Class ExtensionUtils

  • public class ExtensionUtils
    extends Object
    Helper class for RuntimeExtension implementations.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExtensionUtils

        public ExtensionUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • checkArgumentCount

        public static void checkArgumentCount​(String extensionName,
                                              Object[] arguments,
                                              int count)
        Helper method for checking if the number of arguments passed to a RuntimeExtension are equal to what the extension requires.
        extensionName - the name of the extension
        arguments - the arguments array
        count - the expected number or arguments
        Throws: - if the number of supplied arguments differs from what's expected
      • setRequestAttributes

        public static Map<String,​Object> setRequestAttributes​( request,
                                                                    Map<String,​Object> newRequestAttributes)
        Helper method for setting specific attributes in a SlingHttpServletRequest scope
        request - the SlingHttpServletRequest
        newRequestAttributes - the Map of attributes to set
        A Map of original attributes values for substituted keys