Class Preprocessor

  • public class Preprocessor
    extends Object
    The processor processes all feature projects.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Preprocessor

        public Preprocessor()
    • Method Detail

      • process

        public void process​(Environment env)
        Process the provided projects.
        env - The environment with all maven settings and projects
      • readProjectFeatures

        protected void readProjectFeatures​(org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger logger,
                                           FeatureProjectInfo info,
                                           FeatureProjectConfig config)
        Read the features for a feature project. The feature is either inlined in the pom or stored in a file in the project.
        logger - The logger
        info - The project info
        config - The configuration
      • preprocessFeature

        protected String preprocessFeature​(org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject project,
                                           boolean validate,
                                           File file,
                                           String json)
      • postProcessReadFeature

        protected postProcessReadFeature​( result)
        Hook to post process the local feature
        result - The read feature
        The post processed feature
      • createFeatureProvider

        protected createFeatureProvider​(Environment env,
                                                                                         FeatureProjectInfo info,
                                                                                         boolean isTest,
                                                                                         boolean skipAddDependencies,
                                                                                         String dependencyScope,
                                                                                         List<> projectFeatures)