become Resources with the same URI, blank nodes become Resources
with URI null but the same AnonId, and literal nodes become Literals
with n as their value carrier. |
RDFNode |
ModelCon.getRDFNode(Node n)
Resource |
ModelGraphInterface.wrapAsResource(Node n) |
Constructor and Description |
DoesNotReifyException(Node n) |
LiteralRequiredException(Node n) |
ResourceRequiredException(Node n) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Node |
ModelCom.asNode(RDFNode x) |
static Node |
ReifierStd.reifyAs(Graph graph,
Node node,
Triple triple)
note the triple _t_ as reified using _n_ as its representing node.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ExtendedIterator<Node> |
ReifierStd.allNodes(Graph graph)
return an iterator over all the nodes that are reifiying something in the
static ExtendedIterator<Node> |
ReifierStd.allNodes(Graph graph,
Triple t)
return an iterator over all the nodes that are reifiying t in the graph
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RDFNode |
ModelCom.asRDFNode(Node n) |
static ReifiedStatementImpl |
ReifiedStatementImpl.create(EnhGraph eg,
Node n,
Statement s) |
static ReifiedStatement |
ReifiedStatementImpl.createExistingReifiedStatement(ModelCom model,
Node n) |
static RDFNode |
StatementImpl.createObject(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
create an RDF node which might be a literal, or not.
RDFNode |
ModelCom.getRDFNode(Node n) |
static Triple |
ReifierStd.getTriple(Graph graph,
Node n)
Answer the triple associated with the node
n . |
static boolean |
ReifierStd.hasTriple(Graph graph,
Node node)
true iff _n_ is associated with some triple.
static boolean |
Util.isLangString(Node n)
A Node is a language string if it has a language tag.
static boolean |
Util.isSimpleString(Node n)
A Node is a simple string if:
(RDF 1.0) No datatype and no language tag.
static Node |
ReifierStd.reifyAs(Graph graph,
Node node,
Triple triple)
note the triple _t_ as reified using _n_ as its representing node.
static void |
ReifierStd.remove(Graph graph,
Node node,
Triple triple)
remove any existing binding for _n_; hasNode(n) will return false and
getTriple(n) will return null.
Resource |
ModelCom.wrapAsResource(Node n) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static NodeIterator |
IteratorFactory.asRDFNodeIterator(Iterator<Node> i,
ModelCom m) |
static ResIterator |
IteratorFactory.asResIterator(Iterator<Node> i,
ModelCom m) |
Constructor and Description |
AltImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g) |
BagImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g) |
ContainerImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g) |
LiteralImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph m) |
LiteralImpl(Node n,
ModelCom m) |
PropertyImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph m) |
RDFListImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct an implementation of RDFList in the given graph, where the
given node is the head of the list.
ResourceImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph m) |
ResourceImpl(Node n,
ModelCom m)
the master constructor: make a new Resource in the given model,
rooted in the given node.
SeqImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Node |
InfGraph.getGlobalProperty(Node property)
Test a global boolean property of the graph.
Node |
BaseInfGraph.getGlobalProperty(Node property)
Test a global boolean property of the graph.
Node |
Returns the object.
Node |
Returns the predicate.
Node |
Returns the subject.
static Node |
ReasonerRegistry.makeDirect(Node node)
Return a property Node which represents the direct version of a
transitively closed property.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ExtendedIterator<Triple> |
InfGraph.find(Node subject,
Node property,
Node object,
Graph param)
An extension of the Graph.find interface which allows the caller to
encode complex expressions in RDF and then refer to those expressions
within the query triple.
ExtendedIterator<Triple> |
BaseInfGraph.find(Node subject,
Node property,
Node object,
Graph param)
An extension of the Graph.find interface which allows the caller to
encode complex expressions in RDF and then refer to those expressions
within the query triple.
Node |
InfGraph.getGlobalProperty(Node property)
Test a global boolean property of the graph.
Node |
BaseInfGraph.getGlobalProperty(Node property)
Test a global boolean property of the graph.
static Node |
ReasonerRegistry.makeDirect(Node node)
Return a property Node which represents the direct version of a
transitively closed property.
void |
BaseInfGraph.remove(Node s,
Node p,
Node o) |
static String |
TriplePattern.simplePrintString(Node n)
Simplified printable name for a node
boolean |
InfGraph.testGlobalProperty(Node property)
A convenience version of getGlobalProperty which can only return
a boolean result.
boolean |
BaseInfGraph.testGlobalProperty(Node property)
A convenience version of getGlobalProperty which can only return
a boolean result.
