Class TextareaHandler

    • Method Detail

      • handles

        public boolean handles​( fieldResource)
        Description copied from interface: FieldHandler
        Returns true if the FieldHandler should handle the field resource
        Specified by:
        handles in interface FieldHandler
        fieldResource - the field resource to handle
        true if the FieldHandler will handle, false otherwise
      • handleField

        public void handleField​( request,
                                Map<String,​Object> formData)
                         throws FormException
        Description copied from interface: FieldHandler
        Handle the field being submitted. Uses the configuration from the fieldResource and the data from the request and saves the value into the formData.
        Specified by:
        handleField in interface FieldHandler
        request - the request for the form submission
        fieldResource - the resource from which to get the field configuration
        formData - the Map to which to save the data for the field
        FormException - an exception occurs attempting to handle the field including the field not being set or being invalid