Class GraphMem2Fast

All Implemented Interfaces:
Graph, GraphWithPerform

public class GraphMem2Fast extends GraphMem2
A graph that stores triples in memory. This class is not thread-safe.

Purpose: GraphMem2Fast is a strong candidate for becoming the new default in-memory graph in the upcoming Jena 5, thanks to its improved performance and relatively minor increase in memory usage.

Faster than GraphMem2Legacy (specially Graph#add, Graph#find and Graph#stream) Removing triples is a bit slower than GraphMem2Legacy. Memory consumption is about 6-35% higher than GraphMem2Legacy Maps and sets are based on FastHashBase Benefits from multiple small optimizations. (see: FastTripleStore)

The heritage of GraphMem: - Also uses 3 hash-maps indexed by subjects, predicates, and objects - Values of the maps also switch from arrays to hash sets for the triples

  • Constructor Details

    • GraphMem2Fast

      public GraphMem2Fast()