Constructor and Description |
TriplePattern(Node subject,
Node predicate,
Node object)
Constructor - builds a pattern from three nodes,
use Node_RuleVariables as variables, use a variable
with an empty name as a wildcard, can also use null
as a wildcard.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
A variation on the normal Node_Variable which support for value bindings.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Node |
Dereference a variable by following the reference chain.
Node[] |
Return the functor arguments as an array of nodes
Node[] |
Functor.getBoundArgs(BindingEnvironment env)
Return a new Node array containing the bound versions of this Functor's arguments
Node |
BindingEnvironment.getGroundVersion(Node node)
Return the most ground version of the node.
static Node |
Util.getPropValue(Node root,
Node prop,
Finder context)
Helper - returns the (singleton) value for the given property on the given
root node in the data graph.
static Node |
Util.getPropValue(Node root,
Node prop,
Graph context)
Helper - returns the (singleton) value for the given property on the given
root node in the data graph.
static Node |
Util.getPropValue(Node root,
Node prop,
RuleContext context)
Helper - returns the (singleton) value for the given property on the given
root node in the data graph.
Node |
Return the raw value to which this variable is bound (via LP binding) with
no dereferencing.
Node |
FBRuleInfGraph.getTemp(Node instance,
Node prop,
Node pclass)
Retrieve or create a bNode representing an inferred property value.
Node |
LPBackwardRuleInfGraph.getTemp(Node instance,
Node prop,
Node pclass)
Retrieve or create a bNode representing an inferred property value.
Node |
BackwardRuleInfGraphI.getTemp(Node instance,
Node prop,
Node pclass)
Retrieve or create a bNode representing an inferred property value.
static Node |
Util.makeDoubleNode(double value)
Construct a new double valued node
static Node |
Functor.makeFunctorNode(Functor f)
Wrap a functor as a Literal node
static Node |
Functor.makeFunctorNode(String name,
Node[] args)
Create a functor and wrap it up as a Literal node
static Node |
Util.makeIntNode(int value)
Construct a new integer valued node
static Node |
Util.makeList(Node[] nodes,
Graph graph)
Construct an RDF list from the given array of nodes and assert it
in the graph returning the head of the list.
static Node |
Util.makeLongNode(long value)
Construct a new long valued node
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static List<Node> |
Util.convertList(Node root,
RuleContext context)
Convert an (assumed well formed) RDF list to a java list of Nodes
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
BindingEnvironment.bind(Node var,
Node value)
Bind a variable in the current environment to the given value.
boolean |
Builtin.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
ValidityReport.Report |
FBRuleInfGraph.checkLiteral(Node prop,
Triple triple)
Check a given literal value for a property against the set of
known range constraints for it.
static boolean |
Util.comparable(Node n1,
Node n2)
Test if two literals are comparable by an order operator (both numbers or both times)
static int |
Util.compareInstants(Node n1,
Node n2)
Compare two time Instant nodes.
static int |
Util.compareNumbers(Node n1,
Node n2)
Compare two numeric nodes.
static int |
Util.compareTypedLiterals(Node n1,
Node n2)
General order comparator for typed literal nodes, works for all numbers and
for date times.
boolean |
RuleContext.contains(Node s,
Node p,
Node o)
Return true if the triple pattern is already in either the graph or the stack.
static List<Node> |
Util.convertList(Node root,
RuleContext context)
Convert an (assumed well formed) RDF list to a java list of Nodes
ClosableIterator<Triple> |
RuleContext.find(Node s,
Node p,
Node o)
In some formulations the context includes deductions that are not yet
visible to the underlying graph but need to be checked for.
ExtendedIterator<Triple> |
BasicForwardRuleInfGraph.findDataMatches(Node subject,
Node predicate,
Node object)
Search the combination of data and deductions graphs for the given triple pattern.
ExtendedIterator<Triple> |
FBRuleInfGraph.findDataMatches(Node subject,
Node predicate,
Node object)
Search the combination of data and deductions graphs for the given triple pattern.
ExtendedIterator<Triple> |
ForwardRuleInfGraphI.findDataMatches(Node subject,
Node predicate,
Node object)
Search the combination of data and deductions graphs for the given triple pattern.
Node |
BindingEnvironment.getGroundVersion(Node node)
Return the most ground version of the node.
static int |
Util.getIntValue(Node n)
Return the integer value of a literal node
static Node |
Util.getPropValue(Node root,
Node prop,
Finder context)
Helper - returns the (singleton) value for the given property on the given
root node in the data graph.
static Node |
Util.getPropValue(Node root,
Node prop,
Graph context)
Helper - returns the (singleton) value for the given property on the given
root node in the data graph.
static Node |
Util.getPropValue(Node root,
Node prop,
RuleContext context)
Helper - returns the (singleton) value for the given property on the given
root node in the data graph.
