Class MemberUtils

  • abstract class MemberUtils
    extends Object
    Shameless copy from Apache commons lang and then modified to keep only the interesting stuff for AssertJ. Contains common code for working with Methods/Constructors, extracted and refactored from MethodUtils when it was imported from Commons BeanUtils.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MemberUtils

    • Method Detail

      • setAccessibleWorkaround

        static void setAccessibleWorkaround​(AccessibleObject o)
        XXX Default access superclass workaround When a public class has a default access superclass with public members, these members are accessible. Calling them from compiled code works fine. Unfortunately, on some JVMs, using reflection to invoke these members seems to (wrongly) prevent access even when the modifier is public. Calling setAccessible(true) solves the problem but will only work from sufficiently privileged code. Better workarounds would be gratefully accepted.
        o - the AccessibleObject to set as accessible
      • isPackageAccess

        static boolean isPackageAccess​(int modifiers)
        Returns whether a given set of modifiers implies package access.
        modifiers - to test
        true unless package/protected/private modifier detected