Interface ModelGetter

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    ModelMaker, ModelSource
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    MemoryModelGetter, ModelMakerImpl

    public interface ModelGetter
    A ModelGetter object can retrieve a Model given a URL for it. If it doesn't have such a Model, it returns null.

    ModelGetters are very weakly constrained. They need not contain any models at all; they may forget models they have just delivered; they may deliver different models given the same URL. They are constrained to deliver an "appropriate" model for the URL, however - whatever they return should be strongly related to the RDF which might, at some time or another, be retrieved from that URL.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Model getModel​(java.lang.String URL)
      Answer a Model whose content is that associated with the URL, if possible, and otherwise answer null.
      Model getModel​(java.lang.String URL, ModelReader loadIfAbsent)
      Answer a model appropriate for URL, If none is to hand, and it's possible to create one, create it and load it using loadIfAbsent.
    • Method Detail

      • getModel

        Model getModel​(java.lang.String URL)
        Answer a Model whose content is that associated with the URL, if possible, and otherwise answer null.
      • getModel

        Model getModel​(java.lang.String URL,
                       ModelReader loadIfAbsent)
        Answer a model appropriate for URL, If none is to hand, and it's possible to create one, create it and load it using loadIfAbsent. Otherwise throw CannotCreateException. This method never returns null.