

package execution

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class CreateHiveTableAsSelectCommand(tableDesc: CatalogTable, query: LogicalPlan, mode: SaveMode) extends LeafNode with RunnableCommand with Product with Serializable

    Create table and insert the query result into it.

  2. class HiveFileFormat extends FileFormat with DataSourceRegister with Logging

    FileFormat for writing Hive tables.

  3. class HiveOptions extends Serializable

    Options for the Hive data source.

  4. class HiveOutputWriter extends OutputWriter with HiveInspectors

  5. case class HiveScriptIOSchema(inputRowFormat: Seq[(String, String)], outputRowFormat: Seq[(String, String)], inputSerdeClass: Option[String], outputSerdeClass: Option[String], inputSerdeProps: Seq[(String, String)], outputSerdeProps: Seq[(String, String)], recordReaderClass: Option[String], recordWriterClass: Option[String], schemaLess: Boolean) extends HiveInspectors with Product with Serializable

    The wrapper class of Hive input and output schema properties

  6. case class InsertIntoHiveTable(table: CatalogTable, partition: Map[String, Option[String]], query: LogicalPlan, overwrite: Boolean, ifPartitionNotExists: Boolean) extends LeafNode with RunnableCommand with Product with Serializable

    Command for writing data out to a Hive table.

  7. case class ScriptTransformationExec(input: Seq[Expression], script: String, output: Seq[Attribute], child: SparkPlan, ioschema: HiveScriptIOSchema) extends SparkPlan with UnaryExecNode with Product with Serializable

    Transforms the input by forking and running the specified script.

Value Members

  1. object HiveOptions extends Serializable

  2. object HiveScriptIOSchema extends Serializable
