

package expressions

A set of classes that can be used to represent trees of relational expressions. A key goal of the expression library is to hide the details of naming and scoping from developers who want to manipulate trees of relational operators. As such, the library defines a special type of expression, a NamedExpression in addition to the standard collection of expressions.

Standard Expressions

A library of standard expressions (e.g., Add, EqualTo), aggregates (e.g., SUM, COUNT), and other computations (e.g. UDFs). Each expression type is capable of determining its output schema as a function of its children's output schema.

Named Expressions

Some expression are named and thus can be referenced by later operators in the dataflow graph. The two types of named expressions are AttributeReferences and Aliases. AttributeReferences refer to attributes of the input tuple for a given operator and form the leaves of some expression trees. Aliases assign a name to intermediate computations. For example, in the SQL statement SELECT a+b AS c FROM ..., the expressions a and b would be represented by AttributeReferences and c would be represented by an Alias.

During analysis, all named expressions are assigned a globally unique expression id, which can be used for equality comparisons. While the original names are kept around for debugging purposes, they should never be used to check if two attributes refer to the same value, as plan transformations can result in the introduction of naming ambiguity. For example, consider a plan that contains subqueries, both of which are reading from the same table. If an optimization removes the subqueries, scoping information would be destroyed, eliminating the ability to reason about which subquery produced a given attribute.


The result of expressions can be evaluated using the Expression.apply(Row) method.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By inheritance
  1. expressions
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. case class Abs(child: Expression) extends UnaryExpression with Product with Serializable

    A function that get the absolute value of the numeric value.

  2. case class Add(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends BinaryArithmetic with Product with Serializable

  3. case class AddItemToSet(item: Expression, set: Expression) extends Expression with Product with Serializable

    Adds an item to a set.

    Adds an item to a set. For performance, this expression mutates its input during evaluation.

  4. abstract class AggregateExpression extends Expression

  5. abstract class AggregateFunction extends AggregateExpression with Serializable with LeafNode[Expression]

    A specific implementation of an aggregate function.

    A specific implementation of an aggregate function. Used to wrap a generic AggregateExpression with an algorithm that will be used to compute one specific result.

  6. case class Alias(child: Expression, name: String)(exprId: ExprId = NamedExpression.newExprId, qualifiers: Seq[String] = Nil) extends NamedExpression with UnaryNode[Expression] with Product with Serializable

    Used to assign a new name to a computation.

    Used to assign a new name to a computation. For example the SQL expression "1 + 1 AS a" could be represented as follows: Alias(Add(Literal(1), Literal(1), "a")()


    the computation being performed


    the name to be associated with the result of computing child.


    A globally unique id used to check if an AttributeReference refers to this alias. Auto-assigned if left blank.

  7. case class And(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends BinaryPredicate with Product with Serializable

  8. case class ApproxCountDistinct(child: Expression, relativeSD: Double = 0.05) extends PartialAggregate with UnaryNode[Expression] with Product with Serializable

  9. case class ApproxCountDistinctMerge(child: Expression, relativeSD: Double) extends AggregateExpression with UnaryNode[Expression] with Product with Serializable

  10. case class ApproxCountDistinctMergeFunction(expr: Expression, base: AggregateExpression, relativeSD: Double) extends AggregateFunction with Product with Serializable

  11. case class ApproxCountDistinctPartition(child: Expression, relativeSD: Double) extends AggregateExpression with UnaryNode[Expression] with Product with Serializable

  12. case class ApproxCountDistinctPartitionFunction(expr: Expression, base: AggregateExpression, relativeSD: Double) extends AggregateFunction with Product with Serializable

  13. abstract class Attribute extends NamedExpression

  14. class AttributeEquals extends AnyRef

  15. class AttributeMap[A] extends Map[Attribute, A] with Serializable

  16. case class AttributeReference(name: String, dataType: DataType, nullable: Boolean = true, metadata: Metadata = Metadata.empty)(exprId: ExprId = NamedExpression.newExprId, qualifiers: Seq[String] = Nil) extends Attribute with LeafNode[Expression] with Product with Serializable

    A reference to an attribute produced by another operator in the tree.

