Class ChoicePointFrame

  • public class ChoicePointFrame
    extends GenericChoiceFrame
    Represents a single frame in the LP interpreter's choice point stack, represents the OR part of the search tree.

    This is used in the inner loop of the interpreter and so is a pure data structure not an abstract data type and assumes privileged access to the interpreter state.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ChoicePointFrame

        public ChoicePointFrame​(LPInterpreter interpreter,
                                java.util.List<RuleClauseCode> predicateClauses,
                                boolean isSingleton)
        Constructor. Initialize a choice point to preserve the current context of the given intepreter and then call the given set of predicates.
        interpreter - the LPInterpreter whose state is to be preserved
        predicateClauses - the list of predicates for this choice point
        isSingleton - true if this choice should abort after one successful result
    • Method Detail

      • init

        public void init​(LPInterpreter interpreter,
                         java.util.List<RuleClauseCode> predicateClauses)
        Initialize a choice point to preserve the current context of the given intepreter and then call the given set of predicates.
        interpreter - the LPInterpreter whose state is to be preserved
        predicateClauses - the list of predicates for this choice point
      • hasNext

        public boolean hasNext()
        Is there another clause in the sequence?
      • nextClause

        public RuleClauseCode nextClause()
        Return the next clause in the sequence.
      • noteSuccess

        public void noteSuccess()
        Note successful return from this choice point. This closes the choice point if it is a singleton.