

package util

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. util
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. class AbstractScalaRowIterator[T] extends Iterator[T]

    Shim to allow us to implement scala.Iterator in Java.

  2. class ArrayBasedMapData extends MapData

  3. abstract class ArrayData extends SpecializedGetters with Serializable

  4. class GenericArrayData extends ArrayData

  5. abstract class MapData extends Serializable

    This is an internal data representation for map type in Spark SQL.

  6. class StringKeyHashMap[T] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object ArrayBasedMapData extends Serializable

  2. object DateTimeUtils

    Helper functions for converting between internal and external date and time representations.

  3. object NumberConverter

  4. object StringKeyHashMap

    Build a map with String type of key, and it also supports either key case sensitive or insensitive.

  5. object StringUtils

  6. object TypeUtils

    Helper functions to check for valid data types.

  7. def benchmark[A](f: ⇒ A): A

  8. def fileToString(file: File, encoding: String = "UTF-8"): String

  9. def quietly[A](f: ⇒ A): A

    Silences output to stderr or stdout for the duration of f

  10. def quoteIdentifier(name: String): String

  11. def resourceToBytes(resource: String, classLoader: ClassLoader = Utils.getSparkClassLoader): Array[Byte]

  12. def resourceToString(resource: String, encoding: String = "UTF-8", classLoader: ClassLoader = Utils.getSparkClassLoader): String

  13. def sideBySide(left: Seq[String], right: Seq[String]): Seq[String]

  14. def sideBySide(left: String, right: String): Seq[String]

  15. def stackTraceToString(t: Throwable): String

  16. def stringOrNull(a: AnyRef): String

  17. def stringToFile(file: File, str: String): File

  18. def toPrettySQL(e: Expression): String

  19. def usePrettyExpression(e: Expression): Expression

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
