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ACCEPTED - org.apache.sling.distribution.DistributionRequestState
The request has been accepted, as a consequence the content to be distributed has been created and queued (and it will be eventually processed asynchronously).
ADD - org.apache.sling.distribution.DistributionRequestType
Action type for adding content
AGENT_PACKAGE_CREATED - Static variable in interface org.apache.sling.distribution.event.DistributionEventTopics
Event raised after the successful creation of a content package.
AGENT_PACKAGE_DISTRIBUTED - Static variable in interface org.apache.sling.distribution.event.DistributionEventTopics
Event raised after successfully distributing a content package from a distribution queue.
AGENT_PACKAGE_DROPPED - Static variable in interface org.apache.sling.distribution.event.DistributionEventTopics
Event raised when a content package could not be distributed and was removed from a distribution queue.
AGENT_PACKAGE_QUEUED - Static variable in interface org.apache.sling.distribution.event.DistributionEventTopics
Event raised after successfully storing a content package to the distribution queues.
asCredentialsMap() - Method in interface org.apache.sling.distribution.transport.DistributionTransportSecret
Get the secret as a Map of credentials, this can contain, for example, entries holding information about username and password for HTTP authentication.


DELETE - org.apache.sling.distribution.DistributionRequestType
Action type for deleting content
distribute(String, ResourceResolver, DistributionRequest) - Method in interface org.apache.sling.distribution.Distributor
Perform a DistributionRequest to distribute content from a source instance to a target instance.
DISTRIBUTED - org.apache.sling.distribution.DistributionRequestState
The request has completed and the content has been successfully distributed (created, transported and persisted) from the source instance to the target instance.
DISTRIBUTION_COMPONENT_KIND - Static variable in interface org.apache.sling.distribution.event.DistributionEventProperties
property containing the kind of the component generating the event
DISTRIBUTION_COMPONENT_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.sling.distribution.event.DistributionEventProperties
property containing the name of component generating the event
DISTRIBUTION_DEEP_PATHS - Static variable in interface org.apache.sling.distribution.event.DistributionEventProperties
property containing the type of the distribution paths
DISTRIBUTION_ENQUEUE_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in interface org.apache.sling.distribution.event.DistributionEventProperties
property containing the time when an item was created and enqueued for distribution
DISTRIBUTION_PACKAGE_ID - Static variable in interface org.apache.sling.distribution.event.DistributionEventProperties
Package id
DISTRIBUTION_PATHS - Static variable in interface org.apache.sling.distribution.event.DistributionEventProperties
property containing the type of the distribution paths
DISTRIBUTION_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.apache.sling.distribution.event.DistributionEventProperties
property containing the type of the distribution request
DistributionEvent - Class in org.apache.sling.distribution.event
DistributionEvent(String, String, String, String, String[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.apache.sling.distribution.event.DistributionEvent
DistributionEventProperties - Interface in org.apache.sling.distribution.event
an interface containing of the possible properties of events related to distribution
DistributionEventTopics - Interface in org.apache.sling.distribution.event
an interface containing a list of the possible topics of events related to distribution
DistributionRequest - Interface in org.apache.sling.distribution
A DistributionRequest represents the need from the caller to have some content being distributed from a source instance to a target instance.
DistributionRequestState - Enum in org.apache.sling.distribution
The different states a DistributionRequest can have during its lifecycle.
DistributionRequestType - Enum in org.apache.sling.distribution
The request type tied to a specific DistributionRequest, used to decide how the distribution content should be aggregated.
DistributionResponse - Interface in org.apache.sling.distribution
A DistributionResponse represents the outcome of a DistributionRequest as handled by a certain distribution agent.
DistributionResponseInfo - Interface in org.apache.sling.distribution
A DistributionResponseInfo represents an additional info for the request
DistributionTransportSecret - Interface in org.apache.sling.distribution.transport
The secret to be transported for authenticating transport layer connecting two instances.
DistributionTransportSecretProvider - Interface in org.apache.sling.distribution.transport
Distributor - Interface in org.apache.sling.distribution
A distributor is responsible for dispatching DistributionRequests to distribution agents.
DROPPED - org.apache.sling.distribution.DistributionRequestState
The request has been dropped and the content could not be successfully distributed from the source to target instance because the request execution failed during one of the phases: creation, queueing, transport, persistence.


EVENT_BASE - Static variable in interface org.apache.sling.distribution.event.DistributionEventTopics


fromEvent(Event) - Static method in class org.apache.sling.distribution.event.DistributionEvent
fromName(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.sling.distribution.DistributionRequestType
Creates an action type for the given name.


