Class AbstractAnalysisResult

Direct Known Subclasses:
ComponentAnalysisResult, GroupAnalysisResult

public abstract class AbstractAnalysisResult extends Object
Abstract class holding information about a FlowAnalysisRule violation.
  • Field Details

    • issueId

      protected final String issueId
    • message

      protected final String message
    • explanation

      protected final String explanation
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractAnalysisResult

      protected AbstractAnalysisResult(String issueId, String message, String explanation)
  • Method Details

    • getIssueId

      public String getIssueId()
      A rule-defined id that corresponds to a unique type of issue recognized by the rule. Newer analysis runs may produce a result with the same issueId in which case the old one will be overwritten (or recreated if it is the same in other aspects as well). However, if the previous result was disabled the new one will be disabled as well.
    • getMessage

      public String getMessage()
      the rule violation message
    • getExplanation

      public String getExplanation()
      a detailed explanation of the nature of the violation
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object