Class Introspection

    • Constructor Detail

      • Introspection

        private Introspection()
    • Method Detail

      • getPropertyGetter

        public static Method getPropertyGetter​(String propertyName,
                                               Object target)
        Returns the getter Method for a property matching the given name in the given object.
        propertyName - the given property name.
        target - the given object.
        the getter Method for a property matching the given name in the given object.
        NullPointerException - if the given property name is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given property name is empty.
        NullPointerException - if the given object is null.
        IntrospectionError - if the getter for the matching property cannot be found or accessed.
      • setExtractBareNamePropertyMethods

        public static void setExtractBareNamePropertyMethods​(boolean barenamePropertyMethods)
      • canExtractBareNamePropertyMethods

        public static boolean canExtractBareNamePropertyMethods()
      • propertyNotFoundErrorMessage

        private static String propertyNotFoundErrorMessage​(String message,
                                                           String propertyName,
                                                           Object target)
      • isValidGetter

        private static boolean isValidGetter​(Method method)