Class AbstractTraxSerializerFactory

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractTraxSerializerFactory

        public AbstractTraxSerializerFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • getOutputFormat

        protected abstract String getOutputFormat()
      • getDoctypePublic

        protected abstract String getDoctypePublic()
      • getDoctypeSystem

        protected abstract String getDoctypeSystem()
      • activate

        protected void activate​(org.osgi.service.component.ComponentContext ctx)
      • deactivat

        protected void deactivat​(org.osgi.service.component.ComponentContext ctx)
      • needsNamespacesAsAttributes

        protected boolean needsNamespacesAsAttributes()
                                               throws Exception
        Checks if the used Trax implementation correctly handles namespaces set using startPrefixMapping(), but wants them also as 'xmlns:' attributes.

        The check consists in sending SAX events representing a minimal namespaced document with namespaces defined only with calls to startPrefixMapping (no xmlns:xxx attributes) and check if they are present in the resulting text.

        if the support is given
        Exception - in case of any exception during the check