Interface Restriction

    • Method Detail

      • setOnProperty

        void setOnProperty​(Property prop)

        Assert that the property that this restriction applies to is the given property. Any existing statements for onProperty will be removed.

        prop - The property that this restriction applies to
        ProfileException - If the Profile.ON_PROPERTY() property is not supported in the current language profile.
      • getOnProperty

        OntProperty getOnProperty()

        Answer the property that this property restriction applies to. If there is more than one such resource, an arbitrary selection is made (though well-defined property restrictions should not have more than one onProperty statement.

        The property that this property restriction applies to
        ProfileException - If the Profile.ON_PROPERTY() property is not supported in the current language profile.
      • onProperty

        boolean onProperty​(Property prop)

        Answer true if this restriction is a property restriction on the given property.

        prop - A property to test against
        True if this restriction is a restriction on prop
        ProfileException - If the Profile.ON_PROPERTY() property is not supported in the current language profile.
      • removeOnProperty

        void removeOnProperty​(Property prop)

        Remove the given property as the property that this restriction applies to. If this statement is not true of the current model, nothing happens.

        prop - The property to be removed as a the property that this restriction applies to
      • asAllValuesFromRestriction

        AllValuesFromRestriction asAllValuesFromRestriction()

        Answer a view of this restriction as an all values from expression

        This class, but viewed as an AllValuesFromRestriction node
        ConversionException - if the class cannot be converted to an all values from restriction given the lanuage profile and the current state of the underlying model.
      • asSomeValuesFromRestriction

        SomeValuesFromRestriction asSomeValuesFromRestriction()

        Answer a view of this restriction as a some values from expression

        This class, but viewed as a SomeValuesFromRestriction node
        ConversionException - if the class cannot be converted to an all values from restriction given the lanuage profile and the current state of the underlying model.
      • asHasValueRestriction

        HasValueRestriction asHasValueRestriction()

        Answer a view of this restriction as a has value expression

        This class, but viewed as a HasValueRestriction node
        ConversionException - if the class cannot be converted to a has value restriction given the lanuage profile and the current state of the underlying model.
      • asCardinalityRestriction

        CardinalityRestriction asCardinalityRestriction()

        Answer a view of this restriction as a cardinality restriction class expression

        This class, but viewed as a CardinalityRestriction node
        ConversionException - if the class cannot be converted to a cardinality restriction given the lanuage profile and the current state of the underlying model.
      • asMinCardinalityRestriction

        MinCardinalityRestriction asMinCardinalityRestriction()

        Answer a view of this restriction as a min cardinality restriction class expression

        This class, but viewed as a MinCardinalityRestriction node
        ConversionException - if the class cannot be converted to a min cardinality restriction given the lanuage profile and the current state of the underlying model.
      • asMaxCardinalityRestriction

        MaxCardinalityRestriction asMaxCardinalityRestriction()

        Answer a view of this restriction as a max cardinality restriction class expression

        This class, but viewed as a MaxCardinalityRestriction node
        ConversionException - if the class cannot be converted to a max cardinality restriction given the lanuage profile and the current state of the underlying model.
      • isAllValuesFromRestriction

        boolean isAllValuesFromRestriction()

        Answer true if this restriction is an all values from restriction

        True if this is an allValuesFrom property restriction
        ProfileException - if Profile.ALL_VALUES_FROM() is not supported in the current profile
      • isSomeValuesFromRestriction

        boolean isSomeValuesFromRestriction()

        Answer true if this restriction is a some values from restriction

        True if this is a someValuesFrom property restriction
        ProfileException - if Profile.SOME_VALUES_FROM() is not supported in the current profile
      • isHasValueRestriction

        boolean isHasValueRestriction()

        Answer true if this restriction is a has value restriction

        True if this is a hasValue property restriction
        ProfileException - if Profile.HAS_VALUE() is not supported in the current profile
      • isCardinalityRestriction

        boolean isCardinalityRestriction()

        Answer true if this restriction is a cardinality restriction (ie is a property restriction constructed with an owl:cardinality operator, or similar). This is not a test for a restriction that tests cardinalities in general.

        True if this is a cardinality property restriction
        ProfileException - if Profile.CARDINALITY() is not supported in the current profile
      • isMinCardinalityRestriction

        boolean isMinCardinalityRestriction()

        Answer true if this restriction is a min cardinality restriction (ie is a property restriction constructed with an owl:minCardinality operator, or similar). This is not a test for a restriction that tests cardinalities in general.

        True if this is a minCardinality property restriction
        ProfileException - if Profile.MIN_CARDINALITY() is not supported in the current profile
      • isMaxCardinalityRestriction

        boolean isMaxCardinalityRestriction()

        Answer true if this restriction is a max cardinality restriction (ie is a property restriction constructed with an owl:maxCardinality operator, or similar). This is not a test for a restriction that tests cardinalities in general.

        True if this is a maxCardinality property restriction
        ProfileException - if Profile.MAX_CARDINALITY() is not supported in the current profile
      • convertToAllValuesFromRestriction

        AllValuesFromRestriction convertToAllValuesFromRestriction​(Resource cls)

        Convert this restriction to an all values from class expression.

        cls - The class to which all values of the restricted property must belong, to be in the extension of this restriction
        This class, but converted to a AllValuesFromRestriction class expression
        ProfileException - if Profile.ALL_VALUES_FROM() is not supported in the current profile
      • convertToSomeValuesFromRestriction

        SomeValuesFromRestriction convertToSomeValuesFromRestriction​(Resource cls)

        Convert this restriction to a some values from class expression

        cls - The class to which at least one value of the restricted property must belong, to be in the extension of this restriction
        This class, but converted to a SomeValuesFromRestriction node
        ProfileException - if Profile.SOME_VALUES_FROM() is not supported in the current profile
      • convertToHasValueRestriction

        HasValueRestriction convertToHasValueRestriction​(RDFNode value)

        Convert this restriction to a has value class expression

        value - The value which the restricted property must have, for resource to be in the extension of this restriction. Can be a resource or a literal.
        This class, but converted to a HasValueRestriction
        ProfileException - if Profile.HAS_VALUE() is not supported in the current profile
      • convertToCardinalityRestriction

        CardinalityRestriction convertToCardinalityRestriction​(int cardinality)

        Convert this restriction to a cardinality restriction class expression

        cardinality - The exact cardinality for the restricted property
        This class, but converted to a CardinalityRestriction node
        ProfileException - if Profile.CARDINALITY() is not supported in the current profile
      • convertToMinCardinalityRestriction

        MinCardinalityRestriction convertToMinCardinalityRestriction​(int cardinality)

        Convert this restriction to a min cardinality restriction class expression

        cardinality - The minimum cardinality for the restricted property
        This class, but converted to a MinCardinalityRestriction node
        ProfileException - if Profile.MIN_CARDINALITY() is not supported in the current profile
      • convertToMaxCardinalityRestriction

        MaxCardinalityRestriction convertToMaxCardinalityRestriction​(int cardinality)

        Convert this restriction to a max cardinality restriction class expression

        cardinality - The maximum cardinality for the restricted property
        This class, but converted to a MaxCardinalityRestriction node
        ProfileException - if Profile.MAX_CARDINALITY() is not supported in the current profile