

package sparkbindings

Public api for Spark-specific operators

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By inheritance
  1. sparkbindings
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. type BlockifiedDrmRdd[K] = RDD[(Array[K], Matrix)]

    Blockifed DRM rdd (keys of original DRM are grouped into array corresponding to rows of Matrix object value

  2. type DrmRdd[K] = RDD[(K, Vector)]

    Row-wise organized DRM rdd type

  3. class SparkDistributedContext extends DistributedContext

Value Members

  1. object SparkEngine extends DistributedEngine

    Spark-specific non-drm-method operations

  2. package blas

    This validation contains distributed algorithms that distributed matrix expression optimizer picks from.

  3. implicit def cpDrm2cpDrmSparkOps[K](drm: CheckpointedDrm[K])(implicit arg0: ClassTag[K]): CheckpointedDrmSparkOps[K]

    Adding Spark-specific ops

  4. implicit def dc2sc(dc: DistributedContext): SparkContext

  5. package drm

  6. implicit def drm2cpDrmSparkOps[K](drm: DrmLike[K])(implicit arg0: ClassTag[K]): CheckpointedDrmSparkOps[K]

  7. def drmWrap[K](rdd: DrmRdd[K], nrow: Long = 1, ncol: Int = 1, cacheHint: CacheHint = CacheHint.NONE, canHaveMissingRows: Boolean = false)(implicit arg0: ClassTag[K]): CheckpointedDrm[K]

    Wrap existing RDD into a matrix


    row key type


    source rdd conforming to org.apache.mahout.sparkbindings.DrmRdd


    optional, number of rows. If not specified, we'll try to figure out on our own.


    optional, number of columns. If not specififed, we'll try to figure out on our own.


    optional, desired cache policy for that rdd.


    optional. For int-keyed rows, there might be implied but missing rows. If underlying rdd may have that condition, we need to know since some operators consider that a deficiency and we'll need to fix it lazily before proceeding with such operators. It only meaningful if nrow is also specified (otherwise, we'll run quick test to figure if rows may be missing, at the time we count the rows).


    wrapped DRM

  8. def drmWrapBlockified[K](blockifiedDrmRdd: BlockifiedDrmRdd[K], nrow: Long = 1, ncol: Int = 1, cacheHint: CacheHint = CacheHint.NONE, canHaveMissingRows: Boolean = false)(implicit arg0: ClassTag[K]): CheckpointedDrm[K]

    Another drmWrap version that takes in vertical block-partitioned input to form the matrix.

  9. package indexeddataset

  10. package io

  11. def mahoutSparkContext(masterUrl: String, appName: String, customJars: TraversableOnce[String] = Nil, sparkConf: SparkConf = new SparkConf(), addMahoutJars: Boolean = true): SparkDistributedContext

    Create proper spark context that includes local Mahout jars

    Create proper spark context that includes local Mahout jars


  12. implicit def sb2bc[T](b: Broadcast[T]): BCast[T]

    Broadcast transforms

  13. implicit def sc2sdc(sc: SparkContext): SparkDistributedContext

  14. implicit def sdc2sc(sdc: SparkDistributedContext): SparkContext

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
