Interface RDFReaderF

All Known Subinterfaces:
InfModel, Model, OntModel
All Known Implementing Classes:
InfModelImpl, ModelCom, MonitorModel, OntModelImpl, RDFReaderFImpl

public interface RDFReaderF
An RDFReader factory interface.
Reading RDF is usually done via:
  • RDFDataMgr
  • RDFParser
All of these will use the newer RIOT parsers, not implementations of this interface.

This factory interface is slightly unusual, in that, as well as creating and returning RDFReader's, it also provides methods for creating a reader, invoking a read method on it and then shuting it down.

The factory will create an appropriate reader for the particular serialization language being read. Predefined languages include:

  • RDF/XML - default
  • N3

System wide defaults for classes to use as readers for these languages are defined. These defaults may be overridden by setting a system property with a name of the form org.apache.jena.readers.<lang> to the class name.

NOTE: All settings are global in nature

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    return an RDFReader instance for the default serialization language.
    return an RDFReader instance for the specified serialization language.
  • Method Details

    • getReader

      RDFReaderI getReader()
      return an RDFReader instance for the default serialization language.
      an RDFReader instance for the default serialization language.
    • getReader

      RDFReaderI getReader(String lang)
      return an RDFReader instance for the specified serialization language.
      lang - the serialization language - null selects the default
      the RDFWriter instance