Interface ModelCon

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    InfModel, Model, OntModel
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    InfModelImpl, ModelCom, MonitorModel, OntModelImpl

    public interface ModelCon
    Convenience methods which extend the Model interface.

    The Model interface provides a set of primitive operations on an RDF model. This interface extends those methods with a set of convenience methods.

    This interface provides methods supporting typed literals. This means that methods are provided which will translate a built in type, or an object to an RDF Literal. This translation is done by invoking the toString() method of the object, or its built in equivalent. The reverse translation is also supported. This is built in for built in types. Factory objects, provided by the application, are used for application objects.

    This interface provides methods for supporting enhanced resources. An enhanced resource is a resource to which the application has added behaviour. RDF containers are examples of enhanced resources built in to this package. Enhanced resources are supported by encapsulating a resource created by an implementation in another class which adds the extra behaviour. Factory objects are used to construct such enhanced resources.

    • Method Detail

      • getResource

        Resource getResource​(java.lang.String uri,
                             ResourceF f)
        Return a Resource instance in this model.

        Subsequent operations on the returned object may modify this model.

        The resource is assumed to already exist in the model. If it does not, createResource should be used instead.

        uri - the URI of the resource
        f - the factory object
        a resource instance created by the factory provided
      • getProperty

        Property getProperty​(java.lang.String uri)
        Return a Property instance in this model.

        Subsequent operations on the returned property may modify this model.

        The property is assumed to already exist in the model. If it does not, createProperty should be used instead.

        uri - the URI of the property
        a property object
      • getBag

        Bag getBag​(java.lang.String uri)
        Return a Bag instance in this model.

        Subsequent operations on the returned bag may modify this model.

        The bag is assumed to already exist in the model. If it does not, createBag should be used instead.

        uri - the URI of the bag.
        a bag instance
      • getBag

        Bag getBag​(Resource r)
        Return a bag instance based on a given resource.

        This method enables an application to treat any resource as a bag. It is in effect an unsafe downcast.

        Subsequent operations on the returned bag may modify this model.

        The bag is assumed to already exist in the model. If it does not, createBag should be used instead.

        r - an untyped Resource instance
        a bag instance
      • getAlt

        Alt getAlt​(java.lang.String uri)
        Return an Alt instance in this model.

        Subsequent operations on the returned object may modify this model.

        The alt is assumed to already exist in the model. If it does not, createAlt should be used instead.

        uri - the URI of the alt
        an alt instance
      • getAlt

        Alt getAlt​(Resource r)
        Return an Alt instance based on a given resource.

        This method enables an application to treat any resource as an Alt. It is in effect an unsafe downcast.

        Subsequent operations on the returned Alt may modify this model.

        The Alt is assumed to already exist in the model. If it does not, createAlt should be used instead.

        r - an untyped Resource instance
        an Alt instance
      • getSeq

        Seq getSeq​(java.lang.String uri)
        Return a Seq instance in this model.

        Subsequent operations on the returned sequence may modify this model.

        The seq is assumed to already exist in the model. If it does not, createSeq should be used instead.

        uri - the URI of the seq
        a seq instance
      • getSeq

        Seq getSeq​(Resource r)
        Return a Seq instance based on a given resource.

        This method enables an application to treat any resource as a Seq. It is in effect an unsafe downcast.

        Subsequent operations on the returned Seq may modify this model.

        The Seq is assumed to already exist in the model. If it does not, createSeq should be used instead.

        r - an untyped Resource instance
        an Seq instance
      • getList

        RDFList getList​(java.lang.String uri)
        Return a RDF List instance in this model.

        Subsequent operations on the returned list may modify this model.

        The list is assumed to already exist in the model. If it does not, createList should be used instead.

        uri - the URI of the list
        a list instance
      • getList

        RDFList getList​(Resource r)
        Return a RDF List based on a given resource.

        This method enables an application to treat any resource as a list. It is in effect an unsafe downcast.

        Subsequent operations on the returned list may modify this model.

        The list is assumed to already exist in the model. If it does not, createList should be used instead.

        r - the resource of the list
        a list instance
      • createResource

        Resource createResource​(Resource type)
        Create a new anonymous resource with a given type.

        Subsequent operations on the returned resource may modify this model.

