Class AbstractSlingRepositoryManager.Config

    • Field Detail

      • defaultWorkspace

        protected final String defaultWorkspace
      • disableLoginAdministrative

        protected final boolean disableLoginAdministrative
      • startupThreadMaxWaitCount

        protected final int startupThreadMaxWaitCount
      • startupThreadWaitMillis

        protected final long startupThreadWaitMillis
    • Constructor Detail

      • Config

        public Config​(String defaultWorkspace,
                      boolean disableLoginAdministrative)
        defaultWorkspace - The name of the default workspace to use to login. This may be null to have the actual repository instance define its own default
        disableLoginAdministrative - Whether to disable the SlingRepository.loginAdministrative method or not.
      • Config

        public Config​(String defaultWorkspace,
                      boolean disableLoginAdministrative,
                      int startupThreadMaxWaitCount,
                      long startupThreadWaitMillis)
        defaultWorkspace - The name of the default workspace to use to login. This may be null to have the actual repository instance define its own default
        disableLoginAdministrative - Whether to disable the SlingRepository.loginAdministrative method or not.
        startupThreadMaxWaitCount - The number of attempts to be performed when waiting for the repository startup to complete
        startupThreadWaitMillis - The duration of each of the waits performed when waiting for the repository startup to complete