Class UniquePaths

  • public class UniquePaths
    extends Object
    Generate unique paths, for tests isolation
    • Constructor Detail

      • UniquePaths

        public UniquePaths()
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public static String get​(Object nameReference,
                                 String basePath)
        Return a unique path based on basePath
        nameReference - The simple class name of that object is used as part of the generated unique ID
        basePath - All occurrences of U_PATTERN in basePath are replaced by the generated unique ID. If $U$ is not found in basePath, unique ID is added at its end.
        path with a unique value for each call.
      • get

        public static String get​(Object nameReference)
        Get a unique ID with no base path
        nameReference - The simple class name of that object is used as part of the generated unique ID
        path with a unique value for each call