Annotation Interface SupportsBatching

@Documented @Target(TYPE) @Retention(RUNTIME) @Inherited public @interface SupportsBatching
Marker annotation a Processor implementation can use to indicate that users should be able to supply a Batch Duration for the Processor. If a Processor uses this annotation, it is allowing the Framework to batch ProcessSessions' commits, as well as allowing the Framework to return the same ProcessSession multiple times from subsequent calls to ProcessSessionFactory. createSession(). When this Annotation is used, it is important to note that calls to ProcessSession.commit() may not provide a guarantee that the data has been safely stored in NiFi's Content Repository or FlowFile Repository. Therefore, it is not appropriate, for instance, to use this annotation if the Processor will call ProcessSession.commit() to ensure data is persisted before deleting the data from a remote source. When the defaultDuration parameter is set, the processor is created with the supplied duration time, which can be adjusted afterwards. The supplied values can be selected from DefaultRunDuration.
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