        The resource is created and an rdf:type property added to the model to specify its type.

        type - the type of the resource to be created.
        a new anonymous resource linked to this model.
      • getRDFNode

        RDFNode getRDFNode​(Node n)
        Create or find an RDFNode (a Resource or a Literal) from a graph Node. This is provided for users and developers operating at the API/SPI interface, where Resources are constructed from Nodes. Providing this method allows each Model the opportunity to cache node-to-resource maps if it requires.
        n - the graph.Node on which to base the Model.RDFNode
        a suitable RDFNode
      • createResource

        Resource createResource​(java.lang.String uri,
                                Resource type)
        Create a new resource with a given type.

        Subsequent operations on the returned resource may modify this model.

        The resource is created and an rdf:type property added to the model to specify its type.

        type - the type of the resource to be created.
        uri - The URI of the new resource.
        a new resource linked to this model.
      • createResource

        Resource createResource​(ResourceF f)
        Create a new anonymous resource using the supplied factory.

        Subsequent operations on the returned resource may modify this model.

        f - A factory object to create the returned object. .
        a new anonymous resource linked to this model.
      • createResource

        Resource createResource​(java.lang.String uri,
                                ResourceF f)
        Create a new resource using the supplied factory.

        Subsequent operations on the returned resource may modify this model.

        uri - the URI of the resource
        f - A factory to create the returned object. .
        a new resource linked to this model.
      • createProperty

        Property createProperty​(java.lang.String uri)
        Create a property.

        Subsequent operations on the returned property may modify this model.

        uri - the URI of the property
        a property instance
      • createLiteral

        Literal createLiteral​(java.lang.String v)
        create a literal from a String value.
        v - the value of the literal
        a new literal representing the value v
      • createTypedLiteral

        Literal createTypedLiteral​(boolean v)
        create a type literal from a boolean value.

        The value is converted to a string using its toString method.

        v - the value of the literal
        a new literal representing the value v
      • createTypedLiteral

        Literal createTypedLiteral​(int v)
        create a typed literal from an integer value.
        v - the value of the literal
        a new literal representing the value v
      • createTypedLiteral

        Literal createTypedLiteral​(long v)
        create a typed literal from an integer value.
        v - the value of the literal
        a new literal representing the value v
      • createTypedLiteral

        Literal createTypedLiteral​(java.util.Calendar d)
        Create a typed literal of type xsd:dateTime from a Calendar object.
      • createTypedLiteral

        Literal createTypedLiteral​(char v)
        create a typed literal from a char value.
        v - the value of the literal
        a new literal representing the value v
      • createTypedLiteral

        Literal createTypedLiteral​(float v)
        create a typed literal from a float value.
        v - the value of the literal
        a new literal representing the value v
      • createTypedLiteral

        Literal createTypedLiteral​(double v)
        create a typed literal from a double value.
        v - the value of the literal
        a new literal representing the value v
      • createTypedLiteral

        Literal createTypedLiteral​(java.lang.String v)
        create a typed literal from a String value.
        v - the value of the literal
        a new literal representing the value v
      • createTypedLiteral

        Literal createTypedLiteral​(java.lang.Object v)
        create a literal from an Object.
        v - the value of the literal.
        a new literal representing the value v
      • createTypedLiteral

        Literal createTypedLiteral​(java.lang.String lex,
                                   java.lang.String typeURI)
        Build a typed literal from its lexical form. The lexical form will be parsed now and the value stored. If the form is not legal this will throw an exception.

        Note that in preview releases of Jena2 it was also possible to specify a language type. Changes to the RDF specification mean that this is no longer legal except for plain literals. To create a plain literal with a language tag use createLiteral.

        lex - the lexical form of the literal
        typeURI - the uri of the type of the literal, null for old style "plain" literals
        DatatypeFormatException - if lex is not a legal form of dtype
      • createTypedLiteral

        Literal createTypedLiteral​(java.lang.Object value,
                                   java.lang.String typeURI)
        Build a typed literal from its value form.

        Note that in preview releases of Jena2 it was also possible to specify a language type. Changes to the RDF specification mean that this is no longer legal except for plain literals. To create a plain literal with a language tag use createLiteral.

        value - the value of the literal
        typeURI - the URI of the type of the literal, null for old style "plain" literals
      • createLiteralStatement

        Statement createLiteralStatement​(Resource s,
                                         Property p,
                                         boolean o)
        Answer a new Statement object (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o using createTypedLiteral.
      • createLiteralStatement

        Statement createLiteralStatement​(Resource s,
                                         Property p,
                                         float o)
        Answer a new Statement object (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o using createTypedLiteral.
      • createLiteralStatement

        Statement createLiteralStatement​(Resource s,
                                         Property p,
                                         double o)
        Answer a new Statement object (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o using createTypedLiteral.
      • createLiteralStatement

