Class CreateUserAction

    • Constructor Detail

      • CreateUserAction

        public CreateUserAction​( factory)
    • Method Detail

      • handleForm

        public FormActionResult handleForm​( actionResource,
                                           FormRequest request)
                                    throws FormException
        Description copied from interface: FormAction
        Handle a form submission. The form can be assumed to have been validated.
        Specified by:
        handleForm in interface FormAction
        actionResource - the configuration to use to configure the form action
        request - the form request to handle
        the result of the action
        FormException - an exception occurs handling the form
      • handles

        public boolean handles​( actionResource)
        Description copied from interface: FormAction
        Checks if the the Form Action should handle the specified request and action
        Specified by:
        handles in interface FormAction
        actionResource - the resource to check
        true if this FormAction should handle the configuration, false otherwise