    A reference to an attribute produced by another operator in the tree.


    The name of this attribute, should only be used during analysis or for debugging.


    The DataType of this attribute.


    True if null is a valid value for this attribute.


    The metadata of this attribute.


    A globally unique id used to check if different AttributeReferences refer to the same attribute.


    a list of strings that can be used to referred to this attribute in a fully qualified way. Consider the examples, tableName and subQueryAlias are possible qualifiers.

  17. class AttributeSet extends Traversable[Attribute] with Serializable

    A Set designed to hold AttributeReference objects, that performs equality checking using expression id instead of standard java equality.

    A Set designed to hold AttributeReference objects, that performs equality checking using expression id instead of standard java equality. Using expression id means that these sets will correctly test for membership, even when the AttributeReferences in question differ cosmetically (e.g., the names have different capitalizations).

    Note that we do not override equality for Attribute references as it is really weird when AttributeReference("a"...) == AttrributeReference("b", ...). This tactic leads to broken tests, and also makes doing transformations hard (we always try keep older trees instead of new ones when the transformation was a no-op).

  18. case class Average(child: Expression) extends PartialAggregate with UnaryNode[Expression] with Product with Serializable

  19. case class AverageFunction(expr: Expression, base: AggregateExpression) extends AggregateFunction with Product with Serializable

  20. abstract class BinaryArithmetic extends BinaryExpression

  21. abstract class BinaryComparison extends BinaryPredicate

  22. abstract class BinaryExpression extends Expression with BinaryNode[Expression]

  23. abstract class BinaryPredicate extends BinaryExpression with Predicate

  24. case class BitwiseAnd(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends BinaryArithmetic with Product with Serializable

    A function that calculates bitwise and(&) of two numbers.

  25. case class BitwiseNot(child: Expression) extends UnaryExpression with Product with Serializable

    A function that calculates bitwise not(~) of a number.

  26. case class BitwiseOr(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends BinaryArithmetic with Product with Serializable

    A function that calculates bitwise or(|) of two numbers.

  27. case class BitwiseXor(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends BinaryArithmetic with Product with Serializable

    A function that calculates bitwise xor(^) of two numbers.

  28. case class BoundReference(ordinal: Int, dataType: DataType, nullable: Boolean) extends Expression with LeafNode[Expression] with Product with Serializable

    A bound reference points to a specific slot in the input tuple, allowing the actual value to be retrieved more efficiently.

    A bound reference points to a specific slot in the input tuple, allowing the actual value to be retrieved more efficiently. However, since operations like column pruning can change the layout of intermediate tuples, BindReferences should be run after all such transformations.

  29. trait CaseConversionExpression extends AnyRef

  30. case class CaseWhen(branches: Seq[Expression]) extends Expression with Product with Serializable

    Case statements of the form "CASE WHEN a THEN b [WHEN c THEN d]* [ELSE e] END".

    Case statements of the form "CASE WHEN a THEN b [WHEN c THEN d]* [ELSE e] END". Refer to this link for the corresponding semantics:

    The other form of case statements "CASE a WHEN b THEN c [WHEN d THEN e]* [ELSE f] END" gets translated to this form at parsing time. Namely, such a statement gets translated to "CASE WHEN a=b THEN c [WHEN a=d THEN e]* [ELSE f] END".

    Note that branches are considered in consecutive pairs (cond, val), and the optional last element is the value for the default catch-all case (if provided). Hence, branches consists of at least two elements, and can have an odd or even length.

  31. case class Cast(child: Expression, dataType: DataType) extends UnaryExpression with Logging with Product with Serializable

    Cast the child expression to the target data type.

  32. case class Coalesce(children: Seq[Expression]) extends Expression with Product with Serializable

  33. case class CollectHashSet(expressions: Seq[Expression]) extends AggregateExpression with Product with Serializable

  34. case class CollectHashSetFunction(expr: Seq[Expression], base: AggregateExpression) extends AggregateFunction with Product with Serializable

  35. case class CombineSets(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends BinaryExpression with Product with Serializable

    Combines the elements of two sets.

