public class ComplementClassImpl extends OntClassImpl implements ComplementClass
Implementation of a node representing a complement class description.
asAnnotationProperty, asDatatypeProperty, asObjectProperty, asProperty, isAnnotationProperty, isDatatypeProperty, isObjectProperty, isProperty
asAnnotationProperty, asDatatypeProperty, asObjectProperty, asProperty, isAnnotationProperty, isDatatypeProperty, isObjectProperty, isProperty
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Implementation |
A factory for generating ComplementClass facets from nodes in enhanced graphs.
Constructor and Description |
ComplementClassImpl(Node n,
EnhGraph g)
Construct a complement class node represented by the given node in the given graph.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
addOperand(Resource cls)
Add a class the operands of this boolean expression.
void |
addOperands(Iterator<? extends Resource> classes)
Add all of the classes from the given iterator to the operands of this boolean expression.
OntClass |
Answer the class that the class described by this class description
is a complement of.
RDFList |
Answer the list of operands for this Boolean class expression.
boolean |
hasOperand(Resource cls)
Answer true if this Boolean class expression has the given class as an operand.
ExtendedIterator<? extends OntClass> |
Answer an iterator over all of the classes that are the operands of this
Boolean class expression.
Property |
Answer the property that is used to construct this boolean expression, for example
Profile.UNION_OF() . |
void |
removeOperand(Resource res)
Remove the given resource from the operands of this class expression.
void |
setOperand(Resource cls)
Set the class that the class represented by this class expression is
a complement of.
void |
setOperands(RDFList operands)
Assert that the operands for this boolean class expression are the classes
in the given list.
addDisjointWith, addEquivalentClass, addSubClass, addSuperClass, asComplementClass, asEnumeratedClass, asIntersectionClass, asRestriction, asUnionClass, convertToComplementClass, convertToEnumeratedClass, convertToIntersectionClass, convertToRestriction, convertToUnionClass, createIndividual, createIndividual, dropIndividual, getDisjointWith, getEquivalentClass, getSubClass, getSuperClass, hasDeclaredProperty, hasEquivalentClass, hasSubClass, hasSubClass, hasSubClass, hasSuperClass, hasSuperClass, hasSuperClass, isComplementClass, isDisjointWith, isEnumeratedClass, isHierarchyRoot, isIntersectionClass, isRestriction, isUnionClass, listDeclaredProperties, listDeclaredProperties, listDisjointWith, listEquivalentClasses, listInstances, listInstances, listSubClasses, listSubClasses, listSuperClasses, listSuperClasses, removeDisjointWith, removeEquivalentClass, removeSubClass, removeSuperClass, setDisjointWith, setEquivalentClass, setSubClass, setSuperClass
addComment, addComment, addDifferentFrom, addIsDefinedBy, addLabel, addLabel, addRDFType, addSameAs, addSeeAlso, addVersionInfo, asAllDifferent, asAnnotationProperty, asClass, asDataRange, asDatatypeProperty, asIndividual, asObjectProperty, asOntology, asProperty, getCardinality, getComment, getDifferentFrom, getIsDefinedBy, getLabel, getOntModel, getProfile, getPropertyValue, getRDFType, getRDFType, getSameAs, getSeeAlso, getVersionInfo, hasComment, hasComment, hasLabel, hasLabel, hasRDFType, hasRDFType, hasRDFType, hasSeeAlso, hasVersionInfo, isAllDifferent, isAnnotationProperty, isClass, isDataRange, isDatatypeProperty, isDefinedBy, isDifferentFrom, isIndividual, isObjectProperty, isOntLanguageTerm, isOntology, isProperty, isSameAs, listComments, listDifferentFrom, listIsDefinedBy, listLabels, listPropertyValues, listRDFTypes, listSameAs, listSeeAlso, listVersionInfo, remove, removeComment, removeComment, removeDefinedBy, removeDifferentFrom, removeLabel, removeLabel, removeProperty, removeRDFType, removeSameAs, removeSeeAlso, removeVersionInfo, setComment, setDifferentFrom, setIsDefinedBy, setLabel, setPropertyValue, setRDFType, setSameAs, setSeeAlso, setVersionInfo
abort, addLiteral, addLiteral, addLiteral, addLiteral, addLiteral, addLiteral, addLiteral, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, asLiteral, asResource, begin, commit, getId, getLocalName, getModel, getNameSpace, getProperty, getProperty, getPropertyResourceValue, getRequiredProperty, getRequiredProperty, getURI, hasLiteral, hasLiteral, hasLiteral, hasLiteral, hasLiteral, hasLiteral, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasURI, inModel, listProperties, listProperties, listProperties, removeAll, removeProperties, toString, visitWith
as, asNode, canAs, equals, getGraph, hashCode, isAnon, isLiteral, isResource, isURIResource, isValid, viewAs
addView, supports
