Package org.apereo.cas.authentication.handler

The handler package contains the classes used to authenticate a user. It contains the AuthenticationHandler interface which is used to validate credential. It also contains the PasswordEncoders which are used by implementations of the AuthenticationHandler to provide conversion from plain text to whatever the password is encoded as in the data store. The package also contains a well-defined exception hierarchy to allow fine-grained error messages to be displayed. Examples of AuthenticationHandlers implementations:
  • If the credential are a Userid and Password, then it submits them to an external Kerberos, LDAP, or JDBC authority for validation.
  • If the credential are a Certificate, then it verifies the Issuer chain against some list of reliable CAs, checks the date to make sure it hasn't expired, and checks the CRL to make sure it wasn't revoked.
  • If authentication has been done by the Servlet Container or by a Filter, then the Credentials have been extracted from the HttpRequest object. Notably, this will include the REMOTE_USER. Such Credentials are implicitly trusted and self validating, so an AuthenticationHandler recognizing such an object will indicate that it is valid without inspecting its contents.