Annotation Interface MultiProcessorUseCase

An annotation that can be used for Processors in order to explain a specific use case that can be accomplished using this Processor in conjunction with at least one other Processor. For Processors that are able to be used for multiple use cases, the component may be annotated with multiple MultiProcessorUseCase annotations.

Note that this annotation differs from UseCase in that UseCase should describe a use case that is accomplished using only the extension that is annotated. In contrast, MultiProcessorUseCase documents a use case that is accomplished by using both the Processor that is annotated as well as other Processors.

  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    An array of ProcessorConfigurations that are necessary in order to accomplish the task described in this use case.
    A simple 1 (at most 2) sentence description of the use case.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    An optional array of keywords that can be associated with the use case.
    Most of the time, 1-2 sentences is sufficient to describe a use case.
  • Element Details

    • description

      String description
      A simple 1 (at most 2) sentence description of the use case. This should not include any extraneous details, such as caveats, examples, etc. Those can be provided using the notes() method.
      a simple description of the use case
    • notes

      String notes
      Most of the time, 1-2 sentences is sufficient to describe a use case. Those 1-2 sentence should then be returned by the description(). In the event that the description is not sufficient, details may be provided to further explain, by providing examples, caveats, etc.
      any important notes that pertain to the use case
    • keywords

      String[] keywords
      An optional array of keywords that can be associated with the use case.
      keywords associated with the use case
    • configurations

      ProcessorConfiguration[] configurations
      An array of ProcessorConfigurations that are necessary in order to accomplish the task described in this use case.
      an array of processor configurations