Interface AfterAssertionErrorCollected

    • Method Detail

      • onAssertionErrorCollected

        void onAssertionErrorCollected​(AssertionError assertionError)
        This method is called after each AssertionError is collected by soft assertions (you can't prevent the error to be collected).

        SoftAssertionsProvider provides a do-nothing implementation which you can override in your own custom soft assertions class.
        Note that your custom soft assertions class must extend AbstractSoftAssertions as this is where the actual soft assertion errors collection is implemented.

        If you just use the standard soft assertions classes provided by AssertJ, you can register your callback with AbstractSoftAssertions.setAfterAssertionErrorCollected(AfterAssertionErrorCollected).

        Example with custom soft assertions:

         class TolkienSoftAssertions extends SoftAssertions {
           public TolkienHeroesAssert assertThat(TolkienHero actual) {
             return proxy(TolkienHeroesAssert.class, TolkienHero.class, actual);
           public void onAssertionErrorCollected(AssertionError assertionError) {
         TolkienSoftAssertions softly = new TolkienSoftAssertions();
         TolkienCharacter frodo = TolkienCharacter.of("Frodo", 33, HOBBIT);
         // the AssertionError corresponding to this failing assertion is printed to the console.

        Example with standard soft assertions:

         SoftAssertions softly = new SoftAssertions();
         // register our callback
         softly.setAfterAssertionErrorCollected(error -> System.out.println(error));
         // the AssertionError corresponding to this failing assertion is printed to the console.
         softly.assertThat("The Beatles").isEqualTo("The Rolling Stones");
        assertionError - the collected AssertionError.