        Statement createLiteralStatement​(Resource s,
                                         Property p,
                                         long o)
        Answer a new Statement object (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o using createTypedLiteral.
      • createLiteralStatement

        Statement createLiteralStatement​(Resource s,
                                         Property p,
                                         int o)
        Answer a new Statement object (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o using createTypedLiteral.
      • createLiteralStatement

        Statement createLiteralStatement​(Resource s,
                                         Property p,
                                         char o)
        Answer a new Statement object (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o using createTypedLiteral.
      • createLiteralStatement

        Statement createLiteralStatement​(Resource s,
                                         Property p,
                                         java.lang.Object o)
        Answer a new Statement object (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o using createTypedLiteral.
      • createStatement

        Statement createStatement​(Resource s,
                                  Property p,
                                  java.lang.String o)
        Create a Statement instance.

        Subsequent operations on the statement or any of its parts may modify this model.

        Creating a statement does not add it to the set of statements in the model.

        The Object o will be converted to a Literal.

        s - the subject of the statement
        p - the predicate of the statement
        o - is the value to be the object of the statement
        the new statement
      • createStatement

        Statement createStatement​(Resource s,
                                  Property p,
                                  java.lang.String o,
                                  java.lang.String l)
        Create a Statement instance.

        Subsequent operations on the statement or any of its parts may modify this model.

        Creating a statement does not add it to the set of statements in the model.

        The Object o will be converted to a Literal.

        s - the subject of the statement
        p - the predicate of the statement
        o - is the value to be the object of the statement
        l - the language associated with the object
        the new statement
      • createStatement

        Statement createStatement​(Resource s,
                                  Property p,
                                  java.lang.String o,
                                  boolean wellFormed)
        Create a Statement instance.

        Subsequent operations on the statement or any of its parts may modify this model.

        Creating a statement does not add it to the set of statements in the model.

        The Object o will be converted to a Literal.

        s - the subject of the statement
        p - the predicate of the statement
        o - is the value to be the object of the statement
        wellFormed - true if the string is well formed XML
        the new statement
      • createStatement

        Statement createStatement​(Resource s,
                                  Property p,
                                  java.lang.String o,
                                  java.lang.String l,
                                  boolean wellFormed)
        Create a Statement instance.

        Subsequent operations on the statement or any of its parts may modify this model.

        Creating a statement does not add it to the set of statements in the model.

        The Object o will be converted to a Literal.

        s - the subject of the statement
        p - the predicate of the statement
        o - is the value to be the object of the statement
        l - the language associated with the object
        wellFormed - true of the string is well formed XML
        the new statement
      • createBag

        Bag createBag()
        Create a new anonymous bag.

        Subsequent operations on the bag or any of its parts may modify this model.

        A statement defining the type of the new bag is added to this model.

        a new anonymous bag.
      • createBag

        Bag createBag​(java.lang.String uri)
        Create a new bag.

        Subsequent operations on the bag or any of its parts may modify this model.

        A statement defining the type of the new bag is added to this model.

        uri - The URI of the new Bag.
        a new bag.
      • createAlt

        Alt createAlt()
        Create a new anonymous alt.

        Subsequent operations on the alt or any of its parts may modify this model.

        A statement defining the type of the new alt is added to this model.

        a new anonymous alt.
      • createAlt

        Alt createAlt​(java.lang.String uri)
        Create a new alt.

        Subsequent operations on the alt or any of its parts may modify this model.

        A statement defining the type of the new alt is added to this model.

        uri - The URI of the new alt.
        a new alt.
      • createSeq

        Seq createSeq()
        Create a new anonymous seq.

        Subsequent operations on the seq or any of its parts may modify this model.

        A statement defining the type of the new seq is added to this model.

        a new anonymous seq.
      • createSeq

        Seq createSeq​(java.lang.String uri)
        Create a new seq.

        Subsequent operations on the seq or any of its parts may modify this model.

