Class Options

  • public class Options
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • Options

        public Options()
        Use builder() instead.
      • Options

        public Options​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> options)
        Use builder() instead.
    • Method Detail

      • builder

        public static OptionsBuilder builder()
        Empty OptionsBuilder instance.
      • setInPlace

        public void setInPlace​(boolean inPlace)
      • setAttributes

        public void setAttributes​(Attributes attributes)
      • setAttributes

        public void setAttributes​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> attributes)
      • setStandalone

        public void setStandalone​(boolean standalone)
        Toggle including header and footer into the output.
        standalone - true to generate a standalone output document (which includes the shell around the body content, such as the header and footer). Defaults to true when converting a file only, otherwise is false.
      • setHeaderFooter

        public void setHeaderFooter​(boolean headerFooter)
        Toggle including header and footer into the output.
        headerFooter - If true, include header and footer into the output, otherwise exclude them. This overrides any output-specific defaults.
      • setTemplateDirs

        public void setTemplateDirs​(java.lang.String... templateDirs)
      • setTemplateEngine

        public void setTemplateEngine​(java.lang.String templateEngine)
      • setToFile

        public void setToFile​(java.lang.String toFile)
        Enable writing output to a file. The file includes header and footer by default.
        toFile - The path to the output file. If the path is not absolute, it is interpreted relative to what was set via setToDir(String)} or setBaseDir(String)}, in that order.
      • setToStream

        public void setToStream​( toStream)
      • setToFile

        public void setToFile​(boolean toFile)
        Toogle writing output to a file.
        toFile - If true, write output to a file in the same directory as the input file, including header and footer into the output. If false, return output as a string without any header or footer. The default header and footer visibility can be overridden using setHeaderFooter(boolean).
      • setToDir

        public void setToDir​(java.lang.String toDir)
      • setMkDirs

        public void setMkDirs​(boolean mkDirs)
      • setSafe

        public void setSafe​(SafeMode safeMode)
        Safe method calls safeMode.getLevel() to put the required level.
        safeMode - enum.
      • setSourcemap

        public void setSourcemap​(boolean sourcemap)
        Keeps track of the file and line number for each parsed block. (Useful for tooling applications where the association between the converted output and the source file is important).
        sourcemap - value.
      • setEruby

        public void setEruby​(java.lang.String eruby)
      • setCatalogAssets

        public void setCatalogAssets​(boolean catalogAssets)
        If true, tells the parser to capture images and links in the reference table. (Normally only IDs, footnotes and indexterms are included). The reference table is available via the references property on the document AST object. (Experimental).
        catalogAssets - value.
      • setCompact

        public void setCompact​(boolean compact)
      • setDestinationDir

        public void setDestinationDir​(java.lang.String destinationDir)
        Use setToDir(String) instead.
        Destination output directory.
        destinationDir - destination directory.
      • setSourceDir

        public void setSourceDir​(java.lang.String srcDir)
      • setBackend

        public void setBackend​(java.lang.String backend)
      • setDocType

        public void setDocType​(java.lang.String docType)
      • setBaseDir

        public void setBaseDir​(java.lang.String baseDir)
      • setTemplateCache

        public void setTemplateCache​(boolean templateCache)
      • setParse

        public void setParse​(boolean parse)
        If true, the source is parsed eagerly (i.e., as soon as the source is passed to the load or load_file API). If false, parsing is deferred until the parse method is explicitly invoked.
        parse - value.
      • setParseHeaderOnly

        public void setParseHeaderOnly​(boolean parseHeaderOnly)
      • setOption

        public void setOption​(java.lang.String optionName,
                              java.lang.Object optionValue)
      • map

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> map()
        For internal use only.