    Combines the elements of two sets. For performance, this expression mutates its left input set during evaluation.

  36. case class CombineSetsAndCount(inputSet: Expression) extends AggregateExpression with Product with Serializable

  37. case class CombineSetsAndCountFunction(inputSet: Expression, base: AggregateExpression) extends AggregateFunction with Product with Serializable

  38. case class Contains(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends BinaryExpression with StringComparison with Product with Serializable

    A function that returns true if the string left contains the string right.

  39. case class Count(child: Expression) extends PartialAggregate with UnaryNode[Expression] with Product with Serializable

  40. case class CountDistinct(expressions: Seq[Expression]) extends PartialAggregate with Product with Serializable

  41. case class CountDistinctFunction(expr: Seq[Expression], base: AggregateExpression) extends AggregateFunction with Product with Serializable

  42. case class CountFunction(expr: Expression, base: AggregateExpression) extends AggregateFunction with Product with Serializable

  43. case class CountSet(child: Expression) extends UnaryExpression with Product with Serializable

    Returns the number of elements in the input set.

  44. case class CreateArray(children: Seq[Expression]) extends Expression with Product with Serializable

    Returns an Array containing the evaluation of all children expressions.

  45. case class Divide(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends BinaryArithmetic with Product with Serializable

  46. class DynamicRow extends GenericRow with Dynamic

    DynamicRows use scala's Dynamic trait to emulate an ORM of in a dynamically typed language.

    DynamicRows use scala's Dynamic trait to emulate an ORM of in a dynamically typed language. Since the type of the column is not known at compile time, all attributes are converted to strings before being passed to the function.

  47. case class EndsWith(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends BinaryExpression with StringComparison with Product with Serializable

    A function that returns true if the string left ends with the string right.

  48. case class EqualNullSafe(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends BinaryComparison with Product with Serializable

  49. case class EqualTo(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends BinaryComparison with Product with Serializable

  50. case class Explode(attributeNames: Seq[String], child: Expression) extends Generator with UnaryNode[Expression] with Product with Serializable

    Given an input array produces a sequence of rows for each value in the array.

  51. case class ExprId(id: Long) extends Product with Serializable

    A globally unique (within this JVM) id for a given named expression.

    A globally unique (within this JVM) id for a given named expression. Used to identify which attribute output by a relation is being referenced in a subsequent computation.

  52. abstract class Expression extends TreeNode[Expression]

  53. case class First(child: Expression) extends PartialAggregate with UnaryNode[Expression] with Product with Serializable

  54. case class FirstFunction(expr: Expression, base: AggregateExpression) extends AggregateFunction with Product with Serializable

  55. abstract class Generator extends Expression

    An expression that produces zero or more rows given a single input row.

    An expression that produces zero or more rows given a single input row.

    Generators produce multiple output rows instead of a single value like other expressions, and thus they must have a schema to associate with the rows that are output.

    However, unlike row producing relational operators, which are either leaves or determine their output schema functionally from their input, generators can contain other expressions that might result in their modification by rules. This structure means that they might be copied multiple times after first determining their output schema. If a new output schema is created for each copy references up the tree might be rendered invalid. As a result generators must instead define a function makeOutput which is called only once when the schema is first requested. The attributes produced by this function will be automatically copied anytime rules result in changes to the Generator or its children.

  56. class GenericMutableRow extends GenericRow with MutableRow

  57. class GenericRow extends Row

    A row implementation that uses an array of objects as the underlying storage.

    A row implementation that uses an array of objects as the underlying storage. Note that, while the array is not copied, and thus could technically be mutated after creation, this is not allowed.

  58. case class GetField(child: Expression, fieldName: String) extends UnaryExpression with Product with Serializable

    Returns the value of fields in the Struct child.