getComponentKind() - Method in class org.apache.sling.distribution.event.DistributionEvent
getComponentName() - Method in class org.apache.sling.distribution.event.DistributionEvent
getDistDeepPaths() - Method in class org.apache.sling.distribution.event.DistributionEvent
getDistPaths() - Method in class org.apache.sling.distribution.event.DistributionEvent
getDistributionInfo() - Method in interface org.apache.sling.distribution.DistributionResponse
returns additional properties related to the DistributionRequest
getDistType() - Method in class org.apache.sling.distribution.event.DistributionEvent
getFilters(String) - Method in interface org.apache.sling.distribution.DistributionRequest
Get the filters applicable for a specific path +/foo/.* - include all content under /foo -/foo - exclude /foo node filters are checked in order and the last matched filter determines inclusion/exclusion
getFilters(String) - Method in class org.apache.sling.distribution.SimpleDistributionRequest
getId() - Method in interface org.apache.sling.distribution.DistributionResponseInfo
returns the identifier of the associated DistributionRequest
getMessage() - Method in interface org.apache.sling.distribution.DistributionResponse
returns a verbose message of the response
getPackageId() - Method in class org.apache.sling.distribution.event.DistributionEvent
getPaths() - Method in interface org.apache.sling.distribution.DistributionRequest
Get the root paths for this distribution request
getPaths() - Method in class org.apache.sling.distribution.SimpleDistributionRequest
get the paths for this distribution request
getRequestType() - Method in interface org.apache.sling.distribution.DistributionRequest
Get the DistributionRequestType associated with this request
getRequestType() - Method in class org.apache.sling.distribution.SimpleDistributionRequest
get the DistributionRequestType associated with this request
getSecret(URI) - Method in interface org.apache.sling.distribution.transport.DistributionTransportSecretProvider
Get a DistributionTransportSecret for the specified URI
getState() - Method in interface org.apache.sling.distribution.DistributionResponse
returns the state of the associated DistributionRequest


IMPORTER_PACKAGE_IMPORTED - Static variable in interface org.apache.sling.distribution.event.DistributionEventTopics
Event raised after successfully importing a content package.
ImportPostProcessException - Exception in org.apache.sling.distribution
Exception thrown by the Import post processor implementations
ImportPostProcessException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.sling.distribution.ImportPostProcessException
ImportPostProcessException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.sling.distribution.ImportPostProcessException
ImportPostProcessException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.sling.distribution.ImportPostProcessException
ImportPostProcessor - Interface in org.apache.sling.distribution
Executes any operations post import of distribution content
INVALIDATE - org.apache.sling.distribution.DistributionRequestType
Action type for invalidating content
InvalidationProcessException - Exception in org.apache.sling.distribution
Exception thrown by the Invalidation processor implementations
InvalidationProcessException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.sling.distribution.InvalidationProcessException
InvalidationProcessException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.sling.distribution.InvalidationProcessException
InvalidationProcessException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.sling.distribution.InvalidationProcessException
InvalidationProcessor - Interface in org.apache.sling.distribution
Executes cache invalidation requests
isDeep(String) - Method in interface org.apache.sling.distribution.DistributionRequest
Returns whether the paths are covering the entire subtree (deep) or just the specified nodes (shallow)
isDeep(String) - Method in class org.apache.sling.distribution.SimpleDistributionRequest
Returns whether the a path is covering the entire subtree (deep) or just the specified nodes (shallow)
isSuccessful() - Method in interface org.apache.sling.distribution.DistributionResponse
returns the status of the request, whether it is successful or not.


NONE - Static variable in interface org.apache.sling.distribution.DistributionResponseInfo
NOT_EXECUTED - org.apache.sling.distribution.DistributionRequestState
The request was not executed because no distribution agent was found to serve it.


org.apache.sling.distribution - package org.apache.sling.distribution
org.apache.sling.distribution.event - package org.apache.sling.distribution.event
org.apache.sling.distribution.transport - package org.apache.sling.distribution.transport


process(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.apache.sling.distribution.ImportPostProcessor
Process any operations after import of content.
process(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.apache.sling.distribution.InvalidationProcessor
Process invalidation requests
PULL - org.apache.sling.distribution.DistributionRequestType
Action type for pulling content


SimpleDistributionRequest - Class in org.apache.sling.distribution
A SimpleDistributionRequest is a DistributionRequest where all paths are either "deep" or "shallow".
SimpleDistributionRequest(DistributionRequestType, boolean, String...) - Constructor for class org.apache.sling.distribution.SimpleDistributionRequest
Creates distribution request with "deep" or "shallow" paths.
SimpleDistributionRequest(DistributionRequestType, String...) - Constructor for class org.apache.sling.distribution.SimpleDistributionRequest
Creates a distribution request with "shallow" paths.
SimpleDistributionRequest(DistributionRequestType, String[], Set<String>) - Constructor for class org.apache.sling.distribution.SimpleDistributionRequest
Creates a distribution request with additional "deep" paths.
SimpleDistributionRequest(DistributionRequestType, String[], Set<String>, Map<String, String[]>) - Constructor for class org.apache.sling.distribution.SimpleDistributionRequest
Creates a distribution request with "deep" paths and filters.


TEST - org.apache.sling.distribution.DistributionRequestType
Action type for testing connection.
toEvent(String) - Method in class org.apache.sling.distribution.event.DistributionEvent
toString() - Method in class org.apache.sling.distribution.SimpleDistributionRequest


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.sling.distribution.DistributionRequestState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.sling.distribution.DistributionRequestType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.sling.distribution.DistributionRequestState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.sling.distribution.DistributionRequestType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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