        A statement defining the type of the new seq is added to this model.

        uri - The URI of the new seq.
        a new seq.
      • add

        Model add​(Resource s,
                  Property p,
                  RDFNode o)
        add a statement to this model.
        s - the subject of the statement to add
        p - the predicate of the statement to add
        o - the object of the statement to add
        this model
      • addLiteral

        Model addLiteral​(Resource s,
                         Property p,
                         boolean o)
        Add the statement (s, p, createTypedLiteral( o )) to this model and answer this model.
      • addLiteral

        Model addLiteral​(Resource s,
                         Property p,
                         long o)
        Add the statement (s, p, createTypedLiteral( o )) to this model and answer this model.
      • addLiteral

        Model addLiteral​(Resource s,
                         Property p,
                         int o)
        Add the statement (s, p, createTypedLiteral( o )) to this model and answer this model.
      • addLiteral

        Model addLiteral​(Resource s,
                         Property p,
                         char o)
        Add the statement (s, p, createTypedLiteral( o )) to this model and answer this model.
      • addLiteral

        Model addLiteral​(Resource s,
                         Property p,
                         float o)
        Add the statement (s, p, o') to the model, where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o. Answer this model.
      • addLiteral

        Model addLiteral​(Resource s,
                         Property p,
                         double o)
        Add the statement (s, p, o') to the model, where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o. Answer this model.
      • addLiteral

        Model addLiteral​(Resource s,
                         Property p,
                         java.lang.Object o)
        Freshly (should have been done a while ago)
        add a statement to this model. Applications should use typed literals whereever possible.
        s - the subject of the statement to add
        p - the predicate of the statement to add
        o - the object of the statement to add
        this model
      • addLiteral

        Model addLiteral​(Resource s,
                         Property p,
                         Literal o)
        add a statement to this model.
        s - the subject of the statement to add
        p - the predicate of the statement to add
        o - the object of the statement to add
        this model
      • add

        Model add​(Resource s,
                  Property p,
                  java.lang.String o)
        add a statement to this model.
        s - the subject of the statement to add
        p - the predicate of the statement to add
        o - the object of the statement to add
        this model
      • add

        Model add​(Resource s,
                  Property p,
                  java.lang.String lex,
                  RDFDatatype datatype)
        add a statement to this model.
        s - the subject of the statement to add
        p - the predicate of the statement to add
        lex - the lexcial form of the literal
        datatype - the datatype of the literal
        this model
      • add

        Model add​(Resource s,
                  Property p,
                  java.lang.String o,
                  boolean wellFormed)
        add a statement to this model.
        s - the subject of the statement to add
        p - the predicate of the statement to add
        o - the object of the statement to add
        wellFormed - true if o is well formed XML
        this model
      • add

        Model add​(Resource s,
                  Property p,
                  java.lang.String o,
                  java.lang.String l)
        add a statement to this model.
        s - the subject of the statement to add
        p - the predicate of the statement to add
        o - the object of the statement to add
        l - the language associated with the object
        this model
      • remove

        Model remove​(Resource s,
                     Property p,
                     RDFNode o)
        remove the statement (s, p, o) from this model and answer this model. None of s, p, o are permitted to be null: for wildcard removal, see removeAll.
      • remove

        Model remove​(StmtIterator iter)
        Remove all the Statements returned by an iterator.
        iter - the iterator which returns the statements to be removed.
        this model
      • remove

        Model remove​(Model m)
        Remove all the Statements in a given model, including reified statements
        m - the model containing the statements to be removed.
        this model
      • listLiteralStatements

        StmtIterator listLiteralStatements​(Resource subject,
                                           Property predicate,
                                           boolean object)
        Answer a statement iterator that will iterate over all the statements (S, P, O) in this model where S matches subject, P matches predicate, and O matches the typed literal corresponding to object.
      • listLiteralStatements

        StmtIterator listLiteralStatements​(Resource subject,
                                           Property predicate,
                                           char object)
        Answer a statement iterator that will iterate over all the statements (S, P, O) in this model where S matches subject, P matches predicate, and O matches the typed literal corresponding to object.
      • listLiteralStatements

        StmtIterator listLiteralStatements​(Resource subject,
                                           Property predicate,
                                           long object)
        Answer a statement iterator that will iterate over all the statements (S, P, O) in this model where S matches subject, P matches predicate, and O matches the typed literal corresponding to object.
      • listLiteralStatements

        StmtIterator listLiteralStatements​(Resource subject,
                                           Property predicate,
                                           int object)
        Answer a statement iterator that will iterate over all the statements (S, P, O) in this model where S matches subject, P matches predicate, and O matches the typed literal corresponding to object.
      • listLiteralStatements

        StmtIterator listLiteralStatements​(Resource subject,
                                           Property predicate,
                                           float object)
        Answer a statement iterator that will iterate over all the statements (S, P, O) in this model where S matches subject, P matches predicate, and O matches the typed literal corresponding to object.
      • listLiteralStatements

        StmtIterator listLiteralStatements​(Resource subject,
                                           Property predicate,
                                           double object)
        Answer a statement iterator that will iterate over all the statements (S, P, O) in this model where S matches subject, P matches predicate, and O matches the typed literal corresponding to object.
      • listStatements

        StmtIterator listStatements​(Resource subject,
                                    Property predicate,
                                    java.lang.String object)
        Find all the statements matching a pattern.

