



package logical

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class Aggregate(groupingExpressions: Seq[Expression], aggregateExpressions: Seq[NamedExpression], child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode with Product with Serializable

  2. case class AppendColumns(func: (Any) ⇒ Any, deserializer: Expression, serializer: Seq[NamedExpression], child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode with Product with Serializable


    A relation produced by applying func to each element of the child, concatenating the resulting columns at the end of the input row.

    A relation produced by applying func to each element of the child, concatenating the resulting columns at the end of the input row.


    used to extract the input to func from an input row.


    use to serialize the output of func.

  3. case class AppendColumnsWithObject(func: (Any) ⇒ Any, childSerializer: Seq[NamedExpression], newColumnsSerializer: Seq[NamedExpression], child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode with ObjectConsumer with Product with Serializable


    An optimized version of AppendColumns, that can be executed on deserialized object directly.

  4. abstract class BinaryNode extends LogicalPlan


    A logical plan node with a left and right child.

  5. case class BroadcastHint(child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode with Product with Serializable


    A hint for the optimizer that we should broadcast the child if used in a join operator.

  6. case class CoGroup(func: (Any, Iterator[Any], Iterator[Any]) ⇒ TraversableOnce[Any], keyDeserializer: Expression, leftDeserializer: Expression, rightDeserializer: Expression, leftGroup: Seq[Attribute], rightGroup: Seq[Attribute], leftAttr: Seq[Attribute], rightAttr: Seq[Attribute], outputObjAttr: Attribute, left: LogicalPlan, right: LogicalPlan) extends BinaryNode with ObjectProducer with Product with Serializable


    A relation produced by applying func to each grouping key and associated values from left and right children.

  7. trait Command extends LeafNode


    A logical node that represents a non-query command to be executed by the system.

    A logical node that represents a non-query command to be executed by the system. For example, commands can be used by parsers to represent DDL operations. Commands, unlike queries, are eagerly executed.

  8. case class DeserializeToObject(deserializer: Expression, outputObjAttr: Attribute, child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode with ObjectProducer with Product with Serializable


    Takes the input row from child and turns it into object using the given deserializer expression.

  9. case class Distinct(child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode with Product with Serializable


    Returns a new logical plan that dedups input rows.

  10. case class Except(left: LogicalPlan, right: LogicalPlan) extends SetOperation with Product with Serializable

  11. case class Expand(projections: Seq[Seq[Expression]], output: Seq[Attribute], child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode with Product with Serializable


    Apply a number of projections to every input row, hence we will get multiple output rows for an input row.

    Apply a number of projections to every input row, hence we will get multiple output rows for an input row.


    to apply


    of all projections.



  12. case class Filter(condition: Expression, child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode with PredicateHelper with Product with Serializable

  13. case class FlatMapGroupsInR(func: Array[Byte], packageNames: Array[Byte], broadcastVars: Array[Broadcast[AnyRef]], inputSchema: StructType, outputSchema: StructType, keyDeserializer: Expression, valueDeserializer: Expression, groupingAttributes: Seq[Attribute], dataAttributes: Seq[Attribute], outputObjAttr: Attribute, child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode with ObjectProducer with Product with Serializable

  14. case class Generate(generator: Generator, join: Boolean, outer: Boolean, qualifier: Option[String], generatorOutput: Seq[Attribute], child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode with Product with Serializable


    Applies a Generator to a stream of input rows, combining the output of each into a new stream of rows.

    Applies a Generator to a stream of input rows, combining the output of each into a new stream of rows. This operation is similar to a flatMap in functional programming with one important additional feature, which allows the input rows to be joined with their output.


    the generator expression


    when true, each output row is implicitly joined with the input tuple that produced it.


    when true, each input row will be output at least once, even if the output of the given generator is empty. outer has no effect when join is false.


    Qualifier for the attributes of generator(UDTF)


    The output schema of the Generator.


    Children logical plan node

  15. case class GlobalLimit(limitExpr: Expression, child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode with Product with Serializable

  16. case class GroupingSets(bitmasks: Seq[Int], groupByExprs: Seq[Expression], child: LogicalPlan, aggregations: Seq[NamedExpression]) extends UnaryNode with Product with Serializable


    A GROUP BY clause with GROUPING SETS can generate a result set equivalent to generated by a UNION ALL of multiple simple GROUP BY clauses.

    A GROUP BY clause with GROUPING SETS can generate a result set equivalent to generated by a UNION ALL of multiple simple GROUP BY clauses.

