Class GenericTripleMatchFrame

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    ConsumerChoicePointFrame, TripleMatchFrame

    public class GenericTripleMatchFrame
    extends GenericChoiceFrame
    Frame on the choice point stack used to represent the state of some form of triple match - this is either a direct graph query or a query to a cached set of results.

    This is used in the inner loop of the interpreter and so is a pure data structure not an abstract data type and assumes privileged access to the interpreter state.

    • Constructor Detail

      • GenericTripleMatchFrame

        public GenericTripleMatchFrame()
    • Method Detail

      • bindResult

        public boolean bindResult​(Triple triple,
                                  LPInterpreter interpreter)
        Bind the goal variables to the given result triple. Returns false if the triple doesn't match the goal (due to a functor match failure).
      • functorMatch

        public boolean functorMatch​(Triple t,
                                    LPInterpreter interpreter)
        Check that the object of a triple match corresponds to the given functor pattern. Side effects the variable bindings.
      • init

        public void init​(LPInterpreter interpreter)
        Initialize the triple match to preserve the current context of the given LPInterpreter and search for the match defined by the current argument registers
        init in class GenericChoiceFrame
        interpreter - the interpreter instance whose env, trail and arg values are to be preserved