Interface LauncherRunContext

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface LauncherRunContext
This is the context for the launcher
  • Method Details

    • getFrameworkProperties

      Map<String,String> getFrameworkProperties()
      Map of framework properties to be set when the framework is created.
      The map with the framework properties.
    • getBundleMap

      Map<Integer,List<URL>> getBundleMap()
      Bundle map, key is the start level, value is a list of files.
      The bundle map, might be empty
    • getConfigurations

      List<Object[]> getConfigurations()
      List of configurations. The value in each is an object array with three values
      1. The PID
      2. The factory PID or null
      3. The dictionary with the properties
      We can't use a custom object due to class loading restrictions.
      The list, might be empty
    • getInstallableArtifacts

      List<URL> getInstallableArtifacts()
      List of installable artifacts.
      The list of files. The list might be empty.
    • getLogger

      org.slf4j.Logger getLogger()
      Get the central logger
      The logger