  59. case class GetItem(child: Expression, ordinal: Expression) extends Expression with Product with Serializable

    Returns the item at ordinal in the Array child or the Key ordinal in Map child.

  60. case class GreaterThan(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends BinaryComparison with Product with Serializable

  61. case class GreaterThanOrEqual(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends BinaryComparison with Product with Serializable

  62. case class If(predicate: Expression, trueValue: Expression, falseValue: Expression) extends Expression with Product with Serializable

  63. case class In(value: Expression, list: Seq[Expression]) extends Expression with Predicate with Product with Serializable

    Evaluates to true if list contains value.

  64. case class InSet(value: Expression, hset: Set[Any]) extends Expression with Predicate with Product with Serializable

    Optimized version of In clause, when all filter values of In clause are static.

  65. case class InterpretedMutableProjection(expressions: Seq[Expression]) extends MutableProjection with Product with Serializable

    A MutableProjection that is calculated by calling eval on each of the specified expressions.

    A MutableProjection that is calculated by calling eval on each of the specified expressions.


    a sequence of expressions that determine the value of each column of the output row.

  66. class InterpretedProjection extends Projection

    A Projection that is calculated by calling the eval of each of the specified expressions.

  67. case class IsNotNull(child: Expression) extends Expression with Predicate with UnaryNode[Expression] with Product with Serializable

  68. case class IsNull(child: Expression) extends Expression with Predicate with UnaryNode[Expression] with Product with Serializable

  69. class JoinedRow extends Row

    A mutable wrapper that makes two rows appear as a single concatenated row.

    A mutable wrapper that makes two rows appear as a single concatenated row. Designed to be instantiated once per thread and reused.

  70. class JoinedRow2 extends Row

    JIT HACK: Replace with macros The JoinedRow class is used in many performance critical situation.

    JIT HACK: Replace with macros The JoinedRow class is used in many performance critical situation. Unfortunately, since there are multiple different types of Rows that could be stored as row1 and row2 most of the calls in the critical path are polymorphic. By creating special versions of this class that are used in only a single location of the code, we increase the chance that only a single type of Row will be referenced, increasing the opportunity for the JIT to play tricks. This sounds crazy but in benchmarks it had noticeable effects.

  71. class JoinedRow3 extends Row

    JIT HACK: Replace with macros

  72. class JoinedRow4 extends Row

    JIT HACK: Replace with macros

  73. class JoinedRow5 extends Row

    JIT HACK: Replace with macros

  74. case class Last(child: Expression) extends PartialAggregate with UnaryNode[Expression] with Product with Serializable

  75. case class LastFunction(expr: Expression, base: AggregateExpression) extends AggregateFunction with Product with Serializable

  76. abstract class LeafExpression extends Expression with LeafNode[Expression]

  77. case class LessThan(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends BinaryComparison with Product with Serializable

  78. case class LessThanOrEqual(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends BinaryComparison with Product with Serializable

  79. case class Like(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends BinaryExpression with StringRegexExpression with Product with Serializable

    Simple RegEx pattern matching function

  80. case class Literal(value: Any, dataType: DataType) extends LeafExpression with Product with Serializable

  81. case class Lower(child: Expression) extends UnaryExpression with CaseConversionExpression with Product with Serializable

    A function that converts the characters of a string to lowercase.

  82. case class MakeDecimal(child: Expression, precision: Int, scale: Int) extends UnaryExpression with Product with Serializable

    Create a Decimal from an unscaled Long value

  83. case class Max(child: Expression) extends PartialAggregate with UnaryNode[Expression] with Product with Serializable

  84. case class MaxFunction(expr: Expression, base: AggregateExpression) extends AggregateFunction with Product with Serializable

  85. case class MaxOf(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends Expression with Product with Serializable

  86. case class Min(child: Expression) extends PartialAggregate with UnaryNode[Expression] with Product with Serializable

  87. case class MinFunction(expr: Expression, base: AggregateExpression) extends AggregateFunction with Product with Serializable

  88. case class Multiply(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends BinaryArithmetic with Product with Serializable

  89. final class MutableAny extends MutableValue

  90. final class MutableBoolean extends MutableValue

  91. final class MutableByte extends MutableValue

  92. final class MutableDouble extends MutableValue

  93. final class MutableFloat extends MutableValue

  94. final class MutableInt extends MutableValue

  95. case class MutableLiteral(value: Any, dataType: DataType, nullable: Boolean = true) extends LeafExpression with Product with Serializable

  96. final class MutableLong extends MutableValue

  97. abstract class MutableProjection extends Projection

    Converts a Row to another Row given a sequence of expression that define each column of the new row.