Node |
FBRuleInfGraph.getTemp(Node instance,
Node prop,
Node pclass)
Retrieve or create a bNode representing an inferred property value.
Node |
LPBackwardRuleInfGraph.getTemp(Node instance,
Node prop,
Node pclass)
Retrieve or create a bNode representing an inferred property value.
Node |
BackwardRuleInfGraphI.getTemp(Node instance,
Node prop,
Node pclass)
Retrieve or create a bNode representing an inferred property value.
ExtendedIterator<Triple> |
FBRuleInfGraph.graphBaseFind(Node subject,
Node property,
Node object)
Returns an iterator over Triples.
ExtendedIterator<Triple> |
LPBackwardRuleInfGraph.graphBaseFind(Node subject,
Node property,
Node object)
Returns an iterator over Triples.
void |
Builtin.headAction(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule head.
void |
FBRuleInfGraph.hideNode(Node n)
Called to flag that a node should be hidden from external queries.
static boolean |
Functor.isFunctor(Node n)
tests that a given Node represents a functor
static boolean |
Util.isInstant(Node n)
Check whether a Node is an Instant (DateTime) value
static boolean |
Util.isNumeric(Node n)
Check whether a Node is a numeric (integer) value
static Node |
Functor.makeFunctorNode(String name,
Node[] args)
Create a functor and wrap it up as a Literal node
static Node |
Util.makeList(Node[] nodes,
Graph graph)
Construct an RDF list from the given array of nodes and assert it
in the graph returning the head of the list.
static boolean |
Node_RuleVariable.sameNodeAs(Node n,
Node m)
Compare two nodes, taking into account variable indices.
void |
FBRuleInfGraph.setTabled(Node predicate)
Set a predicate to be tabled/memoized by the LP engine.
void |
LPBackwardRuleInfGraph.setTabled(Node predicate)
Set a predicate to be tabled/memoized by the LP engine.
void |
Node_RuleVariable.simpleBind(Node node)
Binds a value to the brule version of the variable.
void |
FBRuleReasoner.tablePredicate(Node predicate)
Register an RDF predicate as one whose presence in a goal should force
the goal to be tabled.
void |
LPBackwardRuleReasoner.tablePredicate(Node predicate)
Register an RDF predicate as one whose presence in a goal should force
the goal to be tabled.
Constructor and Description |
Functor(String name,
Node[] args)
Functor(String name,
Node[] args,
Builtin impl)
Functor(String name,
Node[] args,
BuiltinRegistry registry)
Constructor and Description |
Functor(String name,
List<Node> args,
Builtin impl)
Functor(String name,
List<Node> args,
BuiltinRegistry registry)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Node |
BaseBuiltin.getArg(int n,
Node[] args,
RuleContext context)
Return the n'th argument node after dereferencing by what ever type of
rule engine binding environment is appropriate.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
NotFunctor.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
NotBNode.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
Bound.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
IsLiteral.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
UriConcat.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
Difference.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
GreaterThan.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
ListNotEqual.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
NotDType.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
MakeTemp.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
AddOne.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
ListContains.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
Unbound.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
StrConcat.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
Print.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
ListEntry.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
Equal.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
NotEqual.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
Quotient.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
IsBNode.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
Sum.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
ListLength.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
NoValue.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
Max.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
IsFunctor.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
ListEqual.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
Now.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
GE.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
MakeInstance.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
MakeSkolem.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
Regex.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
Min.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
CountLiteralValues.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
NotLiteral.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
LE.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
BaseBuiltin.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
LessThan.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
IsDType.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
Hide.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
Product.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
boolean |
ListNotContains.bodyCall(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
Node |
BaseBuiltin.getArg(int n,
Node[] args,
RuleContext context)
Return the n'th argument node after dereferencing by what ever type of
rule engine binding environment is appropriate.
void |
Remove.headAction(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule head.
void |
Print.headAction(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule head.
void |
TableAll.headAction(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
void |
Table.headAction(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
void |
AssertDisjointPairs.headAction(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule head.
void |
Drop.headAction(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule head.
void |
ListMapAsSubject.headAction(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule head.
void |
BaseBuiltin.headAction(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule head.
void |
Hide.headAction(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule head.
void |
ListMapAsObject.headAction(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule head.
void |
MakeTemp.headAction(Node[] args,
RuleContext context)
This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule head.
static boolean |
IsDType.isTypeOK(Node val,
Node dt)
Check if a literal value node is a legal value for the given datatype.
void |
Print.print(Node[] args,
int length,
RuleContext context)
Print a node list to stdout
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Node |
LPInterpreter.deref(Node node)
Dereference a node, following any binding trail.
static Node |
LPInterpreter.derefPossFunctor(Node node)
Dereference a node which may be a functor node
Node |
BindingStack.getBinding(Node node)
If the node is a variable then return the current binding (null if not bound)
otherwise return the node itself.
