Class AssertionMatcher<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the type of the object to test
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.hamcrest.Matcher<T>, org.hamcrest.SelfDescribing

    public abstract class AssertionMatcher<T>
    extends org.hamcrest.BaseMatcher<T>
    Generic Hamcrest Matcher that reuses AssertJ assertions.

    Overriding classes should only implement assertion(Object) method as Matcher.matches(Object) and SelfDescribing.describeTo(Description) are provided.

    If the matcher fails, the description will contain the stacktrace of the first failed assertion.

    Example with Mockito:

     verify(customerRepository).save(argThat(new AssertionMatcher<Customer>() {
         public void assertion(Customer actual) throws AssertionError {
    2.7.0 / 3.7.0
    Tomasz KalkosiƄski
    • Constructor Detail

      • AssertionMatcher

        public AssertionMatcher()
    • Method Detail

      • matches

        public boolean matches​(Object argument)
      • assertion

        public abstract void assertion​(T actual)
                                throws AssertionError
        Perform the assertions implemented in this method when the AssertionMatcher is used as an Hamcrest Matcher. If the matcher fails, the description will contain the stacktrace of the first failed assertion.

        Example with Mockito:

         verify(customerRepository).save(argThat(new AssertionMatcher<Customer>() {
             public void assertion(Customer actual) throws AssertionError {
        actual - assertion object
        AssertionError - if the assertion object fails assertion
      • describeTo

        public void describeTo​(org.hamcrest.Description description)