Class SlingHTLMasterCompiler

  • public class SlingHTLMasterCompiler
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • SlingHTLMasterCompiler

        public SlingHTLMasterCompiler()
    • Method Detail

      • getResourceBackedUseObject

        public Object getResourceBackedUseObject​( renderContext,
                                                 String className)
        This method returns an Object instance based on a Resource-backed class that is either found through regular classloading mechanisms or on-the-fly compilation. In case the requested class does not denote a fully qualified class name, this service will try to find the class through Sling's resource resolution mechanism and compile the class on-the-fly if required.
        renderContext - the render context
        className - name of class to use for object instantiation
        object instance of the requested class or null if the specified class is not backed by a Resource