Node |
BindingVector.getBinding(Node node)
If the node is a variable then return the current binding (null if not bound)
otherwise return the node itself.
Node[] |
Return the current array of bindings
Node[] |
Return the current array of bindings.
Node |
Return the first node in the pair.
Node |
BindingStack.getGroundVersion(Node node)
Return the most ground version of the node.
Node |
LPBindingEnvironment.getGroundVersion(Node node)
Return the most ground version of the node.
Node |
BindingVector.getGroundVersion(Node node)
Return the most ground version of the node.
Node |
Return the second node in the pair.
Node |
BBRuleContext.getTemp(Node instance,
Node prop,
Node pclass)
Retrieve or create a bNode representing an inferred property value.
Node |
TempNodeCache.getTemp(Node instance,
Node prop,
Node pclass)
Retrieve or create a bNode representing an inferred property value.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
BindingStack.bind(int i,
Node value)
Bind the ith variable in the current envionment to the given value.
boolean |
BindingVector.bind(int i,
Node value)
Bind the ith variable in the current environment to the given value.
boolean |
BindingStack.bind(Node var,
Node value)
Bind a variable in the current envionment to the given value.
boolean |
LPBindingEnvironment.bind(Node var,
Node value)
Bind a variable in the current environment to the given value.
void |
LPInterpreter.bind(Node var,
Node val)
Bind a value to a variable, recording the binding in the trail.
boolean |
BindingVector.bind(Node var,
Node value)
Bind a variable in the current environment to the given value.
void |
BindingStack.bindNoCheck(Node_RuleVariable var,
Node value)
Bind a variable in the current envionment to the given value.
List<RuleClauseCode> |
LPRuleStore.codeFor(Node predicate)
Return an ordered list of RuleClauseCode objects to implement the given
boolean |
BBRuleContext.contains(Node s,
Node p,
Node o) |
boolean |
RETERuleContext.contains(Node s,
Node p,
Node o)
Return true if the triple pattern is already in either the graph or the stack.
boolean |
BFRuleContext.contains(Node s,
Node p,
Node o)
Return true if the triple pattern is already in either the graph or the stack.
static Node |
LPInterpreter.deref(Node node)
Dereference a node, following any binding trail.
static Node |
LPInterpreter.derefPossFunctor(Node node)
Dereference a node which may be a functor node
ClosableIterator<Triple> |
BBRuleContext.find(Node s,
Node p,
Node o) |
ClosableIterator<Triple> |
RETERuleContext.find(Node s,
Node p,
Node o)
In some formulations the context includes deductions that are not yet
visible to the underlying graph but need to be checked for.
ExtendedIterator<Triple> |
SafeGraph.find(Node s,
Node p,
Node o) |
ClosableIterator<Triple> |
BFRuleContext.find(Node s,
Node p,
Node o)
In some formulations the context includes deductions that are not yet
visible to the underlying graph but need to be checked for.
Node |
BindingStack.getBinding(Node node)
If the node is a variable then return the current binding (null if not bound)
otherwise return the node itself.
Node |
BindingVector.getBinding(Node node)
If the node is a variable then return the current binding (null if not bound)
otherwise return the node itself.
Node |
BindingStack.getGroundVersion(Node node)
Return the most ground version of the node.
Node |
LPBindingEnvironment.getGroundVersion(Node node)
Return the most ground version of the node.
Node |
BindingVector.getGroundVersion(Node node)
Return the most ground version of the node.
Node |
BBRuleContext.getTemp(Node instance,
Node prop,
Node pclass)
Retrieve or create a bNode representing an inferred property value.