    Converts a Row to another Row given a sequence of expression that define each column of the new row. If the schema of the input row is specified, then the given expression will be bound to that schema.

    In contrast to a normal projection, a MutableProjection reuses the same underlying row object each time an input row is added. This significantly reduces the cost of calculating the projection, but means that it is not safe to hold on to a reference to a Row after next() has been called on the Iterator that produced it. Instead, the user must call Row.copy() and hold on to the returned Row before calling next().

  98. trait MutableRow extends Row

    An extended interface to Row that allows the values for each column to be updated.

    An extended interface to Row that allows the values for each column to be updated. Setting a value through a primitive function implicitly marks that column as not null.

  99. final class MutableShort extends MutableValue

  100. abstract class MutableValue extends Serializable

    A parent class for mutable container objects that are reused when the values are changed, resulting in less garbage.

    A parent class for mutable container objects that are reused when the values are changed, resulting in less garbage. These values are held by a SpecificMutableRow.

    The following code was roughly used to generate these objects:

    val types = "Int,Float,Boolean,Double,Short,Long,Byte,Any".split(",") {tpe =>
    final class Mutable$tpe extends MutableValue {
      var value: $tpe = 0
      def boxed = if (isNull) null else value
      def update(v: Any) = value = {
        isNull = false
      def copy() = {
        val newCopy = new Mutable$tpe
        newCopy.isNull = isNull
        newCopy.value = value
    }.foreach(println) { tpe =>
      override def set$tpe(ordinal: Int, value: $tpe): Unit = {
        val currentValue = values(ordinal).asInstanceOf[Mutable$tpe]
        currentValue.isNull = false
        currentValue.value = value
      override def get$tpe(i: Int): $tpe = {
  101. abstract class NamedExpression extends Expression

  102. case class NewSet(elementType: DataType) extends LeafExpression with Product with Serializable

    Creates a new set of the specified type

  103. case class Not(child: Expression) extends UnaryExpression with Predicate with Product with Serializable

  104. case class Or(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends BinaryPredicate with Product with Serializable

  105. abstract class PartialAggregate extends AggregateExpression

    An AggregateExpression that can be partially computed without seeing all relevant tuples.

    An AggregateExpression that can be partially computed without seeing all relevant tuples. These partial evaluations can then be combined to compute the actual answer.

  106. trait Predicate extends Expression

  107. trait PredicateHelper extends AnyRef

  108. abstract class Projection extends (Row) ⇒ Row

    Converts a Row to another Row given a sequence of expression that define each column of the new row.

    Converts a Row to another Row given a sequence of expression that define each column of the new row. If the schema of the input row is specified, then the given expression will be bound to that schema.

  109. case class RLike(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends BinaryExpression with StringRegexExpression with Product with Serializable

  110. case class Remainder(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends BinaryArithmetic with Product with Serializable

  111. trait Row extends Seq[Any] with Serializable

    Represents one row of output from a relational operator.

    Represents one row of output from a relational operator. Allows both generic access by ordinal, which will incur boxing overhead for primitives, as well as native primitive access.

    It is invalid to use the native primitive interface to retrieve a value that is null, instead a user must check isNullAt before attempting to retrieve a value that might be null.

  112. class RowOrdering extends Ordering[Row]

  113. case class ScalaUdf(function: AnyRef, dataType: DataType, children: Seq[Expression]) extends Expression with Product with Serializable

    User-defined function.

    User-defined function.


    Return type of function.

