Class ResourceMetadata

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable, Map<String,​Object>

    public class ResourceMetadata
    extends HashMap<String,​Object>
    The ResourceMetadata interface defines the API for the metadata of a Sling Resource. Essentially the resource's metadata is just a map of objects indexed by string keys.

    The actual contents of the meta data map is implementation specific with the exception of the sling.resolutionPath property which must be provided by all implementations and contain the part of the request URI used to resolve the resource. The type of this property value is defined to be String.

    Note, that the prefix sling. to key names is reserved for the Sling implementation. Once a resource is returned by the ResourceResolver, the resource metadata is made read-only and therefore can't be changed by client code!

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static final String RESOLUTION_PATH
        The name of the required property providing the part of the request URI which was used to the resolve the resource to which the meta data instance belongs (value is "sling.resolutionPath").
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String RESOLUTION_PATH_INFO
        The name of the required property providing the part of the request URI which was not used to the resolve the resource to which the meta data instance belongs (value is "sling.resolutionPathInfo"). The value of this property concatenated to the value of the sling.resolutionPath property returns the original request URI leading to the resource.

        This property is optional. If missing, it should be assumed equal to an empty string.

        2.0.4 (Sling API Bundle 2.0.4)
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String CONTENT_TYPE
        The name of the optional property providing the content type of the resource if the resource is streamable (value is "sling.contentType"). This property may be missing if the resource is not streamable or if the content type is not known.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String CONTENT_LENGTH
        The name of the optional property providing the content length of the resource if the resource is streamable (value is "sling.contentLength"). This property may be missing if the resource is not streamable or if the content length is not known.

        Note, that unlike the other properties, this property may be set only after the resource has successfully been adapted to an InputStream for performance reasons.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String CHARACTER_ENCODING
        The name of the optional property providing the character encoding of the resource if the resource is streamable and contains character data (value is "sling.characterEncoding"). This property may be missing if the resource is not streamable or if the character encoding is not known.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String CREATION_TIME
        Returns the creation time of this resource in the repository in milliseconds (value is "sling.creationTime"). The type of this property is java.lang.Long. The property may be missing if the resource is not streamable or if the creation time is not known.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String MODIFICATION_TIME
        Returns the last modification time of this resource in the repository in milliseconds (value is "sling.modificationTime"). The type of this property is java.lang.Long. The property may be missing if the resource is not streamable or if the last modification time is not known.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String INTERNAL_CONTINUE_RESOLVING
        This flag is not supported anymore when implementing the SPI based
        Returns whether the resource resolver should continue to search for a resource. A resource provider can set this flag to indicate that the resource resolver should search for a provider with a lower priority. If it finds a resource using such a provider, that resource is returned instead. If none is found this resource is returned. This flag should never be manipulated by application code! The value of this property has no meaning, the resource resolver just checks whether this flag is set or not.
        2.2 (Sling API Bundle 2.2.0)
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String PARAMETER_MAP
        Returns a map containing parameters added to path after semicolon. For instance, map for path /content/test;v='1.2.3'.html will contain one entry key v and value 1.2.3.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • ResourceMetadata

        public ResourceMetadata()
    • Method Detail

      • setCharacterEncoding

        public void setCharacterEncoding​(String encoding)
        Sets the CHARACTER_ENCODING property to encoding if not null.
        encoding - The encoding
      • getCharacterEncoding

        public @Nullable String getCharacterEncoding()
        Returns the CHARACTER_ENCODING property if not null and a String instance. Otherwise null is returned.
        The character encoding
      • setContentType

        public void setContentType​(String contentType)
        Sets the CONTENT_TYPE property to contentType if not null.
        contentType - The content type
      • getContentType

        public @Nullable String getContentType()
        Returns the CONTENT_TYPE property if not null and a String instance. Otherwise null is returned.
        The content type
      • setContentLength

        public void setContentLength​(long contentLength)
        Sets the CONTENT_LENGTH property to contentType if not null.
        contentLength - The content length
      • getContentLength

        public long getContentLength()
        Returns the CONTENT_LENGTH property if not null and a long. Otherwise -1 is returned.
        The content length
      • setCreationTime

        public void setCreationTime​(long creationTime)
        Sets the CREATION_TIME property to creationTime if not negative.
        creationTime - The creation time
      • getCreationTime

        public long getCreationTime()
        Returns the CREATION_TIME property if not null and a long. Otherwise -1 is returned.
        The creation time
      • setModificationTime

        public void setModificationTime​(long modificationTime)
        Sets the MODIFICATION_TIME property to modificationTime if not negative.
        modificationTime - The modification time
      • getModificationTime

        public long getModificationTime()
        Returns the MODIFICATION_TIME property if not null and a long. Otherwise -1 is returned.
        The modification time
      • setResolutionPath

        public void setResolutionPath​(String resolutionPath)
        Sets the RESOLUTION_PATH property to resolutionPath if not null.
        resolutionPath - The resolution path
      • getResolutionPath

        public @Nullable String getResolutionPath()
        Returns the RESOLUTION_PATH property if not null and a String instance. Otherwise null is returned.
        The resolution path
      • setResolutionPathInfo

        public void setResolutionPathInfo​(String resolutionPathInfo)
        Sets the RESOLUTION_PATH_INFO property to resolutionPathInfo if not null.
        resolutionPathInfo - The resolution path info
      • getResolutionPathInfo

        public @Nullable String getResolutionPathInfo()
        Returns the RESOLUTION_PATH_INFO property if not null and a String instance. Otherwise null is returned.
        The resolution path info
      • setParameterMap

        public void setParameterMap​(Map<String,​String> parameterMap)
        Sets the PARAMETER_MAP property to parameterMap if not null.
        parameterMap - The parameter map
      • getParameterMap

        public @Nullable Map<String,​String> getParameterMap()
        Returns the PARAMETER_MAP property if not null and a Map instance. Otherwise null is returned.
        The parameter map
      • lock

        public void lock()
        Make this object read-only. All method calls trying to modify this object result in an exception!
        2.3 (Sling API Bundle 2.4.0)
      • internalPut

        protected void internalPut​(@NotNull
                                   @NotNull String key,
                                   Object value)