        Return an iterator over all the statements in a model that match a pattern. The statements selected are those whose subject matches the subject argument, whose predicate matches the predicate argument and whose object matchesthe object argument.

        subject - The subject sought
        predicate - The predicate sought
        object - The value sought
        an iterator over the subjects
      • listStatements

        StmtIterator listStatements​(Resource subject,
                                    Property predicate,
                                    java.lang.String object,
                                    java.lang.String lang)
        Find all the statements matching a pattern.

        Return an iterator over all the statements in a model that match a pattern. The statements selected are those whose subject matches the subject argument, whose predicate matches the predicate argument and whose object matchesthe object argument. If an argument is null it matches anything.

        subject - The subject sought
        predicate - The predicate sought
        object - The value sought
        lang - The lang code ofthe string.
        an iterator over the subjects
      • listResourcesWithProperty

        ResIterator listResourcesWithProperty​(Property p,
                                              boolean o)
        Answer an iterator [without duplicates] over all the resources in this model which have value o' for property p, where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o.
      • listResourcesWithProperty

        ResIterator listResourcesWithProperty​(Property p,
                                              long o)
        Answer an iterator [without duplicates] over all the resources in this model which have value o' for property p, where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o.
      • listResourcesWithProperty

        ResIterator listResourcesWithProperty​(Property p,
                                              char o)
        Answer an iterator [without duplicates] over all the resources in this model which have value o' for property p, where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o.
      • listResourcesWithProperty

        ResIterator listResourcesWithProperty​(Property p,
                                              float o)
        Answer an iterator [without duplicates] over all the resources in this model which have value o' for property p, where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o.
      • listResourcesWithProperty

        ResIterator listResourcesWithProperty​(Property p,
                                              double o)
        Answer an iterator [without duplicates] over all the resources in this model which have value o' for property p, where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o.
      • listResourcesWithProperty

        ResIterator listResourcesWithProperty​(Property p,
                                              java.lang.Object o)
        Answer an iterator [without duplicates] over all the resources in this model which have value o' for property p, where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o.
      • listSubjectsWithProperty

        ResIterator listSubjectsWithProperty​(Property p,
                                             java.lang.String o)
        lists all subjects with a given property and property value.
        p - The predicate sought.
        o - The property value sought.
        an iterator over the set of subjects
      • listSubjectsWithProperty

        ResIterator listSubjectsWithProperty​(Property p,
                                             java.lang.String o,
                                             java.lang.String l)
        lists all subjects with a given property and property value.
        p - The predicate sought.
        o - The property value sought.
        l - the language associated with the object
        an iterator over the set of subjects
      • containsLiteral

        boolean containsLiteral​(Resource s,
                                Property p,
                                boolean o)
        Answer true iff this model contains the statement (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to the value o.
      • containsLiteral

        boolean containsLiteral​(Resource s,
                                Property p,
                                long o)
        Answer true iff this model contains the statement (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to the value o.
      • containsLiteral

        boolean containsLiteral​(Resource s,
                                Property p,
                                int o)
        Answer true iff this model contains the statement (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to the value o.
      • containsLiteral

        boolean containsLiteral​(Resource s,
                                Property p,
                                char o)
        Answer true iff this model contains the statement (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to the value o.
      • containsLiteral

        boolean containsLiteral​(Resource s,
                                Property p,
                                float o)
        Answer true iff this model contains (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o.
      • containsLiteral

        boolean containsLiteral​(Resource s,
                                Property p,
                                double o)
        Answer true iff this model contains the statement (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to the value o.
      • containsLiteral

        boolean containsLiteral​(Resource s,
                                Property p,
                                java.lang.Object o)
        Answer true iff this model contains the statement (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to the value o.
      • contains

        boolean contains​(Resource s,
                         Property p,
                         java.lang.String o)
        Determine if a statement is present in this model.
        s - The subject of the statment tested.
        p - The predicate of the statement tested.
        o - The object of the statement tested.
        true if the statement with subject s, property p and object o is in the model, false otherwise
      • contains

        boolean contains​(Resource s,
                         Property p,
                         java.lang.String o,
                         java.lang.String l)
        Determine if a statement is present in this model.
        s - The subject of the statment tested.
        p - The predicate of the statement tested.
        o - The object of the statement tested.
        l - the language associated with the object
        true if the statement with subject s, property p and object o is in the model, false otherwise