addDisjointWith, addEquivalentClass, addSubClass, addSuperClass, asComplementClass, asEnumeratedClass, asIntersectionClass, asRestriction, asUnionClass, convertToComplementClass, convertToEnumeratedClass, convertToIntersectionClass, convertToRestriction, convertToUnionClass, createIndividual, createIndividual, dropIndividual, getDisjointWith, getEquivalentClass, getSubClass, getSuperClass, hasDeclaredProperty, hasEquivalentClass, hasSubClass, hasSubClass, hasSubClass, hasSuperClass, hasSuperClass, hasSuperClass, isComplementClass, isDisjointWith, isEnumeratedClass, isHierarchyRoot, isIntersectionClass, isRestriction, isUnionClass, listDeclaredProperties, listDeclaredProperties, listDisjointWith, listEquivalentClasses, listInstances, listInstances, listSubClasses, listSubClasses, listSuperClasses, listSuperClasses, removeDisjointWith, removeEquivalentClass, removeSubClass, removeSuperClass, setDisjointWith, setEquivalentClass, setSubClass, setSuperClass
addComment, addComment, addDifferentFrom, addIsDefinedBy, addLabel, addLabel, addRDFType, addSameAs, addSeeAlso, addVersionInfo, asAllDifferent, asAnnotationProperty, asClass, asDataRange, asDatatypeProperty, asIndividual, asObjectProperty, asOntology, asProperty, getCardinality, getComment, getDifferentFrom, getIsDefinedBy, getLabel, getOntModel, getProfile, getPropertyValue, getRDFType, getRDFType, getSameAs, getSeeAlso, getVersionInfo, hasComment, hasComment, hasLabel, hasLabel, hasRDFType, hasRDFType, hasRDFType, hasSeeAlso, hasVersionInfo, isAllDifferent, isAnnotationProperty, isClass, isDataRange, isDatatypeProperty, isDefinedBy, isDifferentFrom, isIndividual, isObjectProperty, isOntLanguageTerm, isOntology, isProperty, isSameAs, listComments, listDifferentFrom, listIsDefinedBy, listLabels, listPropertyValues, listRDFTypes, listSameAs, listSeeAlso, listVersionInfo, remove, removeComment, removeComment, removeDefinedBy, removeDifferentFrom, removeLabel, removeLabel, removeProperty, removeRDFType, removeSameAs, removeSeeAlso, removeVersionInfo, setComment, setDifferentFrom, setIsDefinedBy, setLabel, setPropertyValue, setRDFType, setSameAs, setSeeAlso, setVersionInfo
abort, addLiteral, addLiteral, addLiteral, addLiteral, addLiteral, addLiteral, addLiteral, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, begin, commit, equals, getId, getLocalName, getNameSpace, getProperty, getProperty, getPropertyResourceValue, getRequiredProperty, getRequiredProperty, getURI, hasLiteral, hasLiteral, hasLiteral, hasLiteral, hasLiteral, hasLiteral, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasURI, inModel, listProperties, listProperties, listProperties, removeAll, removeProperties, toString
as, asLiteral, asResource, canAs, getModel, isAnon, isLiteral, isResource, isURIResource, visitWith
public static Implementation factory
instead.public void setOperands(RDFList operands)
Assert that the operands for this boolean class expression are the classes in the given list. Any existing statements for the operator will be removed.
in interface BooleanClassDescription
- The list of operands to this expression.UnsupportedOperationException
- since a complement expression takes only a single argument.public void setOperand(Resource cls)
Set the class that the class represented by this class expression is
a complement of. Any existing value for complementOf
be replaced.
in interface ComplementClass
- The class that this class is a complement of.public void addOperand(Resource cls)
Add a class the operands of this boolean expression.
in interface BooleanClassDescription
- A class that will be added to the operands of this Boolean expressionUnsupportedOperationException
- since a complement expression takes only
a single argument.public void addOperands(Iterator<? extends Resource> classes)
Add all of the classes from the given iterator to the operands of this boolean expression.
in interface BooleanClassDescription
- A iterator over classes that will be added to the operands of this Boolean expressionUnsupportedOperationException
- since a complement expression takes only
a single argument.public RDFList getOperands()
Answer the list of operands for this Boolean class expression.
in interface BooleanClassDescription
- If the operand property is not supported in the current language profile.public ExtendedIterator<? extends OntClass> listOperands()
Answer an iterator over all of the classes that are the operands of this
Boolean class expression. Each element of the iterator will be an OntClass
in interface BooleanClassDescription
- If the operand property is not supported in the current language profile.public boolean hasOperand(Resource cls)
Answer true if this Boolean class expression has the given class as an operand.
in interface BooleanClassDescription
- A class to testProfileException
- If the operand property is not supported in the current language profile.public OntClass getOperand()
Answer the class that the class described by this class description is a complement of.
in interface ComplementClass
public void removeOperand(Resource res)
Remove the given resource from the operands of this class expression.
in interface BooleanClassDescription
- An resource to be removed from the operands of this class expressionpublic Property operator()
Answer the property that is used to construct this boolean expression, for example
in interface BooleanClassDescription
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