Interface ExtensionHandler

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    ContentPackageHandler, RepoInitHandler

    public interface ExtensionHandler
    A extension handler can be used to add additional functionality to the launcher based on extension in the feature model. For example, the Apache Sling specific extension for repoinit is unknown to the launcher. An extension handler can be used to handle that extension and provide the information to the runtime. Before launching, the extension handlers are called until a handler returns true for an extension. Therefore only one handler can be invoked for a given extension. An extension handler is needed for every required extension in the feature model.
    • Method Detail

      • handle

        boolean handle​(ExtensionContext context,
                throws Exception
        Try to handle the extension. As soon as a handler returns true, no other handler is invoked for this extension.
        context - Context for the handler
        extension - The feature model extension
        true if the handler handled the extension.
        Exception - If an error occurs during processing of the extension.