



package objects

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class AssertNotNull(child: Expression, walkedTypePath: Seq[String] = Nil) extends UnaryExpression with NonSQLExpression with Product with Serializable


    Asserts that input values of a non-nullable child expression are not null.

    Asserts that input values of a non-nullable child expression are not null.

    Note that there are cases where child.nullable == true, while we still need to add this assertion. Consider a nullable column s whose data type is a struct containing a non-nullable Int field named i. Expression s.i is nullable because s can be null. However, for all non-null s, s.i can't be null.

  2. case class CreateExternalRow(children: Seq[Expression], schema: StructType) extends Expression with NonSQLExpression with Product with Serializable


    Constructs a new external row, using the result of evaluating the specified expressions as content.

    Constructs a new external row, using the result of evaluating the specified expressions as content.


    A list of expression to use as content of the external row.

  3. case class DecodeUsingSerializer[T](child: Expression, tag: ClassTag[T], kryo: Boolean) extends UnaryExpression with NonSQLExpression with Product with Serializable


    Serializes an input object using a generic serializer (Kryo or Java).

    Serializes an input object using a generic serializer (Kryo or Java). Note that the ClassTag is not an implicit parameter because TreeNode cannot copy implicit parameters.


    if true, use Kryo. Otherwise, use Java.

  4. case class EncodeUsingSerializer(child: Expression, kryo: Boolean) extends UnaryExpression with NonSQLExpression with Product with Serializable


    Serializes an input object using a generic serializer (Kryo or Java).

    Serializes an input object using a generic serializer (Kryo or Java).


    if true, use Kryo. Otherwise, use Java.

  5. case class ExternalMapToCatalyst extends UnaryExpression with NonSQLExpression with Product with Serializable


    Converts a Scala/Java map object into catalyst format, by applying the key/value converter when iterate the map.

  6. case class GetExternalRowField(child: Expression, index: Int, fieldName: String) extends UnaryExpression with NonSQLExpression with Product with Serializable


    Returns the value of field at index index from the external row child.

    Returns the value of field at index index from the external row child. This class can be viewed as GetStructField for Rows instead of InternalRows.

    Note that the input row and the field we try to get are both guaranteed to be not null, if they are null, a runtime exception will be thrown.

  7. case class InitializeJavaBean(beanInstance: Expression, setters: Map[String, Expression]) extends Expression with NonSQLExpression with Product with Serializable


    Initialize a Java Bean instance by setting its field values via setters.

  8. case class Invoke(targetObject: Expression, functionName: String, dataType: DataType, arguments: Seq[Expression] = Nil, propagateNull: Boolean = true, returnNullable: Boolean = true) extends Expression with InvokeLike with Product with Serializable


    Calls the specified function on an object, optionally passing arguments.

    Calls the specified function on an object, optionally passing arguments. If the targetObject expression evaluates to null then null will be returned.

    In some cases, due to erasure, the schema may expect a primitive type when in fact the method is returning java.lang.Object. In this case, we will generate code that attempts to unbox the value automatically.


    An expression that will return the object to call the method on.


    The name of the method to call.


    The expected return type of the function.


    An optional list of expressions, whos evaluation will be passed to the function.


    When true, and any of the arguments is null, null will be returned instead of calling the function.


    When false, indicating the invoked method will always return non-null value.

  9. trait InvokeLike extends Expression with NonSQLExpression


    Common base class for StaticInvoke, Invoke, and NewInstance.

  10. case class LambdaVariable(value: String, isNull: String, dataType: DataType, nullable: Boolean = true) extends LeafExpression with Unevaluable with NonSQLExpression with Product with Serializable


    A placeholder for the loop variable used in MapObjects.

    A placeholder for the loop variable used in MapObjects. This should never be constructed manually, but will instead be passed into the provided lambda function.

  11. case class MapObjects extends Expression with NonSQLExpression with Product with Serializable


    Applies the given expression to every element of a collection of items, returning the result as an ArrayType or ObjectType.

