Interface ProvenanceEventRecord

public interface ProvenanceEventRecord
Describes an event that happened to a FlowFile.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getEventId

      long getEventId()
      a unique ID for this Provenance Event. Depending on the implementation, the Event ID may be set to -1 until the event has been added to the ProvenanceEventRepository
    • getEventTime

      long getEventTime()
      the time at which this Provenance Event was created, as the number of milliseconds since epoch
    • getFlowFileEntryDate

      long getFlowFileEntryDate()
      the EntryDate of the FlowFile to which this Event is associated
    • getLineageStartDate

      long getLineageStartDate()
      the time at which the lineage began
    • getFileSize

      long getFileSize()
      the size of the FlowFile to which this Event is associated
    • getPreviousFileSize

      Long getPreviousFileSize()
      the previous size of the FlowFile to which this Event is associated, if the FlowFile previously had content and its size was known; otherwise, returns null
    • getEventDuration

      long getEventDuration()
      the amount of time in milliseconds that elapsed while performing this event. If not populated, the value -1 will be returned
    • getEventType

      ProvenanceEventType getEventType()
      the type of this Provenance Event
    • getAttributes

      Map<String,String> getAttributes()
      all FlowFile attributes that were associated with the FlowFile at the time that this ProvenanceEvent was created
    • getAttribute

      default String getAttribute(String attributeName)
      Returns the attribute with the given name
      attributeName - the name of the attribute to get
      the attribute with the given name or null if no attribute exists with the given name
    • getPreviousAttributes

      Map<String,String> getPreviousAttributes()
      all FlowFile attributes that existed on the FlowFile before this event occurred
    • getUpdatedAttributes

      Map<String,String> getUpdatedAttributes()
      all FlowFile attributes that were updated as a result of this event
    • getComponentId

      String getComponentId()
      the ID of the Processor/component that created this Provenance Event
    • getComponentType

      String getComponentType()
      the fully-qualified Class Name of the Processor/component that created this Provenance Event
    • isRemotePortType

      default boolean isRemotePortType()
      whether this event originated from a remote group port
    • getTransitUri

      String getTransitUri()
      a URI that provides information about the System and Protocol information over which the transfer occurred. The intent of this field is such that both the sender and the receiver can publish the events to an external Enterprise-wide system that is then able to correlate the SEND and RECEIVE events.
    • getSourceSystemFlowFileIdentifier

      String getSourceSystemFlowFileIdentifier()
      Since the receiving system will usually refer to the data using a different identifier than the source system, this information is used to correlate the receive system's FlowFile with the sending system's data
      the UUID that the Source System used to refer to this data; this is applicable only when the ProvenanceEventType is of type RECEIVE
    • getFlowFileUuid

      String getFlowFileUuid()
      the UUID of the FlowFile with which this Event is associated
    • getParentUuids

      List<String> getParentUuids()
      the UUID's of all Parent FlowFiles. This is applicable only when the ProvenanceEventType is of type
      invalid reference
    • getChildUuids

      List<String> getChildUuids()
      the UUID's of all Child FlowFiles. This is applicable only when the ProvenanceEventType is of type
      invalid reference
    • getAlternateIdentifierUri

      String getAlternateIdentifierUri()
      the Alternate Identifier associated with the FlowFile with which this Event is associated. This is applicable only when the ProvenanceEventType is of type ProvenanceEventType.ADDINFO
    • getDetails

      String getDetails()
      the details for this record, if any were supplied. Otherwise, returns null
    • getRelationship

      String getRelationship()
      the relationship to which this record was routed if the event type is ProvenanceEventType.ROUTE. The relationship is applicable only to this type
    • getSourceQueueIdentifier

      String getSourceQueueIdentifier()
      the identifier of the queue from which the FlowFile was taken, if any. If the FlowFile is created as a result of this event (in this case, the Event Type is one of null null null null null null null null ProvenanceEventType.CREATE, ProvenanceEventType.RECEIVE, ProvenanceEventType.FORK, ProvenanceEventType.JOIN, or ProvenanceEventType.CLONE), or if the queue identifier is unknown, then this method will return null
    • getContentClaimSection

      String getContentClaimSection()
      the Section for the Content Claim that this Event refers to, if any; otherwise, returns null
    • getPreviousContentClaimSection

      String getPreviousContentClaimSection()
      the Section for the Content Claim that the FlowFile previously referenced, if any; otherwise, returns null
    • getContentClaimContainer

      String getContentClaimContainer()
      the Container for the Content Claim that this Event refers to, if any; otherwise, returns null
    • getPreviousContentClaimContainer

      String getPreviousContentClaimContainer()
      the Container for the Content Claim that the FlowFile previously referenced, if any; otherwise, returns null
    • getContentClaimIdentifier

      String getContentClaimIdentifier()
      the Identifier for the Content Claim that this Event refers to, if any; otherwise, returns null
    • getPreviousContentClaimIdentifier

      String getPreviousContentClaimIdentifier()
      the Identifier for the Content Claim that the FlowFile previously referenced, if any; otherwise, returns null
    • getContentClaimOffset

      Long getContentClaimOffset()
      the offset into the Content Claim at which the FlowFile's content begins, if any; otherwise, returns null
    • getPreviousContentClaimOffset

      Long getPreviousContentClaimOffset()
      the offset into the Content Claim at which the FlowFile's previous content began, if any; otherwise, returns null
    • getBestEventIdentifier

      String getBestEventIdentifier()
      Returns the best event identifier for this event (eventId if available, descriptive identifier if not yet persisted to allow for traceability).
      a descriptive event ID to allow tracing