Class CreateGroupServlet

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, javax.servlet.Servlet, javax.servlet.ServletConfig, CreateGroup

    public class CreateGroupServlet
    extends AbstractGroupPostServlet
    implements CreateGroup

    Sling Post Servlet implementation for creating a group in the jackrabbit UserManager.

    Rest Service Description

    Creates a new group. Maps on to nodes of resourceType sling/groups like /rep:system/rep:userManager/rep:groups mapped to a resource url /system/userManager/group. This servlet responds at /system/userManager/group.create.html


    • POST

    Post Parameters

    one of these
    • :name - The value is the exact name to use
    • :name@ValueFrom - The value is the name of another submitted parameter whose value is the exact name to use
    • :nameHint - The value is filtered, trimmed and made unique
    • :nameHint@ValueFrom - The value is the name of another submitted parameter whose value is filtered, trimmed and made unique
    • otherwise - Try the value of any server-side configured "principalNameHints" parameter to treat as a hint that is filtered, trimmed and made unique
    Any additional parameters become properties of the group node (optional)


    Success, a redirect is sent to the group resource locator. The redirect comes with HTML describing the status.
    Failure, including group already exists. HTML explains the failure.


    curl -F:name=newGroupA -Fproperty1=value1 http://localhost:8080/system/userManager/group.create.html


    See Also:
    Serialized Form