    Applies the given expression to every element of a collection of items, returning the result as an ArrayType or ObjectType. This is similar to a typical map operation, but where the lambda function is expressed using catalyst expressions.

    The type of the result is determined as follows: - ArrayType - when customCollectionCls is None - ObjectType(collection) - when customCollectionCls contains a collection class

    The following collection ObjectTypes are currently supported on input: Seq, Array, ArrayData, java.util.List

  12. case class NewInstance(cls: Class[_], arguments: Seq[Expression], propagateNull: Boolean, dataType: DataType, outerPointer: Option[() ⇒ AnyRef]) extends Expression with InvokeLike with Product with Serializable


    Constructs a new instance of the given class, using the result of evaluating the specified expressions as arguments.

    Constructs a new instance of the given class, using the result of evaluating the specified expressions as arguments.


    The class to construct.


    A list of expression to use as arguments to the constructor.


    When true, if any of the arguments is null, then null will be returned instead of trying to construct the object.


    The type of object being constructed, as a Spark SQL datatype. This allows you to manually specify the type when the object in question is a valid internal representation (i.e. ArrayData) instead of an object.


    If the object being constructed is an inner class, the outerPointer for the containing class must be specified. This parameter is defined as an optional function, which allows us to get the outer pointer lazily,and it's useful if the inner class is defined in REPL.

  13. case class StaticInvoke(staticObject: Class[_], dataType: DataType, functionName: String, arguments: Seq[Expression] = Nil, propagateNull: Boolean = true) extends Expression with InvokeLike with Product with Serializable


    Invokes a static function, returning the result.

    Invokes a static function, returning the result. By default, any of the arguments being null will result in returning null instead of calling the function.


    The target of the static call. This can either be the object itself (methods defined on scala objects), or the class object (static methods defined in java).


    The expected return type of the function call


    The name of the method to call.


    An optional list of expressions to pass as arguments to the function.


    When true, and any of the arguments is null, null will be returned instead of calling the function.

  14. case class UnresolvedMapObjects(function: (Expression) ⇒ Expression, child: Expression, customCollectionCls: Option[Class[_]] = None) extends UnaryExpression with Unevaluable with Product with Serializable


    When constructing MapObjects, the element type must be given, which may not be available before analysis.

    When constructing MapObjects, the element type must be given, which may not be available before analysis. This class acts like a placeholder for MapObjects, and will be replaced by MapObjects during analysis after the input data is resolved. Note that, ideally we should not serialize and send unresolved expressions to executors, but users may accidentally do this(e.g. mistakenly reference an encoder instance when implementing Aggregator). Here we mark function as transient because it may reference scala Type, which is not serializable. Then even users mistakenly reference unresolved expression and serialize it, it's just a performance issue(more network traffic), and will not fail.

  15. case class UnwrapOption(dataType: DataType, child: Expression) extends UnaryExpression with NonSQLExpression with ExpectsInputTypes with Product with Serializable


    Given an expression that returns on object of type Option[_], this expression unwraps the option into the specified Spark SQL datatype.

    Given an expression that returns on object of type Option[_], this expression unwraps the option into the specified Spark SQL datatype. In the case of None, the nullbit is set instead.


    The expected unwrapped option type.


    An expression that returns an Option

  16. case class ValidateExternalType(child: Expression, expected: DataType) extends UnaryExpression with NonSQLExpression with ExpectsInputTypes with Product with Serializable


    Validates the actual data type of input expression at runtime.

    Validates the actual data type of input expression at runtime. If it doesn't match the expectation, throw an exception.

  17. case class WrapOption(child: Expression, optType: DataType) extends UnaryExpression with NonSQLExpression with ExpectsInputTypes with Product with Serializable


    Converts the result of evaluating child into an option, checking both the isNull bit and (in the case of reference types) equality with null.

    Converts the result of evaluating child into an option, checking both the isNull bit and (in the case of reference types) equality with null.


    The expression to evaluate and wrap.


    The type of this option.

Value Members

  1. object ExternalMapToCatalyst extends Serializable

  2. object MapObjects extends Serializable

  3. object NewInstance extends Serializable

