

package objects

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class AssertNotNull(child: Expression, walkedTypePath: Seq[String]) extends UnaryExpression with NonSQLExpression with Product with Serializable

    Asserts that input values of a non-nullable child expression are not null.

  2. case class CreateExternalRow(children: Seq[Expression], schema: StructType) extends Expression with NonSQLExpression with Product with Serializable

    Constructs a new external row, using the result of evaluating the specified expressions as content.

  3. case class DecodeUsingSerializer[T](child: Expression, tag: ClassTag[T], kryo: Boolean) extends UnaryExpression with NonSQLExpression with Product with Serializable

    Serializes an input object using a generic serializer (Kryo or Java).

  4. case class EncodeUsingSerializer(child: Expression, kryo: Boolean) extends UnaryExpression with NonSQLExpression with Product with Serializable

    Serializes an input object using a generic serializer (Kryo or Java).

  5. case class GetExternalRowField(child: Expression, index: Int, fieldName: String) extends UnaryExpression with NonSQLExpression with Product with Serializable

    Returns the value of field at index index from the external row child.

  6. case class InitializeJavaBean(beanInstance: Expression, setters: Map[String, Expression]) extends Expression with NonSQLExpression with Product with Serializable

    Initialize a Java Bean instance by setting its field values via setters.

  7. case class Invoke(targetObject: Expression, functionName: String, dataType: DataType, arguments: Seq[Expression] = immutable.this.Nil, propagateNull: Boolean = true) extends Expression with NonSQLExpression with Product with Serializable

    Calls the specified function on an object, optionally passing arguments.

  8. case class LambdaVariable(value: String, isNull: String, dataType: DataType) extends LeafExpression with Unevaluable with NonSQLExpression with Product with Serializable

    A place holder for the loop variable used in MapObjects.

  9. case class MapObjects extends Expression with NonSQLExpression with Product with Serializable

    Applies the given expression to every element of a collection of items, returning the result as an ArrayType.

  10. case class NewInstance(cls: Class[_], arguments: Seq[Expression], propagateNull: Boolean, dataType: DataType, outerPointer: Option[() ⇒ AnyRef]) extends Expression with NonSQLExpression with Product with Serializable

    Constructs a new instance of the given class, using the result of evaluating the specified expressions as arguments.

  11. case class StaticInvoke(staticObject: Class[_], dataType: DataType, functionName: String, arguments: Seq[Expression] = immutable.this.Nil, propagateNull: Boolean = true) extends Expression with NonSQLExpression with Product with Serializable

    Invokes a static function, returning the result.

  12. case class UnwrapOption(dataType: DataType, child: Expression) extends UnaryExpression with NonSQLExpression with ExpectsInputTypes with Product with Serializable

    Given an expression that returns on object of type Option[_], this expression unwraps the option into the specified Spark SQL datatype.

  13. case class ValidateExternalType(child: Expression, expected: DataType) extends UnaryExpression with NonSQLExpression with ExpectsInputTypes with Product with Serializable

    Validates the actual data type of input expression at runtime.

  14. case class WrapOption(child: Expression, optType: DataType) extends UnaryExpression with NonSQLExpression with ExpectsInputTypes with Product with Serializable

    Converts the result of evaluating child into an option, checking both the isNull bit and (in the case of reference types) equality with null.

Value Members

  1. object MapObjects extends Serializable

  2. object NewInstance extends Serializable