  114. sealed abstract class SortDirection extends AnyRef

  115. case class SortOrder(child: Expression, direction: SortDirection) extends Expression with UnaryNode[Expression] with Product with Serializable

    An expression that can be used to sort a tuple.

    An expression that can be used to sort a tuple. This class extends expression primarily so that transformations over expression will descend into its child.

  116. final class SpecificMutableRow extends MutableRow

    A row type that holds an array specialized container objects, of type MutableValue, chosen based on the dataTypes of each column.

    A row type that holds an array specialized container objects, of type MutableValue, chosen based on the dataTypes of each column. The intent is to decrease garbage when modifying the values of primitive columns.

  117. case class SplitEvaluation(finalEvaluation: Expression, partialEvaluations: Seq[NamedExpression]) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents an aggregation that has been rewritten to be performed in two steps.

    Represents an aggregation that has been rewritten to be performed in two steps.


    an aggregate expression that evaluates to same final result as the original aggregation.


    A sequence of NamedExpressions that can be computed on partial data sets and are required to compute the finalEvaluation.

  118. case class Sqrt(child: Expression) extends UnaryExpression with Product with Serializable

  119. case class StartsWith(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends BinaryExpression with StringComparison with Product with Serializable

    A function that returns true if the string left starts with the string right.

  120. trait StringComparison extends AnyRef

    A base trait for functions that compare two strings, returning a boolean.

  121. trait StringRegexExpression extends AnyRef

  122. case class Substring(str: Expression, pos: Expression, len: Expression) extends Expression with Product with Serializable

    A function that takes a substring of its first argument starting at a given position.

    A function that takes a substring of its first argument starting at a given position. Defined for String and Binary types.

  123. case class Subtract(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends BinaryArithmetic with Product with Serializable

  124. case class Sum(child: Expression) extends PartialAggregate with UnaryNode[Expression] with Product with Serializable

  125. case class SumDistinct(child: Expression) extends AggregateExpression with UnaryNode[Expression] with Product with Serializable

  126. case class SumDistinctFunction(expr: Expression, base: AggregateExpression) extends AggregateFunction with Product with Serializable

  127. case class SumFunction(expr: Expression, base: AggregateExpression) extends AggregateFunction with Product with Serializable

  128. abstract class UnaryExpression extends Expression with UnaryNode[Expression]

  129. case class UnaryMinus(child: Expression) extends UnaryExpression with Product with Serializable

  130. case class UnscaledValue(child: Expression) extends UnaryExpression with Product with Serializable

    Return the unscaled Long value of a Decimal, assuming it fits in a Long

  131. case class Upper(child: Expression) extends UnaryExpression with CaseConversionExpression with Product with Serializable

    A function that converts the characters of a string to uppercase.

  132. case class WrapDynamic(children: Seq[Attribute]) extends Expression with Product with Serializable

    Wrap a Row as a DynamicRow.

Value Members

  1. object Ascending extends SortDirection with Product with Serializable

  2. object AttributeMap extends Serializable

    Builds a map that is keyed by an Attribute's expression id.

    Builds a map that is keyed by an Attribute's expression id. Using the expression id allows values to be looked up even when the attributes used differ cosmetically (i.e., the capitalization of the name, or the expected nullability).

  3. object AttributeSet extends Serializable

  4. object BindReferences extends Logging

  5. object Cast extends Serializable

  6. object Descending extends SortDirection with Product with Serializable

  7. object DynamicType extends DataType with Product with Serializable

    The data type representing DynamicRow values.

  8. object EmptyRow extends Row

    A row with no data.

    A row with no data. Calling any methods will result in an error. Can be used as a placeholder.

  9. object IntegerLiteral

    Extractor for retrieving Int literals.

  10. object InterpretedPredicate

  11. object Literal extends Serializable

  12. object NamedExpression

  13. object Rand extends LeafExpression with Product with Serializable

  14. object Row extends Serializable

  15. package codegen

    A collection of generators that build custom bytecode at runtime for performing the evaluation of catalyst expression.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