Node |
TempNodeCache.getTemp(Node instance,
Node prop,
Node pclass)
Retrieve or create a bNode representing an inferred property value.
void |
EnvironmentFrameWithDerivation.initDerivationRecord(Node[] args)
Create an initial derivation record for this frame, based on the given
argument registers.
static boolean |
LPInterpreter.isGrounded(Node node)
Check if a node values is now grounded
boolean |
LPRuleStore.isIndexedPredicate(Node predicate)
Return true if the given predicate is indexed.
boolean |
LPRuleStore.isTabled(Node predicate)
Return true if the given predicated is tabled, currently this is true if the
predicate is a tabled predicate or the predicate is a wildcard and some
tabled predicates exist.
static boolean |
FRuleEngine.match(Node pattern,
Node node,
BindingStack env)
Test if a pattern Node matches a Triple Node in the given binding
static int |
FRuleEngine.scoreNodeBoundness(Node n,
BindingEnvironment env)
Score a Node in terms of groundedness - heuristic.
void |
MutableTriplePattern.setPattern(Node subject,
Node predicate,
Node object)
Set the subject,predicate, object components of the pattern.
void |
LPBRuleEngine.tablePredicate(Node predicate)
Register an RDF predicate as one whose presence in a goal should force
the goal to be tabled.
void |
LPRuleStore.tablePredicate(Node predicate)
Register an RDF predicate as one whose presence in a goal should force
the goal to be tabled.
boolean |
LPInterpreter.unify(Node n1,
Node n2)
Unify two nodes.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static RETEClauseFilter |
RETEClauseFilter.compile(TriplePattern clause,
int envLength,
List<Node> varList)
Create a filter node from a rule clause.
void |
ConsumerChoicePointFrame.preserveState(List<Node> trail)
Preserve the state of an interpreter into this frame.
Constructor and Description |
BindingVector(Node[] env)
Constructor - create a binding environment from a vector of bindings
NodePair(Node first,
Node second)
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Node |
The direct (minimal) version of the subClassOf property
static Node |
The direct (minimal) version of the subClassOf property
static Node |
The direct (minimal) version of the subPropertyOf property
static Node |
The direct (minimal) version of the subPropertyOf property
static Node |
The normal subClassOf property
static Node |
The normal subClassOf property
static Node |
The normal subPropertyOf property
static Node |
The normal subPropertyOf property
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Node |
Returns the closedPredicate.
Node |
Returns the directPredicate.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ExtendedIterator<Node> |
Return an iterator over all registered subject nodes
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
TransitiveGraphCache.cacheAll(Finder graph,
Node predicate)
Cache all instances of the given predicate which are
present in the given Graph.
boolean |
TransitiveEngine.checkOccurance(Node prop,
Graph graph)
Test if there are any usages of prop within the given graph.
ExtendedIterator<Triple> |
TransitiveInfGraph.graphBaseFind(Node subject,
Node property,
Node object)
Returns an iterator over Triples.
boolean |
TransitiveGraphCache.isSubject(Node node)
Return true if the given Node is registered as a subject node
Constructor and Description |
TransitiveGraphCache(Node directPredicate,
Node closedPredicate)
Constructor - create a new cache to hold the given relation information.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ExtendedIterator<Triple> |
RandomOrderGraph.find(Node s,
Node p,
Node o) |
Constructor and Description |
AlreadyReifiedException(Node n) |
CannotReifyException(Node n) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Function<Node,Object> |
Return the current node serializer replacement function.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
Serializer.setNodeSerializer(Function<Node,Object> writeReplaceFunction)
Set the node serializer replacement function.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static String |
PrintUtil.print(Node node)
Return a simplified print string for a Node.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Node |
RDF.Nodes.Alt |
static Node |
RDF.Nodes.Bag |
static Node |
RDFS.Nodes.Class |
static Node |
RDFS.Nodes.comment |
static Node |
RDFS.Nodes.Container |
static Node |
RDFS.Nodes.ContainerMembershipProperty |
static Node |
RDFS.Nodes.Datatype |
static Node |
RDFS.Nodes.domain |
static Node |
RDF.Nodes.first |
static Node |
RDF.Nodes.HTML |
static Node |
RDFS.Nodes.isDefinedBy |
static Node |
RDFS.Nodes.label |
static Node |
RDF.Nodes.langString |
static Node |
RDF.Nodes.List |
static Node |
RDFS.Nodes.Literal |
static Node |
RDFS.Nodes.member |
static Node |
RDF.Nodes.nil |
static Node |
RDF.Nodes.object |
static Node |
RDF.Nodes.predicate |
static Node |
RDF.Nodes.Property |
static Node |
RDFS.Nodes.range |
static Node |
RDFS.Nodes.Resource |
static Node | |
static Node |
RDFS.Nodes.seeAlso |
static Node |
RDF.Nodes.Seq |
static Node |
RDF.Nodes.Statement |
static Node |
RDFS.Nodes.subClassOf |
static Node |
RDF.Nodes.subject |
static Node |
RDFS.Nodes.subPropertyOf |
static Node |
RDF.Nodes.type |
static Node |
RDF.Nodes.value |
static Node |
RDF.Nodes.xmlLiteral |
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