    We will transform GROUPING SETS into logical plan Aggregate(.., Expand) in Analyzer


    A list of bitmasks, each of the bitmask indicates the selected GroupBy expressions


    The Group By expressions candidates, take effective only if the associated bit in the bitmask set to 1.


    Child operator


    The Aggregation expressions, those non selected group by expressions will be considered as constant null if it appears in the expressions

  17. case class InsertIntoTable(table: LogicalPlan, partition: Map[String, Option[String]], child: LogicalPlan, overwrite: Boolean, ifNotExists: Boolean) extends LogicalPlan with Product with Serializable

  18. case class Intersect(left: LogicalPlan, right: LogicalPlan) extends SetOperation with Product with Serializable

  19. case class Join(left: LogicalPlan, right: LogicalPlan, joinType: JoinType, condition: Option[Expression]) extends BinaryNode with PredicateHelper with Product with Serializable

  20. abstract class LeafNode extends LogicalPlan


    A logical plan node with no children.

  21. case class LocalLimit(limitExpr: Expression, child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode with Product with Serializable

  22. case class LocalRelation(output: Seq[Attribute], data: Seq[InternalRow] = Nil) extends LeafNode with MultiInstanceRelation with Product with Serializable

  23. abstract class LogicalPlan extends QueryPlan[LogicalPlan] with Logging

  24. case class MapElements(func: AnyRef, outputObjAttr: Attribute, child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode with ObjectConsumer with ObjectProducer with Product with Serializable


    A relation produced by applying func to each element of the child.

  25. case class MapGroups(func: (Any, Iterator[Any]) ⇒ TraversableOnce[Any], keyDeserializer: Expression, valueDeserializer: Expression, groupingAttributes: Seq[Attribute], dataAttributes: Seq[Attribute], outputObjAttr: Attribute, child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode with ObjectProducer with Product with Serializable


    Applies func to each unique group in child, based on the evaluation of groupingAttributes.

    Applies func to each unique group in child, based on the evaluation of groupingAttributes. Func is invoked with an object representation of the grouping key an iterator containing the object representation of all the rows with that key.


    used to extract the key object for each group.


    used to extract the items in the iterator from an input row.

  26. case class MapPartitions(func: (Iterator[Any]) ⇒ Iterator[Any], outputObjAttr: Attribute, child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode with ObjectConsumer with ObjectProducer with Product with Serializable


    A relation produced by applying func to each partition of the child.

  27. case class MapPartitionsInR(func: Array[Byte], packageNames: Array[Byte], broadcastVars: Array[Broadcast[AnyRef]], inputSchema: StructType, outputSchema: StructType, outputObjAttr: Attribute, child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode with ObjectConsumer with ObjectProducer with Product with Serializable


    A relation produced by applying a serialized R function func to each partition of the child.

  28. trait ObjectConsumer extends UnaryNode


    A trait for logical operators that consumes domain objects as input.

    A trait for logical operators that consumes domain objects as input. The output of its child must be a single-field row containing the input object.

  29. trait ObjectProducer extends LogicalPlan


    A trait for logical operators that produces domain objects as output.

    A trait for logical operators that produces domain objects as output. The output of this operator is a single-field safe row containing the produced object.

  30. case class Pivot(groupByExprs: Seq[NamedExpression], pivotColumn: Expression, pivotValues: Seq[Literal], aggregates: Seq[Expression], child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode with Product with Serializable

  31. case class Project(projectList: Seq[NamedExpression], child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode with Product with Serializable

  32. case class Range(start: Long, end: Long, step: Long, numSlices: Option[Int], output: Seq[Attribute]) extends LeafNode with MultiInstanceRelation with Product with Serializable

  33. abstract class RedistributeData extends UnaryNode


    Performs a physical redistribution of the data.

    Performs a physical redistribution of the data. Used when the consumer of the query result have expectations about the distribution and ordering of partitioned input data.

  34. case class Repartition(numPartitions: Int, shuffle: Boolean, child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode with Product with Serializable


    Returns a new RDD that has exactly numPartitions partitions.

    Returns a new RDD that has exactly numPartitions partitions. Differs from RepartitionByExpression as this method is called directly by DataFrame's, because the user asked for coalesce or repartition. RepartitionByExpression is used when the consumer of the output requires some specific ordering or distribution of the data.

  35. case class RepartitionByExpression(partitionExpressions: Seq[Expression], child: LogicalPlan, numPartitions: Option[Int] = None) extends RedistributeData with Product with Serializable


    This method repartitions data using Expressions into numPartitions, and receives information about the number of partitions during execution.

    This method repartitions data using Expressions into numPartitions, and receives information about the number of partitions during execution. Used when a specific ordering or distribution is expected by the consumer of the query result. Use Repartition for RDD-like coalesce and repartition. If numPartitions is not specified, the number of partitions will be the number set by spark.sql.shuffle.partitions.

