Class AbstractSoftAssertions

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractSoftAssertions

        protected AbstractSoftAssertions()
    • Method Detail

      • proxy

        public <SELF extends Assert<? extends SELF,​? extends ACTUAL>,​ACTUAL> SELF proxy​(Class<SELF> assertClass,
                                                                                                    Class<ACTUAL> actualClass,
                                                                                                    ACTUAL actual)
        Description copied from interface: SoftAssertionsProvider
        Creates a proxied assertion class of the given type. The returned value is an assertion object compatible with the supplied assertion class, but instead of throwing errors it will collect them and store.
        Specified by:
        proxy in interface SoftAssertionsProvider
        Type Parameters:
        SELF - The type of the assertion class
        ACTUAL - The type of the object-under-test
        assertClass - Class instance for the assertion type.
        actualClass - Class instance for the type of the object-under-test.
        actual - The actual object-under-test.
        A proxied assertion class for the given object-under-test.
      • fail

        public <T> T fail​(String failureMessage)
        Fails with the given message.
        Type Parameters:
        T - dummy return value type
        failureMessage - error message.
        nothing, it's just to be used in doSomething(optional.orElse(() -> fail("boom")));.
        2.6.0 / 3.6.0
      • fail

        public <T> T fail​(String failureMessage,
                          Object... args)
        Fails with the given message built like String.format(String, Object...).
        Type Parameters:
        T - dummy return value type
        failureMessage - error message.
        args - Arguments referenced by the format specifiers in the format string.
        nothing, it's just to be used in doSomething(optional.orElse(() -> fail("boom")));.
        2.6.0 / 3.6.0
      • fail

        public <T> T fail​(String failureMessage,
                          Throwable realCause)
        Fails with the given message and with the Throwable that caused the failure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - dummy return value type
        failureMessage - error message.
        realCause - cause of the error.
        nothing, it's just to be used in doSomething(optional.orElse(() -> fail("boom")));.
        2.6.0 / 3.6.0
      • failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown

        public void failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown​(Class<? extends Throwable> throwableClass)
        Fails with a message explaining that a Throwable of given class was expected to be thrown but had not been.
        throwableClass - the Throwable class that was expected to be thrown.
        AssertionError - with a message explaining that a Throwable of given class was expected to be thrown but had not been.
        2.6.0 / 3.6.0 Fail.shouldHaveThrown(Class) can be used as a replacement.
      • shouldHaveThrown

        public void shouldHaveThrown​(Class<? extends Throwable> throwableClass)
        Fails with a message explaining that a Throwable of given class was expected to be thrown but had not been.
        throwableClass - the Throwable class that was expected to be thrown.
        AssertionError - with a message explaining that a Throwable of given class was expected to be thrown but had not been.
        2.6.0 / 3.6.0
      • errorsCollected

        public List<Throwable> errorsCollected()
        Returns a copy of list of soft assertions collected errors.
        a copy of list of soft assertions collected errors.