See: Description
Interface | Description |
Alt |
An RDF Alternative container.
Bag |
An RDF Bag container.
Container |
An RDF Container.
InfModel |
An extension to the normal Model interface that supports access to any
underlying inference capability.
Literal |
An RDF Literal.
Model |
An RDF Model.
ModelChangedListener |
The interface for classes that listen for model-changed events.
ModelCon |
Convenience methods which extend the
Model interface. |
ModelGetter |
A ModelGetter object can retrieve a Model given a URL for it.
ModelGraphInterface |
ModelGraphInterface - this interface mediates between the API Model level
and the SPI Graph level.
ModelMaker |
A ModelMaker contains a collection of named models, methods for creating
new models [both named and anonymous] and opening previously-named
models, removing models, and accessing a single "default" Model for this
ModelReader |
A component interface used by ModelGetter for reading models.
ModelSource |
The revised and soon-to-be-core interface for sources of models,
typically generated from RDF descriptions.
NodeIterator |
An iterator which returns RDF nodes.
NsIterator |
An iterator which returns namespace URI's.
Property |
An RDF Property.
RDFErrorHandler |
A generic error handler.
RDFList |
Provides a convenience encapsulation for lists formed from chains of RDF
statements arranged to form a head/tail cons-cell structure.
RDFList.ApplyFn |
Interface that encapsulates a function to apply to every element in a
RDFList.ReduceFn |
Interface that encapsulates a function to apply to each element of a list
in turn, and passing the result to an accumulator.
RDFNode |
Interface covering RDF resources and literals.
RDFReader |
RDFReader reads a serialized representation of RDF,
e.g. |
RDFReaderF |
An RDFReader factory inferface.
RDFVisitor |
The interface for visiting (ie type-dispatching) an RDF Node.
RDFWriter |
RDFWriter is an interface to RDF serializers.
RDFWriterF |
An RDFWriter factory interface.
ReifiedStatement |
A ReifiedStatement represents a Statement as a Resource.
ResIterator |
An iterator which returns RDF Resources.
Resource |
An RDF Resource.
ResourceF | Deprecated |
ResourceFactory.Interface |
the interface to resource factory objects.
RSIterator |
An RSIterator is a ClosableIterator (qv) which delivers only ReifedStatement's
and which has a next-method with that return type.
Selector |
A Statement selector.
Seq |
RDF Sequence container.
Statement |
An RDF Statement.
StatementBoundary |
An interface for expressing search boundaries in terms of bounding statements.
StmtIterator |
An iterator which returns RDF Statements.
Class | Description |
AnonId |
System id for an anonymous node.
ModelExtract |
ModelExtract - a wrapper for GraphExtract, allowing rooted sub-models to be
extracted from other models with some boundary condition.
ModelFactory |
ModelFactory provides methods for creating standard kinds of Model.
ModelFactoryBase |
Helper functions for ModelFactory - in here to keep from obtruding on the
ResourceFactory |
A Factory class for creating resources.
SimpleSelector |
A general selector class for use when querying models.
StatementBoundaryBase |
StatementBoundaryBase - a base class for StatementBoundarys, with
built-in conversation to triples and a continueWith as well as a stopAt.
StatementTripleBoundary |
StatementTripleBoundary - a StatementBoundary that just wraps a
Exception | Description |
AltHasNoDefaultException |
Exception thrown if an Alt has no default statement.
DoesNotReifyException |
This exception may be raised when an attempt to convert an RDFNode
to a ReifiedStatement fails because the RDFNode does not correspond
to a reification.
EmptyListException |
A exception that is thrown when an operation is attempted on an empty (nil)
list that actually requires a list of length one or more.
EmptyListUpdateException |
Exception that is thrown when an attept is made to perform a side-effectful
operation on an
RDFList that is the empty list, or rdf:nil . |
HasNoModelException |
Exception to throw when a Statement or Resource (which don't have
a useful common supertype, alas) don't have an associated model.
InvalidListException |
A exception that is thrown when an operation is attempted on a list that is
not well-formed, and is being processed in strict mode.
ListIndexException |
A exception that is thrown when an operation attempts to access an indexed
list element beyond the length of the list.
LiteralRequiredException |
Exception to throw when an RDFNode required to be a Literal isn't, or when a
literal Node is required but a non-literal Node supplied.
ResourceRequiredException |
Exception to throw when an RDFNode required to be a Resource isn't, or when a Node
supposed to be a resource isn't.
SeqIndexBoundsException |
Exception to throw when the index of a sequence is not in range.
A package for creating and manipulating RDF graphs.
Licenced under the Apache License, Version 2.0