  36. case class ReturnAnswer(child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode with Product with Serializable


    When planning take() or collect() operations, this special node that is inserted at the top of the logical plan before invoking the query planner.

    When planning take() or collect() operations, this special node that is inserted at the top of the logical plan before invoking the query planner.

    Rules can pattern-match on this node in order to apply transformations that only take effect at the top of the logical query plan.

  37. case class Sample(lowerBound: Double, upperBound: Double, withReplacement: Boolean, seed: Long, child: LogicalPlan)(isTableSample: Boolean = false) extends UnaryNode with Product with Serializable


    Sample the dataset.

    Sample the dataset.


    Lower-bound of the sampling probability (usually 0.0)


    Upper-bound of the sampling probability. The expected fraction sampled will be ub - lb.


    Whether to sample with replacement.


    the random seed


    the LogicalPlan


    Is created from TABLESAMPLE in the parser.

  38. case class ScriptInputOutputSchema(inputRowFormat: Seq[(String, String)], outputRowFormat: Seq[(String, String)], inputSerdeClass: Option[String], outputSerdeClass: Option[String], inputSerdeProps: Seq[(String, String)], outputSerdeProps: Seq[(String, String)], recordReaderClass: Option[String], recordWriterClass: Option[String], schemaLess: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable


    Input and output properties when passing data to a script.

    Input and output properties when passing data to a script. For example, in Hive this would specify which SerDes to use.

  39. case class ScriptTransformation(input: Seq[Expression], script: String, output: Seq[Attribute], child: LogicalPlan, ioschema: ScriptInputOutputSchema) extends UnaryNode with Product with Serializable


    Transforms the input by forking and running the specified script.

    Transforms the input by forking and running the specified script.


    the set of expression that should be passed to the script.


    the command that should be executed.


    the attributes that are produced by the script.


    the input and output schema applied in the execution of the script.

  40. case class SerializeFromObject(serializer: Seq[NamedExpression], child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode with ObjectConsumer with Product with Serializable


    Takes the input object from child and turns it into unsafe row using the given serializer expression.

  41. abstract class SetOperation extends BinaryNode

  42. case class Sort(order: Seq[SortOrder], global: Boolean, child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode with Product with Serializable



    The ordering expressions


    True means global sorting apply for entire data set, False means sorting only apply within the partition.


    Child logical plan

  43. case class SortPartitions(sortExpressions: Seq[SortOrder], child: LogicalPlan) extends RedistributeData with Product with Serializable

  44. case class SubqueryAlias(alias: String, child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode with Product with Serializable

  45. abstract class UnaryNode extends LogicalPlan


    A logical plan node with single child.

  46. case class Union(children: Seq[LogicalPlan]) extends LogicalPlan with Product with Serializable

  47. case class Window(windowExpressions: Seq[NamedExpression], partitionSpec: Seq[Expression], orderSpec: Seq[SortOrder], child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode with Product with Serializable

  48. case class With(child: LogicalPlan, cteRelations: Map[String, SubqueryAlias]) extends UnaryNode with Product with Serializable


    A container for holding named common table expressions (CTEs) and a query plan.

    A container for holding named common table expressions (CTEs) and a query plan. This operator will be removed during analysis and the relations will be substituted into child.


    The final query of this CTE.


    Queries that this CTE defined, key is the alias of the CTE definition, value is the CTE definition.

  49. case class WithWindowDefinition(windowDefinitions: Map[String, WindowSpecDefinition], child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode with Product with Serializable


Value Members

  1. object AppendColumns extends Serializable


    Factory for constructing new AppendColumn nodes.

  2. object CatalystSerde

  3. object CoGroup extends Serializable


    Factory for constructing new CoGroup nodes.

  4. object Expand extends Serializable

  5. object FlatMapGroupsInR extends Serializable


    Factory for constructing new FlatMapGroupsInR nodes.

  6. object Limit

  7. object LocalRelation extends Serializable

  8. object MapElements extends Serializable

  9. object MapGroups extends Serializable


    Factory for constructing new MapGroups nodes.

  10. object MapPartitions extends Serializable

  11. object MapPartitionsInR extends Serializable

  12. object OneRowRelation extends LeafNode with Product with Serializable


    A relation with one row.

    A relation with one row. This is used in "SELECT ..." without a from clause.

  13. object Range extends Serializable


    Factory for constructing new Range nodes.

  14. object SetOperation

  15. object Union extends Serializable


    Factory for constructing new Union nodes.
